The Alchemist's Urban Domination/C17 They Caused Trouble in the Bar
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The Alchemist's Urban Domination/C17 They Caused Trouble in the Bar
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C17 They Caused Trouble in the Bar

"Traveling? Handsome, does your master happen to be a martial arts hermit?"

Upon hearing Su Wen's words, Qingqing's interest was piqued. She had always been fascinated by martial arts and had once dreamed of marrying a legendary hero with unmatched fighting skills.

A martial arts hermit? The old man could fit the description, yet he didn't practice martial arts. His Pill Refining Technique, however, was peerless—truly one of a kind in the world.

"He's no martial arts hermit, just a cranky old man."

Even if Su Wen's master were indeed such an esteemed figure, he wouldn't acknowledge it. The old man had been far too strict with him back on the mountain.

"Hehe, you must have a pretty good relationship with your master to talk about him like that," Qingqing chuckled, clearly entertained by Su Wen's comment. She then gave a playful look and asked, "We've met twice now and haven't properly introduced ourselves. My name is Ann Yiqing. What's yours?"

Su Wen knew of the An family; they were in the timber business and held a modest reputation in Shengjing, but they were not considered a major household. He gave a slight smirk, revealing a captivating smile.

"Su Wen, Young Master Su of the Su family."

"The Su family? You're Ms. Su Xia's brother? I've always heard about you from my sister but never had the chance to meet you. Now that I have, you're exactly as she described."

Ann Yiqing's look of surprise brought a smile to Su Wen's face. He was equally astonished that she knew his sister, Su Xia.

"What exactly did my sister say about me?"

As Su Wen looked at her with a playful glint in his eyes, Ann Yiqing's heart raced. She was about to respond when an angry voice interrupted them.

"Don't think you can just waltz in and charm my woman because you're dressed to the nines. If you have any sense, you'll back off!"

Su Wen turned to see who had arrived and inwardly rolled his eyes.

Idiot, claiming her as your woman? Watched too many Hong Kong flicks, have you?

"Ho Cheng'an, have you lost your mind? Since when am I your woman?"

Ann Yiqing didn't wait for Su Wen to speak; she glared and furiously berated the man from the airport.

"Qingqing! Don't you forget, we're engaged!"

Ho Cheng'an, where did he come from?

Su Wen furrowed his brow in thought, yet he couldn't recall any information about him. He must belong to some minor noble house that's recently come into prominence, or perhaps a side branch of a more significant family.

Su Wen was growing increasingly irritated by Ho's repeated provocations. Rising from the sofa, he wore a challenging grin and said, "What a coincidence to see you again. But you seem to be quite ill. Not only is your mouth foul, but you're also blind and exceedingly full of yourself!"

Ho Cheng'an had thought this man looked somewhat familiar, and now, with Su Wen speaking up, he instantly remembered the incident at the airport. His facial expression shifted like colors on a palette.

"Qingqing, let's go!"

Aware of Su Wen's extraordinary status, Ho Cheng'an didn't dare to provoke him further and grabbed Ann Yiqing's hand, attempting to make a swift exit.

"Let go of me! Who says I want to go with you? Ho Cheng'an, don't assume that because we're engaged, you can meddle in my affairs. Who cares about this ridiculous marriage? If you push me too far, I'll call off the engagement tomorrow!"

Ann Yiqing was not the type to meekly comply. She wrenched her hand away from Ho Cheng'an and loudly berated him in frustration.

What a spirited young lady! She's ready to call off an engagement at the drop of a hat—I like that!

Su Wen mused internally, his gaze on Ann Yiqing now filled with a newfound respect.

"Qingqing, you!"

Ho Cheng'an was livid, his fists clenched so tightly they made a cracking sound, yet he was powerless against her. Su Wen found his exasperated demeanor amusing and couldn't help but let out a chuckle.

"What the hell are you laughing at?"

Already seething, Ho Cheng'an was pushed over the edge by Su Wen's laughter. His eyes bulged as he shouted his rebuke.

"Oh, what's the matter? Young Master Ho can't handle a bit of defiance from a woman and now you're taking it out on me? You sure do concern yourself with a lot," Su Wen taunted, never one to shy away from escalating a situation.

Ho Cheng'an was not accustomed to such disrespect. Though his family lacked significant clout in Shengjing, his connection to the influential Lee Maosen had emboldened him. Backed by the Lee family, he had grown accustomed to throwing his weight around.

He seized Su Wen's collar, his eyes blazing with fury.

"Listen, kid, don't think for a second that I'm afraid to lay a hand on you!"

Su Wen glanced down at his wrinkled clothes and frowned. He then locked eyes with the man's lethal glare and taunted him.

"Oh, you want to try me? Go ahead."

The tension in the air was palpable, thick with the scent of impending conflict, as if a battle was on the verge of erupting.

"There goes Ho Cheng'an, throwing his weight around again. Looks like whoever ticked him off is about to get it bad."

"Hmph, Ho Cheng'an is nothing but a bully. Without the Lee family backing him, he wouldn't have the guts to act so high and mighty."

"Well, why don't you cozy up to the Lee family and see if you can strut around like that too?"

Even tucked away in the bar's corner, the scene drew an audience. Most recognized Ho Cheng'an, but Su Wen, having only recently returned to Shengjing, was less known. To the onlookers, he appeared to be the underdog.

"Kid, if you get on your knees and apologize, maybe I'll let you off easy. But if you keep acting stupid, today you'll learn just how tough I can be!"

The crowd's comments only inflated Ho Cheng'an's ego as he smirked smugly at Su Wen.

"Heh, where do you get off feeling so superior? Expecting me to kneel and apologize? You must be out of your mind. Moron!"

Su Wen's laughter was bitter; his years away from Shengjing had clearly seen the rise of many more sycophants.

"Damn it! Refuse a toast only to be forced to drink a forfeit!"

Ho Cheng'an's fury was now at boiling point. His fist, the size of a punching bag, was about to crash into Su Wen's face when the wealthy young ladies around them feigned shock, screaming in alarm.

Yet Su Wen remained unruffled, his demeanor calm. In a blink, he flicked a pill into Ho Cheng'an's mouth with imperceptible speed.


Something was lodged in Ho Cheng'an's throat, halting his movements. In a moment, the object dissolved, leaving a nauseating taste that had him grimacing and gagging.

"What's happening? Why does Ho Cheng'an look like he's about to throw up?"

"Could it be that he's had too much to drink? He's vomiting so intensely, it's like he's about to bring up bile."

"Ugh, what a letdown. I was hoping for some excitement. But with the way he looks now, it seems like there won't be any. Let's all head home!"

The onlookers, witnessing his condition, began to murmur among themselves. Eventually, as he continued to retch without respite, they lost interest and dispersed.

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