That Page, I Signed It/C19 Promotions supervisor
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That Page, I Signed It/C19 Promotions supervisor
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C19 Promotions supervisor

"Get to the point." Xiao Hongdie was very dissatisfied with Manager He's way of handling this.

This caused Manager He to be embarrassed. He rubbed his nose and continued: "Then let me give everyone some pointers! The warehouse stock has a serious backlog of goods, suspected management and sales problems, and has ordered staff and management to clear the stock within one quarter. "

Xiao Hongdie got to the point, but Manager He only got to the point, the fact was placed on the stage, and the entire hall was in an uproar.

What kind of joke was this? The problem of the inventory backlog had always existed ever since everyone had been on duty. This was a fact that everyone agreed upon tacitly, but listening to Manager He's words, this was a matter of sales.

It was equivalent to pushing all the blame onto the employee, Manager He used a very subtle word here, Suspicion. To put it nicely, it was basically removing the management from the entire incident.

This question basically involved everyone present, and its scope of reference was extremely wide. Even Lin Xiuxiu who was beside me had a face full of worry. If it was really as Manager He had said, then Jianghua Supermarket would truly have a great change of blood.

It was an impossible task, a stupid decision to make without knowing who it was. He did not want to solve the problem, but wanted to use this matter to warn the culprit.

If it was at first, I would suspect that Qiu Wanting was the one who did it, but now we can completely eliminate him. She didn't have that much power, power, qualifications, and the only one who would do such a thing was Xiao Hongdie.

From the surface, Xiao Hongdie wanted to clean up Jianghua Supermarket's suffering, but everyone knew that doing so would not be worth it. From the development of the company, it was like cutting off one's own arm.

If he did not care about this matter, the instigators would still be on the line to make a profit. If he did so, he would definitely lose everything and would be able to deconstruct a large number of employees.

In the long run, the company's reputation will be affected, and there will be a lot of trouble in the future. In the short run, the problem of the backlog of goods will not only not be solved, but will also lead to losses due to the unfamiliarity of the new employees.

If he wanted to make a profit again, he would have to wait a long time. I don't believe that Xiao Hongdie would not even understand this point. Since she knew, there was only one reason why she had to insist on doing so.

Her goal was not to make money for the company, but to seize power, and she was using that gesture to warn a large number of people in the company that she knew the twists and turns of the company and that these people would either support her or die with her.

Xiao Hongdie's reason for fighting was clear, it seems like marrying me is the first step, she has more plans. The old man taught me to look down from the sky instead of staring at my feet.

People walk higher, the water flows lower. In that case, I might as well take a ride.

"Hey, what do we do!" Lin Xiuxiu patted my arm and asked. At this point of time, what's the difference between us?

"Simple. Kiss me and I'll tell you." Having an idea made me happy, teasing this flat-chested beauty was also a joyous thing.

"Really?" Lin Xiuxiu looked at me with wide eyes. She had just asked a lot of people and couldn't do anything about it;

Lin Xiuxiu still vividly remembered what happened yesterday. Although she was at fault, the person in front of her, as a man, didn't have the slightest bit of bearing … But the job was really important to her.

stood on his tiptoes, and as if he was a dragonfly touching the water lightly, he kissed me on the cheek. The heavens can tell, I really only wanted to make a joke, I didn't really want Lin Xiuxiu to kiss me.

When this scene appeared in the conference hall, it was so explosive that everyone's attention was immediately focused on it. Sensing the cold aura that pervaded Xiao Hongdie's eyes, I knew that she must have seen it with her own eyes.

As for Qiu Wanting who was beside Xiao Hongdie, her fingers holding the brush had turned white from exerting too much force, and it was obvious that her heart was not at peace.

Seeing Qiu Wanting acting like this, joy actually filled my heart. It seems that she didn't completely ignore me, as everything was just an act.

But how could it be such a coincidence? Why would those two women see it at the same time? What I didn't know was that just now, Qiu Wanting really couldn't hold back and mentioned me to Xiao Hongdie. As a result, both of their gazes were placed on me the entire time, and they coincidentally saw that scene.

Under the gaze of everyone, Lin Xiuxiu realized that she had unwittingly done something earth-shattering. Her face was red from embarrassment. Her hands had nowhere to place them. Suddenly, she grabbed my arm and hid behind me.

It seems that she wants me to help her resist the gazes from all directions, but this is pushing me into a pit of fire!

"Cough, cough." I cleared my throat and said, "Just now was just an accident. Lin Xiuxiu, she thought of a good way to help the supermarket solve their problems, that's why she was so excited. I've lost my composure, please forgive me. "

When these words came out, it was as if a stone had been tossed into a thousand waves. Compared to Lin Xiuxiu and I, who were not gossiping about anything in the first place, they were more concerned about their own livelihood.

