That Night, I Made It/C5 You still owe me
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That Night, I Made It/C5 You still owe me
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C5 You still owe me

In the underground palace, all the women had gone crazy.

It gave me the feeling of a shy and beautiful young girl being pushed onto a stage for a group of rich people to admire.

Sadly, I am now playing the part of the less shy beauty.

The beautiful young woman embraced my waist and nestled her head on my shoulder, "Yu Ting, where did you find such a good virgin? "How about it, resell it to me. How much is the price? Give me the price, and I'll give you the fitness instructor as well!"

I was very nervous as I stared at Yu Ting, hoping that she would save me. In the end, she smiled and said, "It doesn't matter, there's no money or no money. You can ask him, as long as he is willing, I don't care. As for your fitness instructor. "Thank you for your kind intentions, but I'm still used to using people, not animals."

Yu Ting's words made me feel sorrow for the tall and mighty fitness instructor, as well as for myself. In their eyes, we are just tools, a tool for catharsis, or a toy to compare.

Just as I was feeling sorrowful, the beautiful young woman ruthlessly kissed my cheek.

"Little man, are you willing to play with big sister for the night?"

After saying that, she gently caressed my chest with her small hand. She was teasing me.

However, before I could say anything, a noblewoman standing beside me stopped me. "Why? He is a top quality virgin. Are you so stingy that you want to eat him with just a sentence?"

After saying that, the lady told me, "Little brother, stay with me tonight. Big sister will give you 5,000 yuan!"

"I bid eight thousand!"

"I bid 10,000!"

"Twenty thousand!"

… ….

As the ladies called out their prices, I could clearly see that the eyes of the men who followed them were filled with envy and hope.

I thought I should be proud of my glory, but now I feel a sadness inside me, a sadness that I am treated like an object.

So I looked at Yu Ting again, hoping that she would help me in this woman's world. But what was disappointing was that she didn't, she only had a smile on her face, as if she wanted to see me become a joke.

The bidding increase continued. It had gone from thousands to tens of thousands to tens of thousands.

Finally, at 300,000 yuan, the beautiful young woman who was like a water snake on my body raised her white arm. "500,000 yuan. If this little man is willing to accompany me tonight, I'll pay 500,000 yuan!"

When she called out this price, I could clearly see that the eyes of all the men here lit up, full of envy and hate. Those women who shouted out the price shut their mouths.

"It's fine if you want to play, but spending five hundred thousand just for a taste is not worth it."

All the women dispersed, all of them being in high spirits, and only the beautiful young maiden and Yu Ting remained around me.

"Goodbye then, Miss Yu Ting!"

The beautiful young lady smiled gleefully and pulled me along as she prepared to leave. As for the fitness instructor that she brought with her, he had been mercilessly abandoned.

It's just that I don't want to go with her, much less become something she can play with!

"What's the matter, little man?"

"Sorry, I refuse."

When I refused, I could clearly see the stunned expression on the beautiful young woman's face.

Then, she smiled and said, "Six hundred and sixty thousand! Six hundred and sixty thousand!"

I still shook my head.

Then, her smile faded into a serious tone. "Eight hundred and eighty thousand!"

The scene was blank, absolutely silent, utterly silent.

"I'm sorry, thank you for your good intentions."

I still chose to reject her. Even if it was in front of so many noble ladies, I would ruthlessly refute her beauty.

In the next instant, I saw her beautiful face turn malevolent, the veins on her forehead bulging. "One million!"

At this moment, I don't have the slightest concept of money, or rather, money can't even tempt me. I still have the least bit of dignity, the dignity of a man!

"No matter how much you pay, I won't sleep with you!"

My words were loud and full of joy.

But at the next moment, that slap was even more satisfying. It made my eyes sparkle.

"Don't know what's good for you!"

After that, the beautiful young woman angrily left. The fitness coach hurriedly followed and was kicked down by her kick. His entire body fell to the ground with his waist bent like a shrimp.

After the beautiful young women had left, the noble ladies continued to celebrate in their respective places.

Some of them couldn't wait to do that kind of thing to her boyfriend that she bought for money in front of everyone. Moreover, due to her infection, many noblewomen had already started doing the same thing. There were even two noblewomen who were exchanging words with each other. The scene was extremely lecherous and messy, it was hard to see what was happening right now.

I didn't even dare to imagine that the usually aloof and elegant ladies would actually be like this … Crazy.

In the next moment, Yu Ting was in front of me, and took the initiative to grab my arm, "Let's go!"

Then I followed her out of this secret, lecherous underground palace.

Yu Ting changed her clothes in the car and then called me to get in.

When I sat in the front passenger seat, she smiled and handed me a cheque. "You did very well tonight and gave me a lot of face. I am very happy. This is a cheque for fifty thousand yuan. Consider it your reward."

I took the check, tore it up, and threw it out the window.

Yu Ting was startled, then laughed: "That's right, they already gave you one million, I only gave you fifty thousand, they are indeed a little stingy, I …"

Before she could finish her words, I interrupted her, "It's not a matter of money, nor is it for the sake of saving your face. I just don't like to be bid on like a commodity."

"Wow, so that's the case. This is really, really... Such pathetic dignity! "

After Yu Ting exclaimed in shock, she laughed, "Since you are already a duck, then don't talk about dignity anymore, you are not qualified."

I didn't say anything. I just opened the car door and got out. I walked back the way I came.

In the next moment, Yu Ting's car sped past me without stopping, and the taillights quickly disappeared into the darkness.

I took out a cigarette, lit it up, and then strolled through the dark and secluded streets, stubbornly moving forward.

Half an hour later, at a corner of a road, I saw Yu Ting leaning on the car.

As I approached, she suddenly made a move, pushing me down into the car. She then fiercely kissed me on the mouth with her burning red lips. That kiss almost suffocated me!

After more than ten seconds, Yu Ting finally straightened her back.

"I'm sorry, but I know you didn't come into this business on purpose. You're not like those guys who only know how to buy money. This kiss is my compensation to you. But that fifty thousand dollars is gone, you tore it up yourself. Moreover, my, Yu Ting's, kiss isn't just a mere fifty thousand, you still owe me! "

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