The Alchemist's Urban Domination/C15 The Kind Su Xia
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The Alchemist's Urban Domination/C15 The Kind Su Xia
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C15 The Kind Su Xia

He really lacked self-control. What was so surprising about this situation? It was just a matter of time before a divorce would happen.

Su Wen rolled his eyes, unable to resist muttering a few complaints to himself.

"Young Master, divorcing Miss Luo could harm her reputation. Isn't that a bit harsh?"

Even though the Old Steward wasn't particularly fond of Miss Luo, he still took her reputation into consideration. With a furrowed brow, he attempted to reason with Su Wen.

Ha, as if Luo Qiaoqiao, with her flirtatious ways, is worried about her reputation? That's laughable!

"Just do as I say. I don't like to repeat myself."

With those words, tinged with irritation, Su Wen dried his hands and headed upstairs to his room.

The Old Steward realized he had upset him and dared not say more. Once Su Wen had gone to his room, he took out his phone.

"Steward, what's going on? Is Wen doing alright at home?"

Su Xia was in a meeting when she got the call from the Old Steward. She paused the meeting immediately upon seeing his call, which spoke volumes about Su Wen's importance to her.

"Miss, all is well. It's just that the Young Master wishes to divorce Miss Luo."

The Old Steward felt compelled to inform Su Xia about the impending divorce, especially since Su Wen planned to hold a press conference the next day. The announcement would undoubtedly impact the Su family.

"What? Wen really wants to divorce Luo Qiaoqiao? Hold on, I'm a bit tied up at the moment, let me step out."

The sound of rapid footsteps followed, and after a short pause, Su Xia's voice came through once more.

"Old Steward, what exactly is happening?"

"Ah, Young Master inquired about Miss Luo yesterday afternoon. He found out that she has been using the engagement to extort money from you, so he confronted Miss Luo early this morning. He also plans to hold a press conference tomorrow to make the divorce public. What should we do?"

The Old Steward was genuinely concerned. He couldn't figure out who the Young Master took after. Although Su Wen was undoubtedly skilled, he sometimes acted too impulsively.

"Alright, I've got it. Hold off on the press conference for now. I'll call Wen after my meeting wraps up. You don't need to handle it."

Su Xia was quiet for a moment on the other end of the line before she resumed speaking, her voice carrying an air of undeniable authority.

The Old Steward furrowed his brow, glancing at the sky as it grew darker, and heaved a deep sigh. It seemed a change was coming to the skies of Shengjing.

Upon returning to his room, the first thing Su Wen did was indulge in a relaxing bath. Though the mountain offered a pleasant environment, it couldn't compete with the amenities of the city. Lying in the bathtub, listening to music, and sipping red wine was a luxury he had only dreamt of.

As he rested against the bathtub, the phone rang. He couldn't help but smile when he saw the caller ID.

"Sis, when are you coming home? I've missed you terribly."

"Always the charmer, aren't you? I'm still tied up with things here; it'll likely be another two or three days."

Hearing the laughter in his voice, Su Xia's face softened with a gentle smile. Despite the years apart, the siblings' bond hadn't waned. If anything, their time apart had deepened their appreciation for their familial connection.

"Wen, are you planning to call off your engagement with Luo Qiaoqiao?"

Su Xia broached the subject after some light conversation with Su Wen.

"Sis, I figured that's why you were calling." Su Wen said with a slight smile, swirling the red wine in his glass nonchalantly. To the unacquainted, he might appear to be a carefree heir, but his eyes betrayed a keen intelligence and steadiness.

"That Luo Qiaoqiao, with her alluring looks, is naturally coquettish. I, Su Wen, will never take such a woman as my wife. Moreover, I've already found someone I adore. This engagement has to be called off, one way or another."

"You've found someone special? Who is she? When will you bring her home to meet me?"

Su Xia couldn't hide her excitement at the prospect of her brother being in love.

"Sis, I haven't even officially started dating her yet. You seem so eager—could it be that you're the one looking to get married? And just who would my brother-in-law be?"

"Smart aleck!"

Su Xia's face turned red as she playfully scolded him.

Despite being well into her twenties, Su Xia had never had a boyfriend. It wasn't for lack of suitors; rather, she had devoted all her attention to the Su family, leaving no time for romantic entanglements.

"Wen, I don't oppose your decision to call off the engagement, but I don't think a press conference is necessary. True, Luo Qiaoqiao's behavior is quite scandalous, but if we initiate the cancellation, it will undoubtedly tarnish her reputation. Bearing the weight of the Luo family on her shoulders is no small feat."

Su Xia had carefully considered these words before speaking. She didn't want Su Wen to marry someone as promiscuous as Luo Qiaoqiao, but as a fellow woman, she couldn't bring herself to utterly destroy her.

"Sis, you're just too compassionate. Someone like Luo Qiaoqiao, with her brazen ways, won't be affected by the cancellation of the engagement."

Indeed, Su Xia was exceedingly compassionate. She was a savvy businesswoman who had carved out an empire for herself at a young age. Yet, her nature was pure and kind, without a trace of cunning. Otherwise, she wouldn't have allowed Su Tanhua and his son, with their ulterior motives, to remain within the Su family.

"Wen, whatever happens to Luo Qiaoqiao is her concern; our actions are our own. We don't need the whole world's approval, just a clear conscience."

Su Xia spoke with the authority of a family elder. Su Wen sighed in resignation, realizing that Su Xia still saw him as a child.

"Sis, I'm not a child anymore. I'm fully aware of what I'm doing. This press conference is necessary. I'm well aware of the things Luo Qiaoqiao has done to you over the years, using the engagement as leverage. You may be kind enough not to hold a grudge, but I, Su Wen, am not. If she's been bullying you, then it's only right that she faces some consequences."

Su Xia fell silent, her heart a tumult of emotions. Indeed, Su Wen had matured; he was no longer the naive boy of ten years ago. Now, he had his own convictions and the capability to address issues on his own.

"Ah, you truly have grown up. As for your marriage, it's your decision to make. I won't interfere any longer."

Finally, Su Xia relented and agreed to Su Wen's request to hold a press conference to announce the cancellation of their engagement.

"Hehe, you're always the best to me. Hurry back, I miss you."

What was this, a mix of firmness and cajoling? Su Wen had been adamant about calling off the engagement, but once Su Xia consented, he switched to a playful tone to cheer her up.

"There's no helping it; I'm single-handedly running the entire company and it's incredibly demanding. If you could come work with us, you'd really help lighten my load."

"Stop right there, sis! I've told you before, I'm not interested in the company's affairs. Don't even think about dragging me into it."

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