Technological Immortal Cultivation/C7 Redstone Bay Redstone Bay Redrock
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Technological Immortal Cultivation/C7 Redstone Bay Redstone Bay Redrock
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C7 Redstone Bay Redstone Bay Redrock

Redstone Bay, aptly named for its ubiquitous red rocks, lies in the far north of the Northern region, with the vast Northern Sea stretching out even further north. From a bird's-eye view, Redstone Bay resembles a dagger thrust from the mainland into the Northern Sea, its southern edge the only connection to the desolate Northern Wastes.

Despite the harsh environment of the Northern Wastes, Redstone Bay stands out as a place of unique hardship.


With the Northern Sea to the north, the desert to the south, and steep mountains on either side, who in their right mind would venture here for trade?


It's been thousands of years since anyone from Redstone Bay last participated in the imperial examinations.


You won't find spiritual veins or minerals here.

The sun graces the land for a mere three hours each day, ensuring that the agricultural yield is meager, barely enough for subsistence.

Though it lies by the sea, fishing is impossible due to a thick black substance that blankets the water, preventing marine life from surviving and causing harm to the skin of anyone who touches it.

The sole economic crop of Redstone Bay is the Night Soul Heart fruit, which thrives in darkness and is essential for crafting certain pills, harvested only once annually.

However, the annual onslaught of the devil tide leaves Redstone Bay defenseless, without a military presence or fortifications. Consequently, all residents must seek refuge in Fengdu City within the Northern Wastes.

The entire year's harvest of Night Soul Heart fruit is spent on the costs of seeking shelter!

Poverty and chaos reign supreme in Redstone Bay, where thugs outnumber decent folk. Desperation drives people to extreme measures, including murder and robbery, just to survive.

In essence, Redstone Bay is a forsaken land, neglected by the Divine Dynasty, with scant resources and impoverished, bewildered citizens. It's a place so desolate that not even birds bother to visit.

So, when Shen Wuyou chose Redstone Bay, many deemed him a fool. Who else but a fool would pick such a forsaken place?

No one would take it even if it were free, to avoid the daily pleas for resource support.

At this moment, a caravan is en route to Redstone Bay.

The convoy consisted of twenty armored guards, a handful of horsemen numbering five or six, and about ten servants. Each one wore a frown. They were all formerly affiliated with the House of Dawnward, backed by one of the most influential powers within the Divine Dynasty. Even the lowest servant from the House could command a modicum of respect from the wealthy and influential officials and merchants in the Imperial City.

But now, due to a transfer order, they found themselves dispatched to Redstone Bay, a godforsaken place that made them feel as though they had plummeted from heaven into hell, stripping their lives of all hope.

While everyone else was grumbling and scowling, Shen Wuyou was an exception. Seated in the carriage, he leaned against the window, gazing out at the barren landscape with a smile spreading across his face, even letting out a chuckle.

"Hehe... Hehe..."

Redstone Bay, a barren wasteland, a place of despair? What a joke!

It was nothing short of a natural treasure trove! Those red rocks scattered across the ground? That was hematite, abundant and inexhaustible. The barren Lely Hills to the west were devoid of vegetation because they were rich in sulfur, nitric acid, manganese ore, and a wealth of rare earth elements. And Mount Vermilion to the east boasted uranium ore, a critical component for nuclear power plants.

But what was most crucial? To the north, Redstone Bay bordered the sea, and that thick black substance in the waters was none other than oil!

So what if there were only six hours of light each day? So what if the locals were rough and bandits roamed freely? So what if the devil tide was a mere three months away?

What did any of that matter compared to the wealth of resources at hand?

When he first stumbled upon the mention of Redstone Bay in the Divine Dynasty's geographical records, Shen Wuyou was ecstatic, nearly driven mad with excitement. He had absolute confidence that, given time, he could transform Redstone Bay into an industrial stronghold, a modernized town. Then, he could resume the construction of the nuclear power plant.

With these thoughts, Shen Wuyou's silly grin returned.

"Hehe, hehehe..."

Just then, a woman clad in red armor approached the carriage window on horseback. Her features were striking, her demeanor bold and spirited. The armor she wore did little to conceal her elegant, shapely figure, particularly her long legs... Tsk tsk, her proportions were surely a perfect thirty to seventy ratio.

"Overlord, just ahead is Redrock Town," the woman informed him.

Shen Wuyou glanced at the woman, arching an eyebrow, "Yingying, from this day forward, you shall no longer address me as Your Highness. Refer to me as Lord instead, and ensure everyone else does the same."

At the sound of "Yingying," a flicker of annoyance crossed Chiying's elegant face. Her allegiance was to the King of Dawnward, not Shen Wuyou, for whom she harbored no fondness. Were it not for him, the King of Dawnward would not be constantly undermined by other nobles. Were it not for him, the title of Crown Prince would have already been secured by the King of Dawnward.

Nevertheless, as the King of Dawnward had commanded her to protect Shen Wuyou, Chiying complied with the order.

"As you wish, my Lord," Chiying responded, spurring her horse to lead the caravan.

Before long, they entered Redrock Town, the sole settlement in Redstone Bay. Peering out the carriage window, Shen Wuyou observed that Redrock Town was in even worse disrepair than he had anticipated. Ruins and rubble were all that remained.

The townspeople made their homes among these ruins, for even if they were to rebuild, the next devil tide would simply ravage their efforts. So they settled for makeshift shelters that provided minimal protection from the elements.

The muddy streets were deserted, and the few shops that still bore their signs were shuttered. The town was enveloped in an eerie silence.

"Yingying!" Shen Wuyou called out once more.

Chiying rode up to him, inquiring, "What is it you require, my Lord?"

"I see the town's in shambles, but where are all its inhabitants? Why is there no one around?"

Shen Wuyou could overlook many things, but not the absence of people. How could they commence mining? How could they construct a nuclear power plant? How could they advance technology without a workforce?

"I shall investigate," Chiying declared, dismounting her horse and proceeding on foot. As she passed an alleyway, she encountered an old man in tattered clothes sitting by a doorway.

Initially, the old man ignored Chiying's questions, only speaking up after she tossed him a few copper coins.

After a brief exchange, Chiying returned to Shen Wuyou and reported, "My Lord, I've learned from the locals that most of the townspeople are currently at the Divine Tower. It seems they've recently captured a witch and are now preparing to execute her."

"Witch?" Shen Wuyou's interest was piqued. "Let's head over to the Divine Tower and check it out!"

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