Echoes of Fate/C19 True Elemental Pill Battle K3
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Echoes of Fate/C19 True Elemental Pill Battle K3
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C19 True Elemental Pill Battle K3

"Meier, what's the deal with that K3's strength?" Fei Liang inquired telepathically as he dashed toward the cluster of buildings on his left. Naturally, any Zombies in his way were swiftly converted into Boundary Energy.

"That K3 is at the Yellow Level Late Period, just a notch below you, Mr. Fei. But don't let your guard down. There's another K3 at the Profound Level Early Period, about 4,500 meters away at a 25-degree angle to your right, and it's heading this way too. You're going to need some luck, Mr. Fei," Meier said playfully, sticking out her tongue.

"Damn!" Fei Liang's brief moment of relief was cut short as anxiety gripped him again. He accelerated his pace toward the building.

"Meier, can you craft something with Boundary Energy that'll quickly restore my mental and physical strength? If so, make it now," Fei Liang urged.

Despite the recent intense battles, Fei Liang was unscathed thanks to his protective shield, but his mental and physical energies had been significantly drained. His current state was manageable unless he ran into a K3, which would be decidedly disadvantageous.

"Yes, it'll cost twenty Boundary Energy crystals to create a Level One True Origin Pill. Given your current state, Mr. Fei, you should be able to manage it," Meier responded promptly.

"Alright, go ahead and make it," Fei Liang said, wincing at the thought. Twenty Boundary Energy crystals were no small sum; in the Apocalyptic Civilization, it would take the defeat of dozens of K1s to accumulate that much.

"It's ready!" Meier announced, and a small, greyish-white pill materialized in Fei Liang's hand.

"Mr. Fei, take it now!"

Without a second thought, Fei Liang popped the pill into his mouth. The medicine worked its magic instantly, flooding him with a wave of relief and fully restoring his vitality. But a sensation of being overstuffed followed, as if he were on the verge of bursting; the pill's potency was still coursing through him, largely undissipated.

Undeterred, Fei Liang wheeled around and charged back into the fray.

As he fought his way back, Fei Liang was a force of nature, unstoppable as he carved a bloody swath through his enemies. His relentless advance was only halted when he finally came face-to-face with another K3.

"Roar! Roar!" A zombie charged toward him, its eyes a ghastly green, striking terror into the heart. Fei Liang's double strike missed its mark twice.

"Mr. Fei, you're up against a K3, with the strength of a late Yellow Level. Be careful," Meier's words were a revelation to Fei Liang.

"So it's finally come?" A smirk played on Fei Liang's lips as he watched the K3 bear down on him.

"Roar!" The K3 lunged, claws outstretched towards Fei Liang. He stood his ground, slashing with his blade, yet the K3 deftly evaded once more.

"Meier, where's the early Profound Level K3?" Fei Liang suddenly remembered to ask, his tone grave.

"That K3 seems to be malfunctioning. It's wandering about two thousand two hundred meters from your position, Mr. Fei. But you need to act fast; I'm sure it will be here shortly," Meier responded, having done a quick scan.

"What's the scanning range of the Spirit Bead?" Fei Liang inquired, though he was already turning the tide in his favor.

"Mr. Fei, the Spirit Bead's scanning range is relative to your strength. Given your current level, it's less than five thousand meters within the Spirit Bead Space, and just over two thousand meters outside. In water, the range drops to a mere tenth of that on land, and it's even less underground," Meier explained calmly.

"Why not scan at full power?" Fei Liang asked, his question a basic one.

"Full power scanning isn't something you can handle right now, Mr. Fei," Meier said with a slight pout. "At your current level, a minute of full power scanning costs two crystals of Realm Energy. As the range expands, the energy consumption will only increase. You've already used over ten crystals just scanning every ten minutes."

Fei Liang inhaled sharply. The drain on Realm Energy was substantial.

As Fei Liang was still processing this, a howl cut through the air. Another K3, this one with the strength of an early Profound Level, had arrived. It let out a fierce cry and slammed its claws against the protective shield, causing it to quiver. Fei Liang broke out in a cold sweat; had it not been for the Level 2 protective shield, his fate would have been sealed.

Fei Liang refrained from blaming Meier this time, having come to a profound realization that he must depend solely on himself in all matters.

"Damn, that's despicable!" What began as a fierce battle against a single K3 quickly escalated into a two-on-one onslaught, with occasional K2 zombies launching sneak attacks. Despite his protective shield, Fei Liang was visibly losing ground; the adversaries were overwhelmingly strong.

It's worth noting that Fei Liang was merely at the Yellow Level Late Period. Anyone else, even those at the Profound Level Early or Middle Period, would likely have been ripped to shreds by the zombies.

"Screw it, I'm going all in!" Overcome with frustration, Fei Liang threw caution to the wind and unleashed his fury on the K2 zombies, wiping them out. Then, with a swift and unexpected strike, he cleaved through the weaker K3 at the Yellow Level Late Period, severing half its body.

The zombies, led by a K3 at the Profound Level Early Period, bombarded the shield relentlessly, causing it to quiver with increased intensity.

But Fei Liang was undeterred. Closing the distance in two strides for every three, he caught up with the K3. "Hah!" he bellowed, engaging in several more exchanges before delivering a decisive blow that ended its existence—though it could hardly be called a true life.

With a fierce cry, Fei Liang, his eyes wild with frenzy, charged at the Profound Level K3.

This K3, seemingly sentient, panicked at the sight. It frantically directed the surrounding zombies to fend off Fei Liang's aggressive assault. The K3 itself dodged and weaved, counterattacking whenever it could.

"Die!" The nearby zombies didn't stand a chance. In his current state, Fei Liang was a force to be reckoned with, a match for even a Profound Level Middle Period master, let alone these zombies that were, at best, at the Yellow Level Middle Period. Zombies obstructing his path fell in droves to his blade, their essence converted into pure World Energy. Fei Liang was not one to waste even the smallest morsel, and he harvested these remnants without hesitation.

"Ah!" After clashing with K3 for over a dozen rounds, Fei Liang unleashed his full power and vanquished it with a decisive strike. By then, fewer than twenty zombies remained in his vicinity, and there were a mere three K2s left.

With renewed vigor, Fei Liang charged like a tiger barreling down the mountainside, swiftly eliminating the remaining zombies. He stood his ground, gasping for air. The battle, particularly against the formidable K3, had taken a significant toll on his stamina.

"Mr. Fei, head east—there are fewer zombies in that direction," Meier's voice echoed in Fei Liang's mind.

"Got it!" Heeding Meier's advice, Fei Liang made his way eastward. He was acutely aware that despite having cleared the immediate area of zombies, these creatures were a relentless horde. Stirring them up would only attract more, making it unwise to linger.

As for the occasional K1s that cropped up, Fei Liang wasn't concerned. He would dispatch them with ease if possible, and if not, he simply wouldn't bother. After all, could these K1s even hope to keep pace with him?

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