That Night, I Made It/C8 Big sis will buy you free
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That Night, I Made It/C8 Big sis will buy you free
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C8 Big sis will buy you free

They had heard of the Earthsplitting planet's A66 room before, but they had finally seen it today.

If the Earth Splitting Planet KTV was compared to a five-star hotel, then this A66 supreme room would be its presidential suite.

I took a deep breath before entering and cleaned up the room behind me. Then, with a nervous heart, I knocked on the door and entered.

There wasn't much time left to examine the extravagance in the room, and the first thing I saw was Di Qingtong, sitting on a sofa as large as a bed.

It had to be said that Di Qingtong was very beautiful, at the age of 27 or 28, she was at the end of her tender and mature period of life. Her face was pretty, her figure was graceful, and was not inferior to Yu Ting in any way.

I looked at her and then lowered my head, like a schoolboy who had made the mistake.

"What, I got scolded by Zhang Hongwu, and you think I can't afford to offend him?!"

Di Qingtong's tone was not friendly, it was obvious that she was still brooding over the fact that I rejected her respect last night.

I didn't say anything, I just silently felt apprehensive.

Di Qingtong sneered, "Last night when you rejected me, didn't you know how to talk?

I still did not speak, and continued to stay silent, which seemed to make Di Qingtong angry.

"You are mute? Speak! "

"Zhang Hongwu didn't scold me, she only told me about Big Sister Qingtong's identity. She told me to serve you well and not offend her big client."

"Last night, I received two slaps, one from you, Big Sister Qingtong, and one from Yu Ting, because I rejected her as well. Before I went, I didn't know what kind of party it was. I didn't even know it was a party. "

Di Qingtong walked over to me in her high heels. Her slender legs were outlined by a nine-point pair of jeans that was close to her body.

"What? Listening to you, I have to thank you. After thanking you for rejecting me, you also refused that little bastard?"

I immediately explained: "Sister Qingtong, that's not what I meant. After you left last night, Yu Ting thanked me and said that I had performed very well, giving her a lot of face. It was only then that I found out that I had accidentally hurt you."

"I'm from the countryside, if it wasn't for my father's accident and urgent need for money, I wouldn't have borrowed money from Zhang Hongwu and walked into this business. When I rejected you last night, I was actually thinking it was pretty funny. I was thinking, I'm a man, I want my own dignity, I'm not an item, I don't accept bids from the sky, even if it's a sky-high price! "

"But it was only when I refused that I realized that, regardless of whether I was willing or not, I was still a duck. Since I had become a duck, there was no need to talk about dignity. But, but I'm really conflicted. I'm not willing to do this, and I'm not willing to do it. Sister Qingtong, tell me, what should I do?

As I spoke, tears that were half real and half fake fell down my face.

Seeing Di Qingtong was a little stunned, I took the opportunity to strike the iron while it was hot and hugged her tightly.

Di Qingtong was obviously completely dumbstruck, and didn't move for a long time, just stood there stupidly, allowing me to embrace her while she cried.

After a long while, she finally came back to her senses and pushed me away, "You want to lie to me with such a clumsy trick? Are you still playing the role of a lover? "

I didn't say anything. I just took out my cell phone and dialed my father's number in front of her. I told him not to sleep with me tonight, so he could have a good rest. As luck would have it, my father said he was leaving the hospital tomorrow, and when I asked him what was the matter, he said the doctor had told him it was time to pay again.

"It's fine, we'll be fine after the operation. It's good enough for him to lend us money to save our legs. Let's work properly to repay the money …"

Dad told me a lot more, until tears streamed down my face. This was a display of true love, not even the slightest bit fake. In the end, I cried until I couldn't continue. Dad persuaded me a lot before hanging up.

Then, I saw a tissue being handed in front of me.

"Enough, as a man, why are you crying? You have no future."

I took the tissue, thanked Di Qingtong, dried it, and said nothing more.

Di Qingtong returned to the sofa, crossed her legs and covered her forehead with one hand. Then, gradually, I heard the sound of sobbing, and she cried as well.

"Sister Qingtong, my father is fine. He is fine, don't be sad … …"

"Bullshit, I thought of my mom. What does it have to do with your dad!"

Di Qingtong scolded him with a crying face, and then he cried himself into a mess. The more he cried, the more hurt he became, and the harder it was to stop.

When I offered her a tissue, she took it, stood up, and threw herself into my arms.

I patted her back to comfort her.

Following that, Di Qingtong started to talk about her mother. She had lost her father in high school and had always been relying on her mother. I could have gone to college and taken a job to show my filial piety to my mother, but her mother got cancer.

With no money to treat his illness, Di Qingtong got to know her current husband, so for money, he could only marry an old man in his sixties against his will.

Of course, I know all of these. Zhang Hongwu's card has records of all of them, otherwise why would I cry about my father.

It was very obvious that the feeling of taking pity on a person with the same illness had completely closed the distance between me and Di Qingtong.

When she had finished crying, I helped her wipe her tears. I have to say, if I look at her from close up, Di Qingtong is very beautiful, beautiful to the point that she's like a refined white snake.

I am watching Di Qingtong, and Di Qingtong is also watching me. From her pair of beautiful big eyes, I see a kind of desolation and loneliness deep within her heart.

Then I closed my eyes and kissed her rosy lips. She did not refuse.

Those warm and tender lips made my heart surge. However, even more intense was that in the next instant, a tongue that was like a poisonous snake sneaked into my mouth. Caught off guard, it fiercely teased my tongue …

After kissing passionately, Di Qingtong and I fell onto the sofa. We were extremely embarrassed because we didn't know when I had already pressed her down and the place where the fire was igniting happened to be at the crotch of her jeans.

I immediately stood up and apologized to Di Qingtong.

Di Qingtong also quickly sat up and tidied her hair. Her face blushed, just like a girl who had just experienced her first love.

"Sorry, Sister Qingtong, you are too beautiful. I couldn't hold it in, this is the first time I'm kissing a girl, and you are so beautiful, so … so that's all there is to it. But I didn't do it on purpose …"

"Girl? I am a woman! " Di Qingtong was someone who had experienced this before in the end, and she quickly walked out of that feeling. She looked at me, and her face was burning red, not daring to meet her gaze. "Is this really your first kiss?"

I nodded, ashamed. "Don't make fun of me. I have a girlfriend at school. I've been with her for three years and I only dare to hold her hand."

"Oh my god, you actually held my hand for three years? "What happened next?"

"Later, when she was in her senior year of college, she found a new boyfriend. Then she heard that she was pregnant …"

Di Qingtong laughed until her entire body was lying on my shoulder. I could even feel her full and strong body rubbing against mine as she laughed. I had a special feeling;

After a long while, Di Qingtong then retracted her smile, "Chen Feng, I don't have any intention to make fun of you, but you are really too honest, but too honest and cute, big sister likes you."

After saying that, Di Qingtong extended her tender and white hands, grabbed my cheeks and gently kissed me.

Just when I was about to enjoy myself, this' bad woman 'breathed in my mouth, making me choke. Then, she laughed without a care in the world.

"I was going to give you a good beating today, but I'm very happy to be able to get to know you."

With that, Di Qingtong walked over to her purse, took out a bank card, and threw it over to me.

"For those who don't have a password, how much do you owe? Give it to Zhang Hongwu and I will buy your freedom!"

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