That Night, I Made It/C38 Tell me there's a problem
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That Night, I Made It/C38 Tell me there's a problem
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C38 Tell me there's a problem

After instructing Zhang Hongwu to rest at home, I contacted him.

"dog, what are you doing?"

"Nothing, at home."

After chatting for a while, I told him about the job on Earth Crack Planet. He asked me what the work was about and I said if anyone caused trouble, you should beat him up. He agreed without even asking for his salary.

He was very satisfied with his job of beating someone up without even paying the medical fees.

I bought some things, drove home to see my parents, then picked up Wu Zhendong and headed back.

"Powerful Feng, you've already opened a Hummer, whose is it? It couldn't have been stolen right?"

I pointed at the storage box. He opened it himself and took out his travel pass. "F * * k, you're amazing bro!"

"Powerful second-hand egg."

"That's still amazing, isn't it? Five to six hundred thousand gold coins?"

I nodded, not telling him the actual price.

Then he asked me what I did and how I was so rich.

I didn't hide the truth from him, but directly told him the truth.

Wu Zhendong was stunned, "With such a small physique like you, moving a brick person is enough to take your life, and yet you still dare to do that? Even you can earn a Hummer, so at the very least, I should be able to earn a BMW. "

A company of BMWs, he really dared to think …

I explained to Wu Zhendong, "Those who rely on their bodies are the lowest class. The ones that you truly get your hands on aren't much, they aren't much different from the bricks that you talked about. The real Duck- son relies on the head, and I am a mental worker, unlike you, a manual worker. "

"What's different?"

I thought about it and told him two things. First, I was still a virgin. Second, this Hummer is mine.

Wu Zhendong was silent for a long time before finally nodding his head, "This is indeed different, I will watch the show!"

On the way, I told him about Zhang Hongwu.

"Dong Zi, help me protect me, Zhang Hongwu. She is my woman for life." With that, I looked at Wu Zhendong who was in the front passenger seat. "Can I trust you?"

Wu Zhendong was already unhappy at the time, "What do you take me for? If I had done something that would let you down, I would have completely smashed this guy who peed his pants, and I wouldn't even need you to do anything!"

I glared at Wu Zhendong, "What are you thinking, I'm just telling you to protect her well, don't let her get hurt."

Wu Zhendong fiddled with the electric chair, playing around with it as though it was a toy, "You can rest assured now, it's not a problem at all."

With his words, I felt at ease.

I was talking to him when a large truck came out of a fork in the road. The truck cut the engine halfway and blocked off the road completely.

Then, a Toyota Big Business pulled up behind me, blocking my path of retreat.

In the next moment, seven or eight people rushed out from the trucks and six or seven people rushed out from the MPs behind me. These dozen or so people were all carrying swords and sticks as they charged towards me in a threatening manner.

"I'm looking for you! Someone found out that your wife is sleeping. You're going to risk your life to chop her off!"

"You talk so much nonsense!"

Looking at the half-bald fatty, whose head was covered with bandages, I said, "Just hit him, don't be too ruthless. We don't need to care about the medical fees."

After saying that last sentence, I felt a little regretful.

Sure enough, after Wu Zhendong got off the carriage, he rushed towards the crowd of people and avoided the enemy steel pipe's attack.

Inside the car, I could hear a cracking sound, and then the hoodlum's right leg was bent at an odd angle, followed by a pig-slaughtering howl.

After locking the door and putting down the seat, I quietly listened to the music. Right now in the car, I'm watching Zhou Jie's "Double Interception".

Unfortunately, before the song could finish playing, the sound of someone tapping on the window could be heard.

I stood up. Through the front window, I could clearly see that the group of hoodlums that were previously in full fury were now all lying on the ground. Their eyes and mouths were slanted, they might not have died, but they were all injured and crying out in pain.

With a calm and composed expression on his face, Wu Zhendong pointed to the back of the car. I looked in the mirror and saw a half-bald fatty with bandages all over his head climbing into the car.

I hoisted the seat back up, then put it in reverse and stepped on the gas pedal, and the next moment the engine roared.

With a loud roar, the car backed off quickly. With a loud 'boom', it crashed into the Toyota business with a loud crash, causing the car to be smashed into a huge pit by the Hummer. Half of the car's rear end was buried in the 'belly' of the business.

"Run? Where do you think you're going?! "

Opening the door, I walked straight to the MPV, picked up a steel pipe and smashed the glass, then pulled the half-bald fatty out of the MPV like a dead dog.

"Brother, this is a misunderstanding!"

I laughed and kicked the fat man down, then I measured him with the steel pipe over his head as if I were going to play golf.

"Fatty, I don't think you believe this, right?"

The half-bald fatty was terrified, and he shut his eyes tightly, "I was wrong, what do you need me to do? Just tell me, I'll compensate you!"

This was a very sensible person. It was good to pay more money and not get beaten up.

"Two hundred thousand, transfer the money right now, is there a problem?"

Just as I finished speaking, Wu Zhendong impatiently urged: There's a problem, quickly tell me!

As he urged me on, he snatched the steel pipe from my hand.

His eagerness immediately scared the half-bald fatty silly.

This vicious old man had just picked a dozen or so people just now and didn't even have a single hair on his body, and he even wasted all of the hoodlums that he brought over. What was the point of snatching the steel pipe now? This was exactly like trying to open his ladle!

"Yes …" No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no,

I gave the half-bald fat man a bank card number, and he called someone to transfer the money.

When I received the text message, I gave him a kick, then left with Wu Zhendong in the car.

"I'll transfer 100,000 to you later. Then I'll stay here and clean up the car, and I'm a bit tight on cash lately. This car isn't fueled at all, it's simply burning steel. A few steel bundles on one pedal are gone."

Wu Zhendong did not bother with me, and immediately nodded in agreement, and was excited about it, as he was rich after all, and kept mumbling about how many years I had spent on growing these hundred thousand dollars in my home.

After a moment of excitement, he suddenly asked me, "Feng Zi, this isn't considered extortion, right? If he calls the police again."

I smiled. "It's fine. If he wants to call the police, I'll go to the prison. You are outside … …"

Wu Zhendong nodded, "You can tell that he is a good brother with one look, he is loyal!"

"Kill him outside."

Wu Zhendong was not happy at the time, "Then I will go to prison too!"

Even though it was a joke, but after the joke, Wu Zhendong was still a little worried.

"You can rest assured about this, it's alright …"

I explained a lot to Wu Zhendong, but he didn't understand at all.

I don't force him to understand, I just need to let him know that this money is safe to spend.

There were many things in this world that he would never know about without touching them …

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