Temple Of Spiritual Guard/C4 Hunting Before the Start of School
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Temple Of Spiritual Guard/C4 Hunting Before the Start of School
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C4 Hunting Before the Start of School

Mingsi left the house and rushed to Chen Ziming's room without stopping. Luckily, he didn't encounter any meteors along the way. Mingsi couldn't help but sigh. Today was really a good day.

Standing outside Ziming's house, he didn't wait for Mingsi to shout at the top of his lungs as usual. He heard the sound of people coming downstairs. After a while, the door opened. Chen Ziming rushed out as if he was flying. He had the same smile on his face as Mingsi.

"Come in!" Ziming pulled Mingsi into the room without saying anything.

Mingsi and Ziming were sitting side by side in the chair. Just now, they exchanged a piece of news that surprised both of them. It was that both of them had awakened. Ziming told Mingsi that it was also his father who helped him awaken his spirit last night.

"Guess, what kind of awakened spirit I am. " Ziming kept him in suspense.


"That's not right. "



"Time and space!"

"How is this possible!!"

"Let's not guess anymore. If we continue guessing, we will have already guessed everything. "

"It's Mu Qiling!"


Ziming smiled proudly when he saw Mingsi's expression. Mu Qi Ling?" Wood is the spirit of the earth. He took the essence of the sun and moon from above, and the Holy Land of the Great Land from below. The passage of time was eternal and endless. . . . "Ziming held an ancient skin scroll book in his hand, and was reading it in a serious manner.

Mingsi felt that it made sense. He also wanted to boast about himself, "Wind is the. . . Spirit of the heaven and earth! Uh. . . Go. . . Ah! Why did you say it so profoundly? Quick, help me find a few words too. " Mingsi really could not say it out loud.

"This book is a wood spirit book. It is specially for wood spirits to read, but there is no such book. . . . " Ziming explained. "Although I can't understand the rest of it. "

The two of them bragged and played for a while before calming down from their excitement.

"My father said that in the next month of school, many people will start to awaken their spirits!" Ziming said.

"No wonder. Mingsi suddenly understood.

Later on, Mingsi learned from Ziming that the spirit cultivator school was different from the private school they went to when they were young. The school could not go home often, but only once a year. After all, cultivation was a difficult and long thing, and it was not suitable to be interrupted and distracted.

"Ziming, I have an idea. " Mingsi suddenly said seriously.

"Speak. " Ziming saw what was happening. The ears stood up.

"Look, we can only return home once a year. Based on our past experience, we will definitely be short of money this time! And our family can't give us too much. Then, when we go to the academy in the future, won't we have to live a hard life?" Mingsi started analyzing.

"Oh. . . Right! Do you have any ideas?"

"Of course I do! Otherwise, I won't be called Hwang Mingsi!" Mingsi suddenly became excited, "We have already awakened our spirit. Father said that during this period of time, our bodies will gradually become stronger, and the book said that after awakening our spirits, there will be a transition period between mortals and cultivators. As for this transition period, Let's go hunt! Firstly, we can build a foundation to train ourselves, and secondly. . . Hehe, let's go hunt. Let's exchange for some money!"

"Hahaha, right, you're still the smart one. It's decided then!"

"Come, let's discuss the plan. "

Just like that, the two of them began to discuss in a selfless manner, planning the money-earning plan that was close to the start of the semester. From time to time, greedy laughter that emitted human nature could be heard coming from the small room. . .

On the same day, the two of them made more than ten arrows overnight. The next morning, they carried a bamboo basket on their backs and walked into the Hundred Beasts Forest. In the evening, When the sun set in the west, the two of them dragged their tired bodies and left. But on their faces. . . A satisfied smile hung on their faces. In just one day, they had fought to the point where they could only fight to the point where they were worth it in the past few days. At the same time, they also discovered that. . . After the awakening of the spirit, the strength of their bodies increased by quite a bit. Their speed had also increased, and even their endurance had increased. Although these improvements weren't much.

"A wild hare is worth one silver coin, two pheasants are worth one silver coin, and a wild boar is worth two silver coins. Two silver coins for two monkeys. Mingsi hummed a tune. In China, silver coins were divided into three types: copper coins, silver coins, and gold coins. Ten copper was equal to one silver coin, and one hundred silver was equal to one gold coin.

"Haha. " Ziming looked at the bamboo basket on Mingsi's back and carefully calculated in his heart. Finally, he and Mingsi hummed a song together.

When they returned to the Southern Suburbs, the two went to the market and sold all their prey. When they returned, they already had four silver coins on them.

"Four silver coins a day! Amazing!"

"Yeah. . . "

After a night, Mingsi's physical strength recovered again. The next morning, he and Ziming stepped into the woods again.

One day, two days. For more than a month, at the western border of the Hundred Beasts Forest, two figures often appeared.

In the past month, Mingsi and Ziming had obtained a few preys at the beginning, but later on, they had almost returned with a full haul. All of a sudden, the two of them had unknowingly accumulated more than three hundred silver coins in their little vault. This was all thanks to their enlightenment. Hunting every day was also a form of training and adaptation. Through the constant consumption and recovery of physical energy, the spiritual energy also slightly merged into the body. From there, it slowly transformed their bodies. Even though the effects were minute, it had clearly increased their harvests. If they were to meet that Two Dog Meteor Shower again, Although Mingsi was still not a match for it, he still had the strength to escape.

What made them even more satisfied was that their archery skills had also improved greatly. In the past, only two or three out of ten shots could hit him, but now there were six or seven shots. Of course, this was under the premise that they did not have much strength. If they increased their strength, their accuracy would be reduced.

Mingsi and Mingsi thought that they had done a good job. The result of this month was the best proof. At this moment, in Ziming's house, On the wooden table, there were three hundred shiny silver coins arranged neatly. Thumb sized silver coins. Both of their eyes were filled with silver coins. This should be enough for them to spend a long time.

"Let's split it, let's split it. "

"You alone. Me, one. Me, one. The two of them happily split the coins.

The two of them were incomparably excited at this moment, but looking back at the past month, Actually, it had been a lot of difficulties. Although the gains were quite great, the sacrifices were not small either. In a month, he used up more than ten arrows a day. Every few days, he had to produce a batch. It was not that they did not want to buy it, but that their master had said that making arrows was also a form of training. It was one of the basic skills of archery. Therefore, Mingsi and Ziming could only endure the pain of their hands being ground to pieces every day and make their own arrows.

Besides that, hunting also had risks. In the few days after this month, The two of them, who were filled with joy and confidence, decided to try going deeper into the forest, because they heard that the price of the prey there was higher! Who would have thought that a big wild boar would jump out? That big wild boar was ten times the size of a small wild boar, and its two tusks were several zhang long. It was extremely fierce, and the whole forest seemed to be shaking under its charge. Mingsi and Ziming were so scared that they didn't even want to run away from the bamboo basket. In the end, they returned empty-handed. He even had a few scratches on his body. Fortunately, the big wild boar did not chase after them. Otherwise, no matter how fast they ran, they would not be able to escape. It was estimated that they would lose a layer of skin and flesh.

When the two of them returned home, their intestines turned green with regret. In the end, they came to a conclusion. There are people outside, there are pigs outside! And because of this, they secretly swore that when they became stronger in the future, they would definitely come back and find trouble with this pig.

At the same time, in this one month's time, the streets of the various towns and towns in Chang'an City had become even livelier. Every family and every family, every fifteen year old child, was preparing for the start of the semester. Purchasing supplies, welcoming the start of the semester. In an instant, the already bustling big city became even more lively.

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