The Ace Chef/C9 Beat him up
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The Ace Chef/C9 Beat him up
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C9 Beat him up

Although they were from different departments, Fatty was fierce. All the waiters were afraid of him, so when he shouted, everyone left!

anvil said: I have already checked, and have sold them all. In any case, it is not a problem with me, it is definitely a problem with the products, or even if the products are man-made, it is not certain.

Everyone was shocked by anvil's thoughts, but this didn't include Fatty. He rolled his eyes a few times, searched around the crowd, and then shouted out, "Where's Dong Xiaobei?"

Damn, this bastard will not suspect Dong Xiaobei, will he? I hastily said, "He went to call me. He's outside. I'll go find him."

Without waiting for the fatty to reply, I had already rushed out and explained to Dong Xiaobei what was going on. I wanted him to do as I said and tell the fatty what happened, but seeing that there was no chance to do so, the moment I went in, the fatty pushed me away and punched Dong Xiaobei, scolding: "Bastard, do you want to pay me back in advance for revenge? "Brothers, beat him up."

It's over, the fatty's attitude did not care if it was Dong Xiaobei who did this, or if there was a problem with the ingredients, he just wanted to catch a scapegoat to get out and take responsibility for it. Everyone believed him, so when they heard him say that, they all started to beat Dong Xiaobei up. Even if I wanted to pull Dong Xiaobei away, I couldn't do so.

It was obvious that they had to counterattack to escape. I used my hook to knock Second Chef, who was the one with the most power, down to the ground, but in the end they still went all out. Seeing that Dong Xiaobei had already been kicked down, they started to kick him wildly. I ran out of the back door and quickly hooked up the fire hose, turned on the switch, pulled the fire hose that was as thick as a bowl, and charged towards those bastards.

The water pressure was great, and they who were shot shouted, trying to charge at me, but to no avail, in the end they could only retreat, colliding with people, falling against each other, falling onto their horses, the scene was extremely chaotic.

Dong Xiaobei had already gotten up, flipped over the chopping block to grab two kitchen knives, and returned to my side. This guy's wounds were not fully healed yet, so he got a new injury, which caused him to grimace in pain.

Looking at the mess in the kitchen, I was about to turn off the water when a dish flew towards my head. I put my hand on it and dropped it on the floor, shattering it.

Afterwards, following Fatty's orders, countless plates were thrown over under his command, and pangpangpang pangpang sounds continuously sounded out. There were some that landed on Dong Xiaobei and I so we could only exit from the back door and close it, but we felt that it was not appropriate. Dong Xiaobei and I could not leave, otherwise, it would be deemed as running away.

After looking around, I saw the opening above the door. I passed the fire hose to Dong Xiaobei and said: "Quickly shoot into the opening. I will circle around to the front and kill Fatty."

Dong Xiaobei said: "There are more than twenty of them. Are you crazy?"

I said, "Capture the thief first and then capture the king. Regarding the time, open the door and come in three minutes later."

Seeing that I had made up my mind, Dong Xiaobei could only nod his head and hand me a kitchen knife.

I didn't pick up the kitchen knife. I ran off empty-handed, joking. I took the kitchen knife and ran inside to scare people to death.

My body was drenched, so when I went in through the front door which was more than a hundred meters away, State of service scolded me with a strange look: "Chen Jia, what happened to you?"

How could I have the time to reply? I hastily rushed deeper into the hall. When I met them face to face, I saw many medical personnel coming out from the private room to help many guests whose bodies had gone limp.

With the Lady Boss's help, the other waiters blocked the entrance of the kitchen. The Lady Boss definitely knew what had happened, but she had no time to worry about it. First, she had to arrange for the guests.

I squeezed past the waiter and the steward at the entrance to the kitchen and looked at the time. Two minutes had passed, and I waited, and it took me two and a half minutes to get out and run straight to the chefs and the fat man who stood behind the chopping block and directed them to smash the door. He turned and saw me and tried to run.

At that moment, I punched him in the stomach. I used eighty percent of my strength, and he fell over with his back to the cupboard, and the dish fell with a crackling sound that startled the guys who were kicking at the door, and they turned back to touch me.

I casually picked up a piece of plate and stuck it at Fatty's throat. "Don't come near me. Otherwise, I'll kill him."

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