The Adventure of Swordsman/C12 This freshman is not bad!
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The Adventure of Swordsman/C12 This freshman is not bad!
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C12 This freshman is not bad!

"You're quite stubborn, aren't you?" Li Bei muttered in her heart. After that, she turned around and said to a student beside her, "What's the big deal?"

"Eh? Hello senior, it's because Ling Mengjia said Yang Qian is a dirty bastard. Yang Qian was furious, so he argued with Ling Mengjia for a while. Then, Yuan Meng and Gongsun Jie beat up Yang Qian and asked him to apologize." The student said in a low voice to Li Bei.

"It's another boring lace made by the Flower Protector … …" Li Bei sighed. At this moment, the scene was still continuing. Yang Qian was still unwilling to apologize, but Yuan Meng and Han Ying sped up their heavy punches.

The academy rarely cared about such private fights. On the contrary, they encouraged them to do so. As long as they didn't kill them, they could save them.

The reason why the academy did this was to arouse the students' desire to battle, but sometimes, Li Bei felt that it was too excessive. However, it wasn't that there had never been such a lively scene before, but it was just that it was very silly. Li Bei had only seen three matches in a year and a half, and the main character of two of these matches was himself.

Seeing Yang Qian's refusal to admit his wrongs and his stubborn expression, coupled with his fierce and unwilling gaze, it seemed to have touched a string in Li Bei's heart.

"Enough, it's two against one. Don't you guys feel that it's too boring?" Li Bei walked over and grabbed Gongsun Jie, who was at the top.

Gongsun Jie originally wanted to teach the meddling Li Bei a lesson, but when he saw who it was, he became embarrassed. "Senior!"

"Yuan Meng, get lost!" Li Bei threw Gongsun Jie to the side and kicked Yuan Meng over.

"Li Bei, it's none of your business!" Yuan Meng was afraid of Li Bei, but Ling Mengjia, the goddess of his heart, was present as well.

"What, trying to be brave in front of the girl you like?" Although it looked like a light slap, it contained inner strength. One must know that Li Bei had been under the waterfall for a year, and the huge impact of the waterfall had already crushed the density of his muscles into a proton. In other words, the strength of Li Bei's slap, even a light slap, was comparable to five times the strength of an average person.

"You guys can come find me if you're unconvinced, really!" Li Bei smiled. Within the academy, ever since he'd won the last two battles and defeated dozens of people single-handedly, no one dared to lay a hand on him.

"Li Bei, it seems like you don't have to bother with our matters, right?" Ling Mengjia, who was standing not far away, saw Li Bei stick her hand into her chest. Her entire face turned red as she shouted.

"But the academy doesn't have any rules, I can't do anything about it!" Li Bei walked over and placed her face in front of Ling Mengjia. She blinked her eyes as her boundless aura immediately enveloped Ling Mengjia.

After feeling that aura, Ling Mengjia felt her entire body tremble, but she still had her pride. As a college student for three years, in addition to her beautiful looks, she had become the dream goddess of most of the academies. If she retreated today, all the halos on her body would fade.

"Li Bei, what do you want?" Ling Mengjia said in a serious tone.

"Nothing much, just take your henchmen and f * ck off," Li Bei spread out her hands and casually said. "Also, both of you have to call me senior, do you understand?"

His last sentence was basically a roar. When the surrounding people heard this, their hearts trembled for a moment, while Ling Mengjia, Yuan Meng, and the others were terrified. Not only was Li Bei stronger than them, but his position in the academy was also higher than theirs.

Logically speaking, Yuan Meng and Gongsun Jie were classmates with Li Bei, and Ling Mengjia had arrived two years earlier than Li Bei.

However, the rules of the academy were that no matter how long a student had been here, they had to call a student with a higher level than them senior. Furthermore, low-level students were not allowed to clash with their seniors, otherwise, the academy would punish them harshly.

Thinking of this, Ling Mengjia's shoulders began to tremble violently.

"Disperse. I will not tell the academy about this matter." Li Bei clapped his hands and shouted. After that, the surrounding people all called out to their seniors and left.

Li Bei helped Yang Qian up and brought him into the infirmary.

"Senior, are we just going to let it go like this?" Gongsun Jie rubbed his aching arm as he walked up to Ling Mengjia and asked in a low voice.

"What else can we do in the academy?" "Hrm?" Ling Mengjia stared at him helplessly. Then, she left.

"Motherf * cker, after I graduate, I must kill this bastard!" Yuan Meng whispered to Gongsun Jie.

"That's right. It's impossible for the academy to help him for his entire life!" Gongsun Jie clenched his fists tightly.

Yuan Meng and Gongsun Jie were considered nobles in the empire. Normally, if they were outside, it wouldn't be a big deal to bully someone. However, they didn't know about Li Bei's identity.

