The Alchemist's Urban Domination/C13 They Met Their Love Rivals
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The Alchemist's Urban Domination/C13 They Met Their Love Rivals
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C13 They Met Their Love Rivals

"Sir, I apologize, but it seems we don't have any clothing here that would suit you. I would recommend checking out another store."

Su Wen had barely stepped foot into the men's clothing boutique when the sales associate, with a look of scorn, hastened him to leave.

Certainly, the garments from this label commanded prices in the tens of thousands, and judging by his current attire, it appeared to others that he couldn't possibly afford them. Yet, he wasn't upset; he simply offered a nonchalant smile and made his exit.

He hadn't intended to purchase such styles anyway, as they were tailored for office workers or for wearing to special events, not for everyday use.

"Good day, sir. What type of clothing are you interested in? I'd be happy to make some selections for you."

After visiting several shops, where the staff either shooed him away or looked down on him, the sales associate at this store greeted him with a warm and pleasant demeanor.

Su Wen immediately warmed to the brand, returning the sales associate's polite smile with one of his own, and inquired, "Miss, I'm looking for some casual outfits. Do you have any recommendations?"

"Sir, considering your youth, the styles over here might seem a bit mature for you. How about we head over to another section? I can help you pick out some casual wear that might suit you better."

The sales associate was quite attractive, standing at 165 centimeters tall in her black leather heels, which complemented her perfect height. Her black uniform accentuated her impeccable figure, and her face, both delicate and mature, was a delight to behold.

"Sir, if you continue to stare at me like that, I'm going to feel embarrassed."

His gaze was intense, causing the saleswoman to blush under his scrutiny. She shyly bowed her head, bashfully reminding Su Wen.

"Beauty is meant to be appreciated. It would be such a shame if no one admired someone as lovely as you."

Su Wen certainly had a way with words. Directly gazing at someone like that was typically considered impolite, but somehow, he managed to do it without causing offense. Instead, the saleswoman was visibly charmed by his compliment.

"You're too kind, sir. I think this casual outfit would be perfect for you. Would you like to try it on?"

The attractive sales associate bashfully averted her eyes before selecting a casual outfit from the rack and presenting it to Su Wen.

"I trust your judgment."

With those words, Su Wen playfully winked at her. His natural good looks combined with that flirtatious gesture sent her heart racing and her breath quickening.

"Wow, who would've thought that the guy who looked like a beggar could clean up so handsomely!"

"Absolutely. Xiaomei has an eye for style. He's like a whole new person in those clothes."

"Hmph, what a hypocrite. You were just looking down on someone for being poor, accusing Xiaomei of feigning kindness, and now you're here putting on an act."

Stepping out of the dressing room in his new attire, Su Wen immediately overheard the other sales associates gossiping.

He smirked, quite self-assured about his appearance. Had he not spent his youth in the mountains with the old man, he might well have been one of Shengjing's most handsome men.

"Xiaomei, what do you think? Does it look good?"

He flashed a devilish smile at Xiaomei, who was utterly captivated, and leaned in close, his voice rich and enticing.

"It looks great."

Xiaomei blushed deeply, her chin nearly touching her chest, too shy to even look up, her heart pounding as if it might leap out.

"Heh, no matter how good-looking, it's still just a beggar in a nice shell. You might as well not waste your time here. You can't afford it, so you'd better just pick up a few things from a street stall."

At that moment, a voice dripping with jealousy and scorn sounded from behind. Su Wen's brow furrowed as he glanced past Xiaomei to see who it was.

A man clad in designer labels stood a short distance away, regarding him with a look of utter disdain.

"Do dogs these days really have so much idle time that they need to snap at everyone they meet?"

Su Wen, known for his biting wit, wasn't about to lose a war of words. With a single retort, he silenced the man.

"Sir, please don't take offense at him. He comes from a significant background!"

Xiaomei's face went pale when she saw Su Wen taunting the man. She quickly shot him a warning glance and whispered a reminder.

"Damn it, you filthy beggar, who do you think you're scolding?"

The man wasn't foolish; he clearly understood the subtext of Su Wen's words. His face turned stormy as he approached Su Wen, glaring furiously.

"Anyone who talks to me gets scolded. There's no shortage of nosy fools around here."

Su Wen sent Xiaomei a reassuring look before smiling back at the man, whose eyes seemed ready to shoot flames.

"Damn it, do you have any idea who I am? You dare speak to me like that? You must have a death wish!"

Completely infuriated, the man seized Su Wen by the collar, ready to strike, while the nearby sales staff screamed in terror.

Yet Su Wen remained unfazed, still smiling at the man. He saw no difference between this man and Su Tanhua; both were hollow bullies who thrived on intimidation.

"Maosen, what are you doing?"

Just as he was about to make his move, a familiar voice stopped him. He turned to see his flamboyant fiancée, Luo Qiaoqiao, who was known for flirting with men.

Lee Maosen, Qiu Ruola's nephew and Luo Qiaoqiao's most ardent admirer, was caught off guard.

"Qiaoqiao, this filthy beggar just insulted me. I was about to set him straight."

Upon hearing Luo Qiaoqiao's voice, Lee Maosen quickly released Su Wen and began to fawn over her.

Luo Qiaoqiao cast a puzzled look at Su Wen, her brow furrowing.

"Su Wen?"

The transformation was striking. Luo Qiaoqiao was taken aback by the stark contrast between the dapper man before her and the ragged beggar she remembered.

"Miss Luo, what a coincidence. Are you out shopping with your sweetheart?"

Su Wen hadn't expected to run into his fiancée so unexpectedly. He paused, then spoke with a tone dripping with sarcasm.

Luo Qiaoqiao, feeling a mix of embarrassment and annoyance, shot him a fierce glare before turning to leave.

"Su Wen? Are you the man engaged to Qiaoqiao?"

Upon discovering Su Wen's identity, Lee Maosen's eyes brimmed with even greater disdain. Luo Qiaoqiao, the woman he had long cherished, was betrothed to Su Wen. It was only natural for rivals to lock eyes with a fiery intensity when they met.

"Is this any of your business?"

Their gazes clashed in midair, the tension palpable as if the air itself was laced with gunpowder. Lee Maosen's anger stemmed from his feelings for Luo Qiaoqiao, while Su Wen's irritation was purely a reaction to Lee Maosen's provocation.

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