The Alchemist's Urban Domination/C14 Can I Ask You to Drink Coffee?
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The Alchemist's Urban Domination/C14 Can I Ask You to Drink Coffee?
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C14 Can I Ask You to Drink Coffee?

"Su Wen, are you feeling jealous? I'm sorry, but honestly, I think Maosen is so much better than you."

Luo Qiaoqiao surmised that Su Wen was green with envy because she was out shopping with another man.

Flush with triumph, her tone took on an airy quality.

"...Luo Qiaoqiao, can you tell me where this confidence comes from? You're a woman I've rejected. What could possibly make me jealous?"

Su Wen laughed so hard he nearly cried. He hadn't expected Luo Qiaoqiao to be not only foolish but also delusional. Did she really believe she was so attractive that all the men in the world would fawn over her?

"Su Wen, let's get one thing straight. I was the one who called off our engagement! I'm the one who didn't want you!"

Luo Qiaoqiao's face flushed with anger as she pointed at him, her voice shrill enough to make Su Wen's ears ring, prompting him to rub them in discomfort.

"Fine, fine, fine. You called off the engagement. Are you happy now? Please, take your new beau and make yourselves scarce. Don't interrupt my shopping."

With that, Su Wen turned on his heel and disappeared into the fitting room, leaving a bewildered Lee Maosen and a fuming Luo Qiaoqiao behind.

"Su Wen, you'll regret this!"

Luo Qiaoqiao, accustomed to being adored by men, was not used to such mockery. She stomped her foot and yelled after Su Wen before storming off in a huff.

"Qiaoqiao, is it true? Is your engagement really off? So, does that mean I can come over to your place and ask for your hand in marriage?"

Lee Maosen trotted after her, elated. He had seen Su Wen as his main competition, but now he reveled in the unexpected good news.

"What does my engagement—or lack thereof—have to do with you? Get lost! Stop annoying me with your presence!"

Luo Qiaoqiao, in a foul mood, didn't care that he was Qiu Ruola's nephew and unleashed a torrent of insults.

Despite the harsh scolding, Lee Maosen, truly smitten, remained unbothered. The gentleman took it all in stride and even tried to coax a smile from her.

"Don't be upset, getting angry is bad for your health. How about I buy you a bag to make amends?" he suggested gently, taking Luo Qiaoqiao by the hand and leading her into a luxury boutique to select a purse.

Meanwhile, Su Wen, with the assistance of the sales associate Xiaomei, purchased over ten outfits.

"Xiaomei, you're not only beautiful, but you also have a beautiful heart. I really appreciate your help with picking out clothes today. Would you like to grab a coffee with me sometime?" Su Wen asked, flashing a charming smile at Xiaomei amidst the envious looks from other sales associates.

"Is he asking Xiaomei out? Why can't I ever be that lucky?" one of the onlookers lamented.

"With your burly frame, how could you even think of dating someone? Better to quit dreaming," another scoffed.

"Pfft, she's just using her alluring looks to snag a wealthy guy. There's nothing to be jealous of," a third remarked bitterly.

Whispers of envy and jealousy swirled around, leaving Xiaomei feeling quite embarrassed. She had assisted Su Wen in selecting his clothes out of professional duty, not personal interest. After all, every customer deserved to be treated like royalty, without any prejudice.

"Sir, you flatter me. It's simply my job to assist you, and it's an honor to do so. Here's your bank card back, please take care of it. And if you wouldn't mind, could you leave your address here? We'll have your clothes delivered to your home within the hour," Xiaomei responded with poise.

Su Wen's grin deepened at her composed demeanor. He took the pen and jotted down his address, name, and contact details on a sticky note.

"Xiaomei, if you're open to having coffee with me, don't hesitate to give me a call," he said, winking at her before heading off to shop for more items, still dressed in his tattered attire.

"Do the wealthy have such peculiar taste, or are we just out of touch with fashion?" the other patrons wondered aloud, puzzled by Su Wen's choice to continue wearing his worn-out clothes despite his new purchases.

"Xiaomei, you've had a long day too. Let me take care of these for you; I'll drop them off at the courier," offered a considerate colleague, ready to help lighten her load.

"Oh, there's no need to bother you with such a trivial thing. I'll take it to Xiaomei myself."

"Step aside, everyone. I've got this."

No sooner had Su Wen left than someone began to curry favor with Xiaomei. They were all eager to get their hands on that sticky note from her.

Xiaomei could only offer a resigned smile, baffled by their desire to cozy up to the wealthy. Ultimately, she handed the sticky note to a sister with whom she had a decent relationship.

"Little Swallow, dressed in your flowery garb, you return here every spring..."

"Oh my, young master, where have you been since the crack of dawn? I've been searching high and low for you. If you hadn't returned, the young mistress would have had my head!"

Humming a tune, Su Wen entered the Su family mansion to find the Old Steward approaching him in a fluster, circling him repeatedly.

"Good heavens, Steward, could you please stop going around in circles? You're making me dizzy. I'm not a toddler; what harm could come from a short stroll?"

Su Wen's head was spinning, so he quickly steadied the Old Steward, looking at him with a mix of amusement and exasperation.

"Young Master, you've just returned and are unaware of the current state of affairs in the Su family. Your power-hungry uncle has been plotting to take over for a long time. With your return, you've become a thorn in his side!"

The Old Steward finally paused, though he continued to chatter away, leaving Su Wen feeling like his ears were developing calluses.

"Su Tanhua and his son? What could they possibly do to me? They've been the butt of my jokes since childhood, and nothing's changed."

Su Wen had always dismissed Su Tanhua and his son as mere jesters.

"You just refuse to heed my advice," the steward lamented.

Heaving a sigh, the Old Steward wisely fell silent and followed Su Wen into the villa.

"Steward, arrange a press conference for me tomorrow. I want to make an announcement. As of today, the marriage between Luo Qiaoqiao and myself, Su Wen, is dissolved."

Reclining on the couch, Su Wen nonchalantly gave his orders to the Old Steward while enjoying the fresh fruit served by a servant.

"Oh, okay. Schedule a press conference and announce... What? Young Master, did you truly call off your engagement with Miss Luo?"

The Old Steward hadn't quite grasped the situation yet, diligently jotting down the tasks in his notebook. But after penning just a few words, he stared at Su Wen, his face a picture of shock.

"Is there any doubt? I went to see Luo Qiaoqiao this morning to do just that."

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