Tens Of Thousands Worlds Of Martial God/C65 Old Woman and Little Girl
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Tens Of Thousands Worlds Of Martial God/C65 Old Woman and Little Girl
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C65 Old Woman and Little Girl

"Eh, something's going on up ahead."

After walking around in the alley for nearly half an hour, Jiang Tao suddenly discovered something.

"Let's go take a look."

Actually, Cheng Feng had already noticed some clues before this.

The reason why Jiang Tao was able to detect any abnormalities was because Cheng Feng had deliberately guided him to do so.

Sou sou! Cheng Feng and Yue Shan quickened their pace, and quickly arrived in front of a large casting room.

In this casting room, there were many weapons and armors, but Cheng Feng's gaze did not stop on these weapons and armors.

Within the casting room, four or five male corpses were impressively lying.

These four to five male corpses should have been extremely robust before death, because their bones were very thick. However, at this moment, the skin all over their bodies was stuck to their bones, giving off a creepy feeling.

"Sucking blood? Could it be that these male corpses were sucked dry of their blood by the Blood God Cult's disciples? " Jiang Tao said in shock.

"I'm afraid so."

Cheng Feng's face also twitched slightly. "It is said that the Blood God Cult's signature martial skill, the Blood Nerve, is able to absorb all the essence from a person's body, causing them to become skin and bones. The current situation is exactly the same as the rumors."

"Swallowing the essence of a human's entire body, causing one to die a miserable death, is there any difference between this and eating a human?"

After Jiang Tao became overwhelmed with shock, he became enraged: "These bastards of Blood God Cult, they really deserve to die!"

Cheng Feng also nodded.

The demonic sect's way of doing things was indeed too cruel and tyrannical. If possible, Cheng Feng didn't mind exterminating evil to protect the Dao.

"Senior Brother Jiang, there seems to be someone alive ahead. Let's go take a look." Suddenly, Cheng Feng's ears moved, he heard a few sounds.

"There's a living person? it might be someone from the Blood God Cult. "

Jiang Tao had witnessed the bloody methods of the Blood God Cult and he was a little frustrated in his heart, hence he took the lead and walked in the direction of the source of the sound.

After exiting the casting room, Cheng Feng and Yue Yang turned around and saw an even bloodier scene.

At the corner of the street, there were seven or eight corpses lying on the ground.

There were males and females, and there were even children …

A tall and muscular man with a face full of stubble was standing beside one of the male corpses as he cried out in grief.

It was obvious that the man's corpse was a relative or friend to Stubble Man.

At this moment, that person had already been sucked dry by the Blood God Cult's disciples, so the Stubble Man was naturally grief-stricken.

"Blood God Cult, damnable Blood God Cult, your father will enter your grandmother!"

Stubble Man cursed for a moment, then a sinister look surfaced in his eyes as he stared at the two figures who were hiding in the corner.

One of them was a skinny old lady. In her arms, she was holding a Little Girl that was around seven or eight years old.

This couple, one old and one young, probably had relatives that had died here. Just as they were about to identify them, they were frightened into a ball by the Stubble Man's vicious gaze.

"Speak!" Are you two disguised Dregs of Blood God Cult? " Stubble Man walked towards the old woman and Little Girl, her killing intent causing people to tremble in fear.

"We, we... No, we... It's really not! " The old woman stammered out an excuse.

As for the Little Girl, he seemed to have been scared silly and didn't say a word.

"So what if you say so?"

I think that Stubble Man's mind must have been clouded by grief as he said to the old lady fiercely, "You trash of Blood God Cult, each and every one of you are extremely good at disguising yourself. You must be a bastard of Blood God Cult disguised, see if I don't beat you to death!"

Stubble Man roared. The Elemental Energy actually activated it and threw a punch at the old lady.

From a glance, it was obvious that the old woman and Little Girl were powerless, and Stubble Man at least had High Level of The Earth Realm. If they were struck by one fist, the old woman and Little Girl would undoubtedly die.

"Hey, you're going too far!" At this moment, Jiang Tao could no longer bear to watch any further.

Just as Stubble Man was about to land a punch on the old lady, Jiang Tao activated his blade technique.

The slash had shattered Stubble Man's fist force!

"Kid Dao Ba, do you want to die?" Jiang Tao's face was previously cut by a blade, leaving behind a long and narrow scar, which was why it was often called a scarred face.

"I think you're the one courting death, killing the innocent!" Jiang Tao had already pulled out a thin long blade in his hand, which was a top grade Profound Weapon.

"Stinky Kid, you better look carefully before speaking." Stubble Man said coldly: "This old woman is the disguise of Dregs of Blood God Cult. She ate my brother alive, I can smell his scent."

When Stubble Man said this, Jiang Tao's expression became serious.

As for the old woman, her shriveled fingers tightened.

"Senior Brother Jiang, this old woman …"

Cheng Feng was about to say something when he was interrupted by the old lady's wail: "Ah, unjustly accused. Young hero, I am."

The old woman attracted everyone's attention.


A thick cloud of smoke suddenly rose from the old woman's body!

By the time the smoke dissipated, there was only the confused Little Girl left, as for the old woman, she had already disappeared.

Clearly, there was something wrong with the old woman.

Even if he was not an official disciple of Blood God Cult, he had a close relationship with Blood God Cult.

"Chase, I can smell the lingering scent of that old bastard."

Seeing this scene, Stubble Man gave Jiang Tao a fierce glare and chased after him.

"Let's chase as well." Jiang Tao blamed himself, he wanted to chase after the old lady.

But she was stopped by Cheng Feng: "That old woman has Stubble Man chasing her, we should save her!"

"Save him?" Jiang Tao did not understand.

"This Little Girl is only seven or eight years old. If we were to chase after the old lady, she might not live more than half an hour."

"But …" Jiang Tao hesitated: "Alright!"

Jiang Tao really wanted to chase after the old lady and make up for his earlier mistake.

But saving people was also very important, and Cheng Feng's tone of voice just now was a little strange, maybe... The Little Girl also has a problem!

In fact, Jiang Tao's guess was right. Cheng Feng did indeed feel that there was a big problem with the Little Girl.

In Cheng Feng's opinion, if there was a problem with the Little Girl, it would probably be more serious than the old woman.

"Little girl, are you alright?" Cheng Feng's face revealed a kind smile, and slowly walked towards the Little Girl.

That Little Girl seemed to be scared silly, her eyes were a little dazed, and when she saw Cheng Feng approaching, she involuntarily shrank into a ball.

"Little sister, I'm not a bad person. Where are your parents? I'll send you to where your parents are." Cheng Feng said gently.

"Father... "Mom …" Little Girl sobbed softly. "No, they're all gone. The kind old granny we met just now was also scared away by you guys."

"If Mom and Dad are gone, then do you have relatives here?" Cheng Feng asked.

"My aunt is at East End." Little Girl looked at Cheng Feng with her big teary eyes: "Can brother take me to find aunt?"

"Of course."

Cheng Feng laughed and extended his hands: "Come, big brother will carry you, we will go look for your aunt together."

Initially, Little Girl was still afraid, but as Cheng Feng continued to explain in a soft voice, he gradually stopped being afraid.

Seeing Cheng Feng extend his arms, he walked over timidly.

However, although the Little Girl was not afraid, Cheng Feng was suddenly afraid.

Because as the Little Girl approached, Cheng Feng felt a poisonous snake walking towards him, causing all the pores on his body to instantly explode, his hairs stood on end.

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