The Ace Chef/C14 A little bit worried
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The Ace Chef/C14 A little bit worried
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C14 A little bit worried

After exiting the Lamian restaurant, Dong Xiaobei took me back to the opposite side of the dormitory and made seven or five turns before finally stopping in front of a brand-new house. Dong Xiaobei pointed to the fifth floor and said: "Zhu Zhu will stay at floor 503."

I looked at him strangely. "It seems that your relationship with her is even deeper than I imagined."

Dong Xiaobei raised his middle finger: "Your thoughts are really dirty, I just sent her back."

"Your mind isn't dirty. When you sent her back, did you ever think about what it would be best to spend the night with?"

"I'm too lazy to waste my breath on you." Dong Xiaobei quickly entered the building.

I followed him in, saying as I walked, "Avoiding is the right thing to do, right? "You still have the face to say that my thoughts are filthy, that I'm shameless to the point of being shameless. If I were your father, I would have shot you on the keyboard back then …"

Dong Xiaobei did not answer and walked even faster. Actually, I was just deliberately disgusting him, to send a cold beauty like Zhu Zhu home. No matter who it was, they would have dirty thoughts.

There was no light inside, and I did not know if Zhu Zhu had come back or was already asleep, but when Dong Xiaobei looked at me, he lightly knocked on the door: "Zhu Zhu, it's Xiao Bei. Are you there?" After waiting for a while to see no response, Dong Xiaobei increased his strength to continue knocking, but in the end, there was no response.

I said, "He probably hasn't come back yet!"

Dong Xiaobei said with a worried tone: "It's already this hour, she won't really be in trouble right? How about we go out and look for it? "

I disdained, "Do you think this is your hometown? This is a big city in Hong Kong Sea, where do you plan to look for it? "

"Then what should we do? Should he open the door and take a look? Could she have been murdered in there? or suddenly died or something? "

"You're crazy." I leaned against the wall, took out my cigarettes, and gave one to Dong Xiaobei. I lit one myself, took a puff, and said, "Let's wait and see."

Dong Xiaobei leaned on the wall opposite of us and lit up his own cigarette. He looked at me and smoked, his face still filled with worry. From my point of view, a beauty like Zhu Zhu isn't suitable for a man like us. The deeper Dong Xiaobei gets, the more hurt he will be hurt.

Suddenly, a voice came from the staircase. Not long later, a woman walked up. She looked to be in her early twenties. She was not much, but she was wearing very sexy clothes. Her skirt was especially short, revealing her snow-white straight thighs. When she saw Dong Xiaobei and I, she was stunned for a few seconds. She probably thought that we were not bad people, so she walked over, but she remained on guard with her phone in hand. If we wanted to do anything, she could use it to smash us.

She lived in room 502 and had to live outside. Seeing that she had already opened the door, I said, "Beautiful lady, do you know who lives in room 503?"

After hesitating for two seconds, she did not enter the door. Instead, she replied, "What business do you have with her?"

I continued, "We are her colleagues. She did not work all day, so her phone was turned off. She was a bit worried, so she came to take a look. However, there was no response when she knocked on the door."

"She moved away during the day. Did you not see the advertisement for rent 503?" With that, the beautiful woman entered the room and closed the door.

Dong Xiaobei and I looked at each other for a while, then immediately threw our cigarettes downstairs.

Dong Xiaobei asked: "What's going on? Zhu Zhu actually didn't even say anything before she left? "

I thought about it and seemed to have understood what was going on. I said, "Was it Zhu Zhu who took the initiative to ask you out for a midnight snack? And the place for midnight snack was chosen by her? " Seeing Dong Xiaobei nod, I continued, "After the incident, did she go with you to the police station?"

Dong Xiaobei shook his head this time, "No, just grab me and get on the carriage. I'll let her go back first."

It's over. If I'm not wrong, Dong Xiaobei and I have been tricked. Or rather, we were tricked by Dong Xiaobei.

Seeing that I was not talking, Dong Xiaobei asked, "Why are you asking me these questions? "Tell me clearly."

I shook my head. "It's nothing. I'm just casually asking. She should be fine. There's no need to worry. Let's go back to our dorm!"

"How ridiculous, what do you mean?" Dong Xiaobei had an anxious look on his face.

Honestly speaking, I really didn't have the courage to tell him that Zhu Zhu used him. That would be a huge blow to him.

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