My words also made Lin Xiuxiu even more uneasy. Her mind was completely blank, where did she get that idea from?! Her ten fingers were tense and strong, digging deep into my muscles. This little girl's hands are really strong!

It's like this, beautiful Lin Xiuxiu, I m sorry to be looked at by everyone, let me explain her method! I lightly patted Lin Xiuxiu's hands, telling her to let go so that she would be at ease.

"I wonder if anyone has heard of such a story. It says that the fish pond is open and the fishing fee is 100. The boss said that he would give away a chicken if he couldn't catch a fish."

"So a lot of people went and came back with a chicken. Afterwards, the old man who looked after the fish said, 'The owner is a chicken farmer, so there aren't any fish in the fish pond …'"

I stood where I was and told the little story that I had heard from the old man. Many people in the hall had pensive looks on their faces, while some of them heaved a sigh of relief.

On the main platform, Xiao Hongdie's eyes lit up, this husband of hers in name truly made her look at him in another light.

If it was the first time, it might have been a fluke, but it was a series of skills. From now on, she would have to get to know her husband again.

Qiu Wanting looked at Xiao Hongdie who was sitting beside him, staring at me without blinking, and was a little dazed.

"What is this?" Do you want us to build a fish pond at the supermarket? " Fat Grandma thought for a while and laughed.

Just as he finished speaking, a look of disgust appeared in Xiao Hongdie's eyes, and he shifted his gaze over to Manager He.

Manager He was a little embarrassed and thought to himself: Huang Ping, you idiot, it's fine if you don't do anything, but you don't even know how to shut your mouth? What a pig's brain.

Just like me, Huang Ping is also one of the people who comes in. The only difference is, I'm just a small employee while Huang Ping is the manager.

"Since Supervisor Huang doesn't understand, does that mean I have to talk about the synthesis of economic vectors and the efficient allocation of resources?" I retorted. She was trying to take revenge on me. If she didn't take revenge now, then when would she?

"What?" Huang Ping was stunned hearing this.

Huang Ping wasn't the only one who didn't understand, many of the people present didn't. This was also something that the old man had taught me. The story in front of me was just a small story that the old man told me in order for me to understand it more intuitively.

"Alright, quiet." Manager He came out in time to control the situation. He did not expect things to develop to this point, but he had to admit that it was a good idea.

Huang Ping did not even know how to change basic rules. Leaving such a person would only embarrass herself, so she announced: In view of the ability to work and the development of the company, I have decided to revoke Huang Ping, the position of manager will be taken over by Yang Yi.

"Why? I don't accept it. Is it just because of this bullshit story of his? "Back then …" Since Huang Ping had been removed, of course she would not be willing to do so.

"Shut up."

Just as Huang Ping was about to release some explosive news, Manager He shouted out, scaring Huang Ping to the point that she wanted to swallow down her words.

"Who has any objections?" Manager He's gentle voice was filled with killing intent, his hawk-like eyes swept across the area.

Normally, seeing how amiable and amiable the Manager He was, and having a little bit of a mother, when she got serious, she would be able to intimidate others.

"No, I'm leaving. Huang Ping, come to my office for a while. After that, come and deal with Yang Yi." After Manager He finished speaking, he gave Xiao Hongdie a meaningful glance and the three of them left together.

The calm is the omen of a storm, after the three of them left, the meeting room instantly boiled up, everyone was discussing, I, too, did not expect to suddenly become a supervisor.

I had thought that since Xiao Hongdie's attitude had already been seen through, the goal of the struggle had already been achieved. She must have had a way to sell the stash, but she couldn't say it out loud. That would be slapping herself in the face.

On the other hand, I would provide both sides with a way to make everyone look good, and it would also be in the interests of the company.

Who knew that Huang Ping would suddenly hit the nail on the head. From the angle of the Manager He, Xiao Hongdie was actually aiming at them. Huang Ping made him feel embarrassed, and even more, he knew that Xiao Hongdie had arranged for me to come.

Since that's the case, then I might as well go with the flow and promote me to be a supervisor. Firstly, I have the ability and secondly, I also want to show my support for Xiao Hongdie by giving him face.

Anyway, I'm in charge now, and I'll be a member of the leadership. No need to wear work clothes, no need to stand guard, sit in the office and not make any mistakes, I want to see how Qiu Wanting will chase me away.

It's really an unexpected surprise, not only am I happy, Lin Xiuxiu beside me also jumped a few feet into the air. Not only did she not have to worry about losing her job, she also had a good relationship with the new supervisor.

After all, she was someone who had kissed the supervisor in public, so who would dare to cause trouble for her in the future?

The Lin Xiuxiu who was in an excited mood didn't care about whether I was happy or not, she directly threw herself into my embrace and hugged me.

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