The Alchemist's Urban Domination/C16 They Met Again in the Bar
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The Alchemist's Urban Domination/C16 They Met Again in the Bar
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C16 They Met Again in the Bar

Before Su Wen had even descended the mountain, Su Xia had broached the subject with him numerous times. She hoped that upon his return to Shengjing, he would join her at the company to learn the ropes of management. Her goal was to groom him so that one day, he could take the reins of the company.

"Wen, you're going to take over the company eventually. I can't be expected to manage it for you forever, can I? It's our father's legacy. As his only child, you have to shoulder this responsibility."

Su Xia was adamant about this issue. She was determined to pass the company on to Su Wen. She felt a deep sense of gratitude for the upbringing Su's father had provided and had dedicated herself to managing the company as a way to honor the Su family.

"Sis, the company's revival is entirely your achievement; it has nothing to do with me. And aren't you his child too? It makes more sense for you to run the company than for me."

Su Wen detested such talk. They were like siblings, yet she insisted on treating him like an outsider.

"But the board of directors..."

"There are no 'buts.' If they dare to object, I'll just draft a contract and transfer all my shares to your name."

Su Wen didn't leave any room for Su Xia to argue. He always dealt with issues in such a direct and forceful manner.

"Sis, you still have a meeting to finish, right? You go ahead with your work. I can handle my own affairs, don't worry. Bye for now, big sis!"

"Wen, listen to me..."

Su Xia tried to continue, but the call was abruptly ended. Hearing the busy signal, she could only sigh in resignation.

"Director Su, should we continue with the meeting or..."

Her secretary, who had been at her side, cautiously inquired after she ended the call.

"Let's go on. We'll continue the meeting. Let's wrap up here quickly and then head back to Shengjing as soon as we can."

With that, Su Xia composed herself, adopting a stern and detached demeanor before re-entering the meeting room.

"Young Master, did you want to see me?"

The Old Steward, who had been supervising the evening meal preparations in the kitchen, received a message that Su Wen was looking for him. Dropping what he was doing, he rushed to Su Wen's side, breathless from the haste.

Su Wen stood before the mirror, meticulously adjusting his attire. The hallmark of a luxury boutique is its service; not only had they delivered the clothes promptly, but they had also returned them freshly cleaned and pressed.

"Old Steward, speak when it's necessary and refrain from discussing matters that are best left unsaid. Do not take liberties with decisions; I dislike others making choices for me. Understood?" Su Wen's words were delivered without a glance upward, yet the icy undertone sent a shiver down the Old Steward's spine. Despite having spent a decade in the remote wilderness of Sen Shan, Su Wen's inherent air of nobility remained undiminished.

"Yes, Young Master," the Old Steward replied, standing deferentially to the side, head bowed, as he stifled the fear welling up within him.

"And don't forget the press conference tomorrow. Make it clear that it was I, Su Wen, who proposed the dissolution of the engagement to Luo Qiaoqiao. Is that clear?"

The Old Steward blinked in surprise. He had assumed that Su Xia's intervention would sway Su Wen, but it seemed to have no effect. With a note of urgency, he responded.

"Young Master, what is your intention with this? Do you intend to create an irreparable rift with the Luo family?"

"Intention? What intention could I possibly have? Luo Qiaoqiao has taken advantage of this engagement to wrong Ms Xia over the years. The Su family won't stand for being mistreated."

His offhand remark laid bare Su Wen's fiercely protective nature. Ever since childhood, he had been unyieldingly proud, never one to submit easily. Those who wronged him would surely face retribution.

"Young Master! Why pursue such a vendetta over a trifling matter? Weren't you fond of the Luo family as a child?"

The Old Steward's fear deepened as he heard Su Wen's callous words. Remembering the boy's once innocent and carefree demeanor, a pang of sorrow hit him.

"People change, Butler. Moreover, I see no fault in my actions. If the Luo family was heartless before, they can't fault me for being merciless now. This marriage must be annulled. Luo Qiaoqiao has extorted a fortune from my sister; I cannot simply let that pass."

The Old Steward's mention of the Luo family brought back bitter memories for Su Wen, recalling their indifference after the Su family's misfortune. His displeasure was palpable, and his tone took on an edge of severity that left the Old Steward too terrified to even breathe loudly.

"Just do as I say and stop making excuses for Luo Qiaoqiao. I'm going out for a bit, so there's no need to prepare dinner for me."

Su Wen caught himself exuding a hostile aura and, after a brief pause, he quickly quelled the resentment brewing within. With those words, he took off in Su Tanhua's car.

The resplendent lights shone on the wine glass brimming with Lafite as Su Wen held it in his well-defined hands, gently swirling the contents. He sipped the wine with an air of nonchalance, yet his captivating eyes betrayed a depth as profound as the ocean, shimmering with intelligence.

Blue Night Bar was the epitome of luxury and the largest entertainment venue in Shengjing. Only the wealthy and prestigious frequented this place, where the entry fee alone was a steep 50,000 yuan.

"Hey handsome, is that really you? I barely recognized you after you changed clothes!"

Su Wen had intentionally chosen a discreet corner to sit in, yet he still managed to encounter an acquaintance. He looked up and greeted her with a polite smile.

"Miss Qingqing, what a pleasant surprise to run into you here."

Indeed, the woman who approached him was none other than the kind-hearted Qingqing he had met at the airport. Blushing at his smile, she bashfully lowered her head. Even in his ragged attire back at the airport, his charm was unmistakable. Now, dressed anew, he was positively radiant.

"Since we've met by chance, would you mind if I joined you for a drink?"

"Not at all, it would be my pleasure to share a drink with a beautiful woman like you, Qingqing."

Su Wen was more than willing to accept such an opportunity. He made room for Qingqing beside him and gestured for the bartender to pour her a glass of champagne.

"Are you from Shengjing too? I don't recall ever seeing you around."

Qingqing, no fool herself, knew that the clientele of Blue Night were no ordinary people. She effortlessly steered the conversation towards discovering more about Su Wen's background.

"Yes, I am indeed from Shengjing. However, I left with my master to wander ten years ago and have only recently returned."

Su Wen had no intention of concealing his identity. After all, it would become public knowledge during tomorrow's press conference anyway.

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