The Alchemist's Urban Domination/C10 Silly Wife
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The Alchemist's Urban Domination/C10 Silly Wife
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C10 Silly Wife

At the dining table sat a naturally seductive woman whose every movement, even while eating, was imbued with a gentle charm. With her striking figure and looks, it was no surprise that she had men utterly enchanted. This was Su Wen's fiancée, Luo Qiaoqiao.

"Miss! I couldn't stop him; he insisted on coming through!" The young shop assistant entered, his face downcast, with Su Wen following behind, his expression dark.

Luo Qiaoqiao's eyes sparkled, yet she remained composed and unflustered. "Since you're here, take a seat."


"Hold off on speaking for a moment. You may be my fiancé in name, but let's be real; we're living in modern times where betrothals from birth don't really count."

Luo Qiaoqiao gave Su Wen a once-over, clicking her tongue in disapproval. "You're quite a disappointment compared to what I had in mind. However, considering your sister's generosity over the years, I'll give you three minutes. If you fail to pique my interest within that time, I'm afraid we'll have to call it quits and never meet again, canceling the marriage altogether."

Su Wen couldn't help but chuckle. It seemed she believed he had come with ulterior motives. "Luo Qiaoqiao, I never imagined you'd be like this..."

"What, not beautiful enough for you?" she laughed. "Su Wen, don't think for a second that being my fiancé gives you any power over me. You've seen the line of suitors outside. If I wanted to, I could have my pick of any man in Shengjing City."

"Of course..."

Su Wen was both amused and frustrated. He had met Luo Bu Ping, his father's scholarly friend; how could such a man have raised a daughter like this? In ancient times, Luo Qiaoqiao would have been a celebrated courtesan.

"If you're serious about marrying me, it's possible. There was an engagement between our families, after all. But here are my terms: the Su and Luo families must merge, with me taking 70% of the total assets and you getting the remaining 30%. Post-marriage, we'll sleep in separate rooms, and you're not to come within ten meters of me without my permission."

Su Wen was taken aback by her audacious self-assurance.

"You're looking for a cash cow, I see. But as far as I can tell, the Luo family doesn't have much going for it besides the dilapidated Medicine Hall."

"What did you say? Get your facts straight, Su Wen. Who do you think I am, Luo Qiaoqiao? Do you think you can just marry me whenever you please? With the way you look, I'm embarrassed to even acknowledge you on the street."

Su Wen shook with laughter.

"What's so funny?"

"I'm laughing at you. You have the stature of a young lady but the fate of a maid. I had overestimated you. Even the most sought-after courtesans of ancient times knew the art of subtlety, far outclassing you."

"How dare you insult me?"

Luo Qiaoqiao was so furious she couldn't even steady her chopsticks. Every man had worshipped her like a goddess until now; Su Wen was the first to break that pattern.

"And what if I did insult you? You're nothing but a disgrace, bringing shame to the Luo family. You think you can marry into the Su family looking like that? Keep dreaming. I came here to break off the engagement. I intended to be discreet to spare your feelings, but I see now there's no need."

"You... you... you..."

It couldn't be denied that Luo Qiaoqiao possessed a beauty that could bring a nation to its knees, and her figure was equally stunning. Even as a mere ornament, she'd be considered a national treasure—few men could resist her allure.

"What's this 'you' business? Since neither of our fathers are here to dictate, and marriage is a choice, please refrain from calling yourself my fiancée. I can't afford that kind of embarrassment. And have some dignity—stop using our engagement as an excuse to mooch off my sister."

With that, Su Wen stood up and left, not dragging his feet in the slightest. Luo Qiaoqiao was left speechless, taking a long while to regain her composure.

"Stop right there!"

"Do you need something else, Miss Luo?"

"You insulted me! Apologize!"



"Now what?"

Su Wen looked exasperated. Indeed, Luo Qiaoqiao was a sight to behold. Many would give a decade of their life for a night with such a beauty, but Su Wen was not interested.

"You can't just call off a marriage on a whim! You owe me a breakup fee!"

"Huh? If I'm not mistaken, this is our first encounter in ten years. Surely you're not so fixated on money that you can't see beyond it?"

Su Wen was unaware of just how much money this enchanting beauty was burning through. Even a simple breakfast cost a four-figure sum, so exquisitely crafted that it couldn't possibly be any finer, to say nothing of the array of cosmetics and skincare products with prices that could give someone a heart attack. The saying that beauty is built on wealth couldn't be more accurate.

"Ten million! Give me ten million, and I'll agree to cancel the engagement!"

Su Wen turned around, feeling defeated.

"Miss Luo, are you confused? You just rejected me, and now it seems as though I'm the one pleading with you?"

"I don't care! If you want to call off the marriage, then pay me ten million!"

"Take a look at what my life is worth. You can have it. A thousand yuan would be more like it."

"You! Or else, I'll tell everyone you harassed me, and then my admirers will drown you in their spit!"

Su Wen was truly out of options. Indeed, God is fair; He blessed his fiancée with a beauty that stood apart from the world, yet He seemed to have skimped on her intelligence.

"Fine, forget the ten million. I'll give you a hundred thousand tomorrow, consider it a donation to a good cause. I hope you'll change for the better in the future."

Once Su Wen decided to leave, no one could stop him.

Luo Qiaoqiao watched Su Wen's retreating figure with mixed emotions. She wasn't bright, and she hadn't always been this difficult; she was simply a goddess who had been spoiled by everyone.


"Scram, you filthy beggar! Don't you know where you are?"

"Cough, cough, I'm here to see Qiu Ruola. This is the Lee family estate, isn't it?"

Su Wen realized he urgently needed to change his attire. While in the mountains, even a grass skirt wouldn't matter, but his current clothes were drawing nothing but disdain.

"Kid, if your brain's not working right, you should get to a hospital. You think you can just see our lady whenever you please? Get lost!"

Scandal often lurks at a widow's doorstep, particularly for Qiu Ruola, the Golden Widow, who was known for her wealth and beauty. To avoid gossip, she seldom met with outsiders, staying within the vast confines of the Lee family estate. She did have one secret passion, though—street racing.

"Could you please announce my arrival? Your lady asked for me specifically. This is just a token of my respect."

The Prime Minister's gatekeeper held the rank of a Grade Three official. Merely getting past him could be an insurmountable obstacle. After much deliberation, Su Wen reluctantly handed over his only fifty yuan.

"What the hell, are you trying to palm me off like some panhandler? Oh wait, you are a panhandler! Go bask in the sun for all I care! Pfft, fifty yuan, you think this is a movie theater? As if fifty yuan will get you an audience with the lady of the house!"


A high-end sports car pulled up at the entrance of the Lee family estate. A woman, swathed from head to toe, stepped out. Despite being clad in armor, her impeccable proportions and aristocratic aura were unmistakable.

"Is that you?"

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