Technological Immortal Cultivation/C8 The Devil Tide Is Coming
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Technological Immortal Cultivation/C8 The Devil Tide Is Coming
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C8 The Devil Tide Is Coming

In this world, unlike the one Shen Wuyou knew in his past life, there existed many intelligent races alongside humans. These included the Demon Race, the Spiritual Race, the Clan Riverfall, the Subhuman Race, and more. Yet, it was still the humans who occupied the continent's most fertile lands.

The humans were formidable, but their dominance was not unassailable. Each year, a devil tide would descend upon them. This devil tide was a massive invasion by the demon race, emerging from the abyssal depths, the ocean's heart, and the void's fractures, swarming like an unstoppable tide.

The origins of these demons were shrouded in mystery. Some speculated they came from another world, while others believed they dwelled beneath the earth's surface. Amidst the various theories, the relentless conflict between humans and demons persisted through the ages.

To combat the devil tide's incursions, the Auslathen Kingdom—rather, all the races of the continent—had to sacrifice countless cultivators and deplete vast resources annually. The humans' loathing for the demon race was etched into their very marrow. Even newborns would wail upon hearing the demons mentioned.

In places like Redstone Bay, where there were no defenses and no powerful cultivators, the demon race would ravage homes and slaughter kin with each devil tide. Now, having captured a woman of the demon race, the people's fury demanded her execution.

Shen Wuyou and his companions made haste toward the Divine Tower. This unique edifice, a legacy of ancient deities, housed an ancient bronze bell that would toll for three days and nights, signaling the approach of the devil tide.

The Divine Tower was the ideal setting for judgment. Shen Wuyou soon arrived at the cliffside structure overlooking the sea. There, encircled by thousands from Redrock, stood a woman bound to a wooden frame. Her complexion was ashen, her tattered garments barely clinging to her frame, and her skin marred by grievous wounds, suggesting she was on the brink of death.

A menacing one-eyed man grasped a torch and roughly pinched the woman's cheek, spitting at her before raising the torch aloft. The crowd around them erupted into shouts.

"Burn her, burn the witch to death!"

"Burn the witch to death!"

At that moment, Shen Wuyou had managed to push through to the front, escorted by Chiying.

Upon seeing the woman tied to the stake, he paused in shock.

Black hair, black eyes, and that... familiar face.

"Lin... Shi Nan!"

The fierce-looking one-eyed man was already striking a flame.

Shen Wuyou urgently yelled, "Yingying! Save her, now!"

Chiying frowned, puzzled by Shen Wuyou's command.

"This is an order!" Shen Wuyou insisted firmly.

With a click of her tongue, Chiying sprang into action. She moved with lightning speed, kicking the torch from the man's grip. A flash of red light cut through the air as the ropes binding the black-haired woman snapped. Chiying caught the woman as she fell.

The entire episode unfolded in the blink of an eye, leaving the spectators dumbfounded.

Shen Wuyou hurried over and examined the woman in Chiying's arms. Indeed, he had been mistaken; she merely resembled someone he knew. After all, how could a woman from another world appear before him?

"Is she of the demon race?" Shen Wuyou inquired.

Chiying shook her head, "No, there's no trace of demonic energy."

The crowd finally snapped out of their trance.

"You, who are you?"

"To save the witch, you must be one of her kind!"

The one-eyed man pointed accusingly at Shen Wuyou, "You cursed demons, daring to rescue one of your own, kill them!"

In an instant, the mob's eyes glinted with hostility as they closed in on Shen Wuyou and his companions.

Chiying positioned herself in front of Shen Wuyou, warning, "If anyone gets hurt, it's not on me!"

As tensions rose and a clash seemed imminent, Shen Wuyou stepped forward and produced the Redstone Bay Overlord Order from his chest, declaring loudly, "Take a good look at who I am!"

Meanwhile, the twenty guards accompanying Shen Wuyou quickly converged around him, drawing their blades and forming a protective ring.

The Overlord Token in Shen Wuyou's grasp, along with the guards clad in the standard armor of the Divine Dynasty, confirmed his identity. It was only then that the people of Redrock realized that the young man before them would be their future Overlord.

The townspeople of Redrock had momentarily ceased their assault, yet their eyes remained harsh as they looked upon Shen Wuyou, still filled with hostility. In this remote place, the Emperor's reach was weak, and the Divine Dynasty paid them little heed. Their reluctance to attack further was less about respect and more about the fear of the guards' blades.

With the situation somewhat defused, Shen Wuyou breathed a sigh of relief; now was not the time for conflict. What mattered most to him at this moment? People. Injuring them meant losing valuable labor, and without labor, development was impossible.

But with tensions running high, protecting the woman against the will of the people could spark a riot at any moment. He had to play along with their sentiments and buy time.

Shen Wuyou then declared with authority, "I am the newly appointed Overlord of Redstone Bay. From this day forward, Redstone Bay and all its people are under my governance! If this witch is to be executed, it will only be after my interrogation! I have just assumed my role today and wish to avoid bloodshed. In three days, I will host a feast for all the townsfolk, and we will pass judgment on the witch together. What say you all?"

The people of Redrock exchanged glances, murmuring among themselves, uncertain of what to do. It was then that the one-eyed man spoke up, "If the Overlord is here, then we shall follow his lead."

Upon hearing this, the crowd reluctantly agreed.

Shen Wuyou noted the one-eyed man's influence; clearly, he held sway in Redrock. He would have to make time to learn more about him.

With the immediate danger averted, Shen Wuyou approached the black-haired woman, who was barely able to keep her eyes open as she gazed back at him.

Quickly, Shen Wuyou turned to Chiying and implored, "Yingying, hand me the Elixir of Rebirth."

The wastrel!

Chiying silently cursed, retrieving the Elixir of Rebirth and passing it to Shen Wuyou.

Carefully, Shen Wuyou cleaned the grimy blood from the woman's face, gently parted her lips, and administered the Elixir of Rebirth.

For some inexplicable reason, as he made contact with the woman, Shen Wuyou experienced a peculiar stirring within his core—a warmth that ebbed and flowed.

The sensation was fleeting.

Once the woman ingested the Elixir of Rebirth, her condition seemed to slightly improve.

"What is your name?" Shen Wuyou inquired.

The woman did not respond; instead, she turned with a look of alarm towards the North Sea. Abruptly, she let out a piercing scream, exclaiming, "They're coming, they're coming!!!"

Simultaneously, the sonorous peal of the ancient bronze bell resonated from the Divine Tower.

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