The Ace Chef/C11 Investigation for evidence
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The Ace Chef/C11 Investigation for evidence
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C11 Investigation for evidence

In fact, I didn't expect that when Fatty was so good to Dong Xiaobei, only Dong Xiaobei and the rest of the people in the kitchen would quarrel and not get fired. I never thought that he would be so fierce this time around, but to Fatty, this kind of person, a calamity would only mean himself.

Moreover, this kind of good thing only had a common hobby, not a benefit. Thus, it was normal for it to be weak.

The other people from the kitchen had also come out and carried Fatty out before waking him up. The moment he woke up, he went to find the Lady Boss who was inside the cashier. The Lady Boss obviously didn't want to talk to him, so she loudly shouted, "I don't have time to talk to you about the kitchen right now.

Everyone could hear what the Lady Boss said. The fatty looked at everyone and felt that it was shameful, smashing the Lucky Cat at the cashier counter before returning and sitting down. He glared at Dong Xiaobei and me.

As for the Lady Boss, she kept calling from the cashier counter. Sometimes she used her phone, sometimes she used her phone. Because she was far away, no one knew what she said to the person on the other end of the phone, but everyone could see that she was very anxious.

But I could see that this anxiety was an act, and the woman had already arranged everything, and the chaos in the kitchen must have been a thought, but she didn't expect it to be so complete, so she was surprised, and when the surprise passed, she spoke to us calmly, and with the calm of victory in her hands.

I felt awkward. It's just telling Fatty to scram, but she has to pay such a huge price?

Soon, the Bureau of Industry and Commerce and the epidemic prevention station arrived. Each of them had three people, four of whom were in uniform and the other two were not. They were holding video cameras and a lot of equipment, and as soon as they came in, they would ask a lot of questions.

They were the last to enter the kitchen, and since I was the one who kept the samples, I followed them in. They were clearly surprised to see the chaos in the kitchen.

The Lady Boss said with a smile, "Since this matter has occurred, we have paid special attention to it. We have already started fighting, so it's embarrassing for everyone."

The head of the Industrial and Commercial Bureau said, "You have a restaurant. If you have anything to do, just deal with it according to the law. Do you think fighting is useful? It's a mess right now. You still want to open the door when word spreads? "

The Lady Boss quickly said, "Yes yes yes, the Leader's teachings are correct. Sorry, I gave you all so much trouble at such a late hour, why don't we not go in and get Xiao Jia to bring the food out?"

Since none of the leaders had any objections, the Lady Boss gave me a look. I walked towards the freezer, took out all the remaining samples and placed them on a tray, before bringing them outside the kitchen counter.

The few leaders looked at the sample and one of them directed his gaze at me and said, "How long have you been working in the oesophagus?"

I had expected to be asked questions, so I didn't feel flustered. "About three to five months," I said calmly.

"You're in charge of leaving the sample?"

"I'm just going to put it in the fridge."

"Is the fridge locked for non-working hours?"

"It's not locked."

The leader no longer asked.

I looked at the lady boss and saw how relieved she was, and she gave me a beautiful smile when I looked at her. This woman can still laugh, damn it, I really don't know a thing about her except that I know she's very loose.

Fatty and anvil also came in at the same time, but they didn't notice the Lady Boss smiling at me. Their gazes were all focused on the leftovers, especially the fatty's, who was staring at them fixedly.

After packing the sample, one of the leaders wrote a form for the Lady Boss. This was not a penalty letter, but it was also a penalty letter. In the next three days, the store would not be open for business, and only if there was a result, the business would only be open after processing. Of course, it would depend on the result, and if it was very serious, it could even close for a month.

The Lady Boss came back with a darkened face and said to Zhang Xiaoxiao, the manager of the building, "Tell your people to get off work, and then wait for the notification to get to work."

Zhang Xiaoxiao nodded her head, then waved to the waiters, State of service s, waiters, and servants and aunties, following which, a large group of people majestically walked out.

She glanced at the kitchen worker in front of her and was about to speak when her cell phone rang. She took it out and looked at it, but didn't go away to answer it, instead answering it on the spot. The other party said something unknown to her, "I'll go to the hospital in two hours. You take the responsibility over there, I'll settle this first."

After hanging up the phone, the Lady Boss once again directed her gaze towards us and slowly said, "Fatty, let the innocent people do the cleaning, only after the kitchen has been restored to its original state can we get off work. The other line's boss and Xiao Jia will stay behind, we will have a meeting."

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