That Night, I Made It/C3 You asked for it
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That Night, I Made It/C3 You asked for it
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C3 You asked for it

After returning to my residence, bruised and bruised, Yao Xiao immediately carried me to the sofa and asked me what had happened.

I told her everything that had happened, and she seemed extremely angry, "How can Zhang Hongwu be like this?! This is a life saving money!"

In the next moment, she entered her bedroom and retrieved her phone to call Zhang Hongwu.

"Red Dance Sis, Chen Feng's father did indeed have a car accident, can you …"

"Yao Xiao, first clean up your butt, and then we will talk. The money you earn everyday is not even enough to pay me back the interest!"

Then, the phone rang with a beep and a blind tone.

It could be seen that Yao Xiao was very embarrassed.

She sat next to me and said in a low voice: "I'm sorry, Chen Feng. I had thought that this would at least be a way out and could save a life, but I never expected that Zhang Hongwu was actually that kind of person. I'm really sorry, she didn't even let go of the money to save a life."

I indicated to Yao Xiao that there was nothing wrong with that, moreover, she did it out of good intentions.

Suddenly, I remembered what Zhang Hongwu said about Yao Xiao not cleaning up her butt and interest. So I asked her what was wrong with her.

Yao Xiao laughed bitterly, "What happened, I was just tricked by someone."

Then she told her story.

According to Yao Xiao, she was indeed once an accountant for a business, but later on she got to know a boyfriend.

Her boyfriend suggested that she move the company's funds to speculate. Of course she wouldn't do it!

However, she was unable to endure her boyfriend's praise and sweet talk, as well as the fiction of a better future life, so she agreed.

What happened after that was tragic. She had lost all her money when she moved the stocks in the company, and the company was urging her to pay the bill.

Thus, her boyfriend brought her to find Zhang Hongwu and encouraged her to borrow money.

Yao Xiao would of course not pay the principal of five hundred thousand silver taels back in three days.

However, her boyfriend said that the family was already gathering money and would be able to gather it soon, so she didn't have to worry. Plus, the company was pressing hard, so she borrowed.

However, after she finished borrowing, she found out that her boyfriend had disappeared without a trace, and Zhang Hongwu had even forced her to return the money, otherwise she would strip her of her clothes and throw her into a pile of beggars.

It was only then that Yao Xiao took this step, and sunk into a quagmire, and it became deeper and deeper, to the point where she was unable to pull herself out.

I don't have much experience, but I'm not stupid. After hearing Yao Xiao's words, I knew that Yao Xiao had entered a trap, and this trap was definitely made by her boyfriend and Zhang Hongwu together. The money Zhang Hongwu had lent to her was obviously money that she had misappropriated.

"To put it bluntly, you don't even have any stock in you, you just directly went into Zhang Hongwu's hands. Then, she exchanged a promissory note from you, pressuring you to help her earn money, making you her money source."

Yao Xiao thought about it, and immediately understood what was going on. She was furious, and directly wanted to settle the score with Zhang Hongwu.

"You'll settle the score with her. Even if she admits to it, what can you do with her?"

Yao Xiao cried, the more she cried, the more hurt she felt, the more helpless she felt, she laid on my shoulder and cried until she was a mess.

The fullness of her chest pressed tightly against my body. It was very warm and soft, making me want to rub it with my hands. However, I didn't do it in the end. She cried too sorrowfully.

I patted her back and tried to say something to comfort her, but who would try to comfort me?

After a long while, Yao Xiao left my arms and gently wiped away her tears, saying thanks.

That night she and I were both disappointed, each of us disappointed, but both of us felt that the future was bleak, as if we had walked into an abyss.

Early the next morning, I went to the hospital to visit my father.

However, just as I entered the entrance of the hospital, I met the beauty who gave me 30,000 yuan yesterday.

"Amazing, and a battle duck at that. Fighting with someone so early in the morning and coming to the hospital with a bloody nose and a swollen face?"

I smiled bitterly, "Of course not, it's Zhang Hongwu's man."

Afterwards, I told her about Zhang Hongwu stealing money from me yesterday.

After she finished listening, she laughed lightly, "You asked for it yourself. You loved to get involved with her."

I knew that she misunderstood, but I did not say anything in the end.

After we got into the elevator, I pressed orthopedic on the eighth floor.

She was a little doubtful. "You didn't get beaten up that badly. Shouldn't you go to the surgery room?"

I shook my head. "I'm not here to see a doctor, I'm here to see my father. My father got hit in a car accident and was hospitalized on the eighth floor."

She froze for a moment, then gently nodded, no longer saying anything.

When the elevator stopped on the 8th floor, she suddenly asked: "You went to Zhang Hongwu to borrow money because of your father?"

I answered and stepped out of the elevator to say goodbye.

After coming to the ward, I visited my father. My mother's eyes were red, and she obviously cried a lot.

After a few words of consolation, I found the doctor on duty. The doctor told me that my life was no longer in danger, but that I had to raise the money to operate immediately. Otherwise, my legs would be broken and I would have to amputate my legs.

I was very anxious, but there was nothing I could do about it. My family was all poor relatives, and although each of them barely managed to gather eight thousand, hundreds of thousands of medical fees was not enough.

Just as I was panicking, Zhang Hongwu called me.

Just as he picked up the call, before he could even speak, Zhang Hongwu directly said, "Wait for me at the entrance of the hospital's lobby", and then the call ended.

After approximately half an hour, Zhang Hongwu arrived. Without saying anything, she pulled me to the payment window and swiped the card to help me pay for the surgery fee of a few hundred thousand gold coins.

"What? Your Sis Zhang helped you pay a few hundred thousand yuan in service fees. Shouldn't you be a bit grateful?"

Zhang Hongwu teased me, and I just blandly said "thank you" before going to help my father contact him regarding the operation.

As soon as I turned around, she grabbed me.

"Treat that beauty well yesterday, you won't suffer any losses."

After he finished speaking, Zhang Hongwu even purposely puffed up the chest of hers that was so proud that it looked like silk.

"As long as you serve me well, maybe Sister Zhang will be happy for me someday. It's hard to say even if I let you sleep once, kid!"

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