The Alchemist's Urban Domination/C12 Looking down on Others
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The Alchemist's Urban Domination/C12 Looking down on Others
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C12 Looking down on Others

"Get out of here, you filthy beggar, and stop mooching off the air conditioning!"

After departing from Qiu Ruola's home, Su Wen made a beeline for the bank, intent on cashing the one million yuan check. No sooner had he entered the bank than he was accosted by a security guard and subjected to further humiliation.

"Judging me by my appearance, huh?"

Without even deigning to glance at the guard, Su Wen dropped this remark and continued on to the counter.

"Who are you calling a stinking begger?"

A pudgy hand clamped down on his shoulder. Having been mistaken for a beggar all day, Su Wen's patience had worn thin. He turned his head, an icy look in his eyes.

"Let go!"

The security guard, previously brimming with arrogance, shivered under the force of Su Wen's imposing aura. His grip loosened slightly, but he did not release his hold.

"Quit the act and get out of here!"

A scowl crossed Su Wen's face, a flicker of irritation in his eyes.

"Are you going to let go or not?"

The crowd of onlookers grew, murmuring amongst themselves. The security guard, his bravado faltering but his pride at stake, swallowed hard, yet his hand remained on Su Wen's shoulder.

Suddenly, the guard collapsed to the floor, clutching his arm and howling in pain. None of the bystanders caught what had happened, and they all stared at Su Wen, stunned.

"He's got a hidden weapon! Help, call the police! This man has a dangerous weapon on him!"

The guard writhed on the ground, the pain in his arm unbearable, yet he continued to bellow accusations at Su Wen.

Hearing the mention of a dangerous weapon, the crowd instinctively stepped back, and the once orderly bank lobby erupted into chaos.

Su Wen watched the guard's agonized face and smirked. He hadn't used any hidden weapons; he had simply targeted the guard's pre-existing arm condition with a swift strike, causing the excruciating pain.

"What is the meaning of this? Why are you causing a disturbance in our bank?"

Soon after, a man dressed to the nines pushed through the crowd. Seeing the security guard on the ground, writhing and wailing, he fixed Su Wen with a displeased look.

"Are you the manager of this bank?"

Su Wen appraised the man before raising an eyebrow to inquire.

"Yes, I am. Why did you assault our security guard?"

The manager exuded a different kind of authority, and he seemed smarter too. Despite his displeasure with Su Wen's disruption, he didn't rashly accuse him. Instead, he sought to understand the situation.

"They were disrespectful; they had it coming."

With that succinct explanation, the manager understood the cause of the altercation. With a stern expression, he ordered the security guard to be taken away.

"Sir, may I have your name? I apologize for the unpleasant incident earlier."

There's a reason the ancients said a great man is as accommodating as the ocean. The manager, who had looked quite grim a moment ago, now offered a practiced smile.

"The last name's Su. Can your bank cash a cheque now?"

There's a saying about not striking a person who's smiling, and with the manager being so cordial, Su Wen had no reason to stay upset. He cheerfully pulled out the cheque and presented it to the manager.

"Mr. Su, please come with me."

Upon seeing the amount on the cheque, the manager's demeanor turned serious, and he courteously ushered Su Wen into his office.

Internally, he breathed a sigh of relief. It was fortunate he hadn't offended Su Wen over his unusual attire; otherwise, he might have kissed his annual bonus goodbye.

"Is your bank capable of cashing such a large amount at once? I'm rather pressed for time."

Relaxing on the leather sofa, Su Wen finished off the premium Longjing tea in the porcelain cup, hoping they could expedite the process.

"Rest assured, I've instructed my staff to handle it promptly. It will take just over ten minutes to deposit the funds into your account."

Watching Su Wen gulp down the tea, the manager thought it a shame to see such fine tea consumed so hastily, but he still amiably refilled Su Wen's cup.

Su Wen, however, wasn't fussy about such things. Tea or plain water, it was all just a means to quench his thirst. Yet, he was well-versed in tea culture, no doubt influenced by the tea-loving elder from the mountain.

Su Wen was always pulling people into his studies, claiming he was nurturing their mindset. Known for his buoyant spirit, Su Wen was not one to sit still. Each time he joined the old man for tea, he would inevitably doze off.

"Mr. Su, we've confirmed with the issuer that the check is correct. The funds were deposited into your account a minute ago. Please verify the transaction."

The bank's efficiency impressed me; they wrapped everything up in just ten minutes. Glancing at the text notification on his phone, he saw an extra million in his account and nodded in approval.

"The tea leaves are of high quality, but it's a shame about the water. If you used spring water from the Three Hundred Mountains, it would truly come to life."

With a pat on his backside, Su Wen turned to leave, dropping this remark that left the bank manager astounded. He had assumed Su Wen, with his hasty tea-drinking, knew nothing of tea culture. Yet, with just a few words, Su Wen revealed himself to be a connoisseur.

The manager was relieved he hadn't underestimated Su Wen.

Reaching the bank's entrance, the security guard had regained his composure. Seeing Su Wen's gaze, he shuddered, wishing he could vanish into thin air.

"That arm of yours needs a hospital visit. You've overlooked a severe condition. If you wait much longer, it might become useless."

Su Wen offered a nonchalant smile and a lazy stretch before making the casual observation. The guard's face turned pale as he watched Su Wen walk away, stunned and incredulous, wondering how Su Wen knew about his hidden ailment.

People stared at Su Wen with curious eyes all the way, which made him somewhat self-conscious.

"Ah, I really need to change my clothes. Going out like this tarnishes my image."

Muttering to himself, he hopped onto a yellow bike and headed to the city's central commercial tower. He would have preferred a taxi, but the drivers ignored him, given his disheveled appearance.

Despite being away for over a decade, the city center's layout was familiar, and he easily located the men's department to start selecting new attire.

It was unclear whether the security guards simply didn't notice him or if there was another reason, but this time, Su Wen wasn't stopped. Nonetheless, his attire caught the gaze of many wealthy individuals. It was obvious they were looking at him with disdain. Su Wen had grown accustomed to it. They could stare all they wanted; after all, it wasn't as if he would lose anything by it.

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