The Ace Chef/C20 Death in the middle of chaos
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The Ace Chef/C20 Death in the middle of chaos
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C20 Death in the middle of chaos

I said, "You can ask Fatty this question. What I want to know is, if you call back the original Second Chef, how many people would he bring?"

As long as one of them has not left, it will not cause much harm. Even if it has left, it will not be a problem, and the rest will be mainly in the kitchen line, top, and your place. If the fatty takes you away, and the secret recipe does not stay, the problem would be big and the taste of the food would change.

I finally understood why this woman was looking for me, and did everything I could to get me to participate in it, because if it weren't for me, the fatty would really get into a fight with her, and the taste of the oesophagus would have a huge change. There were usually two sides to this, after all, if it was changed, she would either soar into the sky or fall straight to hell.

Since I'm so important, can I ask for something? Although this isn't my personality, but I can ask for it for Dong Xiaobei! As I thought about it, I said, "Just now, you said that you would make it up to Dong Xiaobei. How do you plan to make it up to him?"

The Lady Boss leaned on me. "What do you think?"

I shifted away from her with a cold feeling. "You're not planning to..." Sleep with Little Bei? "

"Haha, do you really think I am that casual? I'll sleep with you, do you want it? You didn't answer me just now. "

As she spoke, she put her hand on my thigh and began to move upstream. As she continued to talk, she distracted me by saying, "Isn't it your best bro that I don't compensate him with money and give him bonuses? I can let him keep leveling up. Hmm, I can also buy you guys Social Security, but I can't tell anyone else, anyway as long as you guys are still in the esophagus, I'll buy you to the end. If you guys do it for 15 years, then you'll have a pension.

I quickly stood up and sat on the sofa that she was sitting on a moment ago. "I'm talking about serious matters. Can you be more serious?"

She was startled for two seconds, her face regained her smile: Xiao Jia, you seem to be more serious and serious than I imagined, what do you mind? Do you really think you're at a disadvantage? You're a man. "

"I really don't understand you. What are you trying to do?"

"Oh my god, Xiao Jia, you actually asked such a question? Am I obvious? "I want you to hug me and then …"

Talking to her was very stressful, so I thought I could resist if I were to roam around like her. In the end, I realised that I couldn't, it seems that I have to study her, how can I not lose out in negotiations with her, do I really want to swallow her up? I replied, "I don't think you're that cheap. What exactly do you want to do?"

"Do you think this is cheap? I don't have a husband, I don't have a boyfriend, how can I be cheap? It's human nature to do that, isn't it? Since I have no husband, no boyfriend, can I choose to be the target? I think you're not bad. You have no experience, so I can teach you. You look strong and muscular. Well, the main thing is, you need to be more pure. I don't want to find someone who has that kind of relationship and then plot against me every day. You miss me. I miss you, so let's go together. Of course there are things that can be done to help each other, not to scheme against each other. Your personality is not like this, I like young people like you. "

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