"Yo, I haven't seen anyone here in a long time. What? A personal duel today?" The doctor in the infirmary raised his head, looked at Yang Qian, whose entire body was covered with wounds and bruises, and said with a smile.

"Teacher, sorry to trouble you." Yang Qian lay on the bed, while Li Bei sat beside him.

That doctor examined Yang Qian and then revealed a disappointed expression, "How big is it? It's just a few broken ribs, and a few torn muscles. Just prescribe some medicine and go back to eat for a few days."

If one were to ask which academy had the most leisure, it would be the infirmary of the academy. This was mainly because the students' physical qualities were quite strong and they were young. They basically didn't have any illnesses.

As a result, the people who frequented the infirmary were usually people who fought privately, but the amount of fighting in the academy was pitifully small. As such, as the doctor who spent all his time in the infirmary, he felt bored and hoped that those who came to the infirmary would be seriously injured.

"Cough cough, thank you teacher." Li Bei helplessly spread his hands and supported Yang Qian, who was already bandaged up, out of the infirmary.

After escorting Yang Qian to his room, Li Bei was about to leave when Yang Qian suddenly said, "I want to drink!"

Li Bei smiled, then walked downstairs to the cafeteria. She asked for a bowl of high concentration liquor and threw it to Yang Qian.

"Hu." Yang Qian Meng took a deep breath and exhaled the foul air. "Why are you helping me?"

"Because I think you're interesting." Li Bei opened his hands and smiled.

"You think I'm interesting? Or do you find me funny? " Yang Qian said with red eyes. It seemed like he had just suffered quite a shock.

"That depends on what you think!" Libei didn't answer.

"I know, you think I'm a funny bastard, right?" Yang Qian drank another mouthful and said with indignation.

"Bastard?" When Li Bei heard this, he frowned, although he was previously unbridled at home and had done a lot of bullying, he had never scolded a bastard, or an animal, because in his eyes, bullying people meant nothing to him, it was just like beating someone up, open and honest, but in terms of eloquence, he would bully others, and as long as you could beat me and bully me, I would definitely not complain to anyone, this was Li Bei's way of thinking, rough but simple.

"Isn't that so? Because I'm a bastard from the Eastern Continent and the Empire, they all look down on me. Hahaha …" After Yang Qian said this, he started to laugh maniacally. Slowly, his laughter became smaller and smaller, and then his eyes started to tear up.

"A man doesn't shed tears easily, but …" When Li Bei saw this scene, she muttered to herself and sat down. "Others might look down on you, but you absolutely can't look down on yourself, because you're the only one in the world who can't be replaced, you can't be copied!"

"I know, so, I worked hard, I studied hard, trained hard, and struggled desperately here." Yang Qian clenched his teeth and said, "But so what, a bastard is still a bastard, no matter what I do, I am still a bastard."

"If you think like that, then there's no saving you!" Li Bei spread her hands wide. "There's no fighting for power, there's no money to be made, and women don't have to go for it. But if you don't have it, then you really have nothing!"

When Yang Qian heard this vulgar sentence, but it actually sounded like the most basic truth in the world, his eyes stopped tearing and stared fixedly at Li Bei.

"Don't look at me, my grandpa told me this!" Li Bei laughed. "Simple, but vulgar, right?" In fact, there was no such thing as elegance or nobility in life. This was just a rule created by a group of powerful and influential people. If one day you had power and you said sh * t was gentle, who would dare to say no to you? Anything outside is a rule, and what you have to do is to be the one who makes the rules. "

After all, he was a person of the upper class. Li Bei had long since seen through the so-called elegance and nobility of the upper class. This sort of thing was akin to using a deer as a horse.

"Thank you!" Yang Qian nodded.

"You're welcome. To be honest, I think you're quite right about it." Libei blinked, then left his room.

A week later, when Li Bei was in the fitness training field, Yang Qian also appeared. From the looks of it, he seemed to have pretty much recovered.

"What is it? You come every day? " Seeing him arrive, Li Bei greeted him with a smile.

"Basically, every day, I want to surpass you." Yang Qian said.

"Come on, then." Li Bei crooked her finger and arrived at the training field.

"I want to fight ten!" Li Bei raised his hands and shouted. When Ouyang Feng, who was not too far away, heard this, he gave a knowing smile and waved his hand. Ten muscular men in camouflage clothes walked out.

"Come on!" Li Bei waved his hand. When the ten muscular men saw him, they all looked at each other with bitter smiles. "Can we not fight?" A brawny man said.

There were many sparring instructors in the academy to strengthen the academy's fighting techniques.

Generally speaking, any student who asked them to do so would have to go all out until the other party surrendered.

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