That Night, I Made It/C33 But i just like you
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That Night, I Made It/C33 But i just like you
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C33 But i just like you

But I just like you

Put down the chair and lie on it. Then I turned to face Lu Bunan and admired her perfect and proud little body.

She had a white neck, a full and plump body, a slender waist, long legs, tender legs … Her beauty, was not the slightest bit inferior to his sister Yu Ting.

"Stop looking, why are you still looking so blatantly!"

Lu Bunan protested coquettishly as she covered her breasts with a wet T-shirt.

I don't care, you can wear a big cotton jacket if it's not hot.

I was hot anyway, so I took my pants off, too, and wore only a pair of boxers.

Lu Bunan was embarrassed, she immediately covered her eyes and scolded me to put on her pants.

"I don't think it's fair. Why do you have to ask me to wear pants when you're bare-chested?"

Obviously, on the level of being unreasonable, Lu Bunan is not my match.

After teasing her for a while, I pulled out my cigarette and cell phone, got out of the car in my boxer shorts, and smoked a cigarette as I walked. It was still cool outside. At least the night wind was blowing.

After about half an hour, I returned to the car. At this time, Lu Bunan was only wearing his underwear and underwear.

He had wanted to tease her for a bit, but after thinking it over, he decided against it.

I told her to go out for a walk, but not stop, or the mosquitoes would eat her raw, but she refused.

Perhaps it was shyness, or perhaps it was fear. In short, I didn't get out of the car, so I didn't force her.

Turning around, I wantonly admired the charming and delicate body of the girl in front of me, causing Lu Bunan to feel uneasy.

"Buan, have you seen a naked man before?"

"Ah?" What do you want to do?! "

Lu Bunan was so shocked that she looked like a little white rabbit that had just been frightened, as she holed herself in a corner between the door and the chair.

"You're thinking too much. If I really do what I'm going to do, you'll only have the chance to cry now." What I'm trying to say is that as long as you're clean, the person in your line of sight is the same. It's like a baby. If you were carrying a baby boy, and he was completely naked, would you be shy? Obviously not. "Now, you are just a baby girl to me …"

I said a lot, but it was all for one purpose, and that was to make her relax. Only by relaxing would I have a chance to do something to her if she wanted to.

I have to say that my persuasion was effective. Lu Bunan gradually let go of her constraints and nervousness, and even took the initiative to chat with me, talking about her family, talking about her sister. This allowed me to understand Yu Ting even better, and be more confident in capturing her.

After chatting for a long while, seeing that Lu Bunan had finally let go of everything and was not restricted in the slightest, I finally got to the main point.

"Buan, I used to think that liking one person was normal, but liking two people at the same time was a bit of a lie. But it wasn't until I met you and your sister that I realized it wasn't nonsense. Your sister has your sister's personality, and you have your charisma. I really like your sister, but I can't stop myself from liking you.


It was difficult for Lu Bunan to say anything, so it was obvious that she was feeling a little awkward.

I immediately stretched out my hands, "Buan, I want to hug you."

Lu Bunan's face suddenly blushed red, "But, it's so hot … …"

It was a good reason, but I didn't accept it, didn't explain it, just held out my hands.

After that, Lu Bunan was at a loss for a long time. She got off the car, went around the front of the car, and got on top of me. The heat of it moved my heart.

I held her gently, trying to calm her nerves.

"Buan, I really like you. Even when I'm facing your sister, I can just let you go at once, but I really can't do it when I'm facing you. You are just a pure angel in my eyes, beautiful and holy.

Lu Bunan was lying on top of me, her tender and tender breath urgently ringing beside my ears, and I could even feel her small heart beating at a rapid pace.

I shouldn't have, but I don't know why, especially after knowing that you're my sister's boyfriend, I started to like you more and more. I know that's not right, but it's really hard for me to not think about you, I like the smell of you, I also like your domineering, overbearing, and I also like your gentleness and consideration. I like all of you.

After saying all of her shameful words, Lu Bunan closed her charming eyes and placed her soft and tender lips on my mouth.

After that, I became passive and took the initiative. I used my hands to caress her delicate back, tightly embraced her lips, and opened my tongue to tease her as much as I could, causing her to pant even more.

Then, without realizing it, I unbuckled her bra, made her sit up, and pressed her head against her round, plump breasts.

In an instant, the interior of the car moaned continuously, and the atmosphere was extremely charming …

Lu Bunan's beauty is so pure, beautiful to the point that I want to take her for myself, here, now, immediately!

As a result, her hands moved up her beautiful legs, from bottom to top, from outside to inside, until they touched the existence of that silky smooth underpants.

Just as I was about to take it off for her, a pair of small, white hands took hold of mine, and the voice was pleading. "No."

I raised my head and saw Lu Bunan's face, which was filled with hope but was filled with pain and entanglement.

I know, I did it. If not for Yu Ting, I would already be able to take over this beautiful body. But I also failed, only because Yu Ting was Lu Bunan's sister and I was Yu Ting's boyfriend.

I can forcefully enter, but Lu Bunan is simply unable to stop me. Furthermore, this will make her feel better in her heart, at least she didn't betray her elder sister. Furthermore, Lu Bunan would definitely not blame me after this, because she had already tacitly agreed to let this happen.

But I didn't intend to do it at all. What I needed was for her to give her body to me willingly, not to be forced by me.

"Buan, can I help you settle this? Don't worry, I won't go in."

Without waiting for Lu Bunan's reply, I immediately took action. Separated by her sexy underpants, I gently kneaded it, displaying the abilities that I had recently learned.

At the same time, I grabbed her tender white hands to help me deal with my personal needs.

She was shy at first, but this shyness soon became an instinctive need.

She moaned and trembled until her delicate body finally trembled, causing the underpants to become moist.

Then, without any deliberate control, I launched it too, hitting her perfectly round body. Then, in her great shyness, I wiped them all clean with her bra.

"You're a bad guy, a bad guy."

Lu Bunan laid on my chest with a red face, then quickly said shyly: "But I just like you … …"

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