The Alchemist's Urban Domination/C19 The Only Young Master Su
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The Alchemist's Urban Domination/C19 The Only Young Master Su
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C19 The Only Young Master Su

"No need."

Su Wen understood the Old Steward's concerns; he feared that Su Wen might be upset by the idle chatter. However, Su Wen was unfazed. Having been away from Shengjing for a decade, it was unsurprising that these people didn't recognize him.

The press conference wasn't solely to embarrass Luo Qiaoqiao; more crucially, it was to announce to Shengjing that Su Wen was back. It served as a warning to those who had wronged the Su family in the past.

"It appears you're all quite intrigued by my story? The debate has been quite lively. Have you reached any conclusions?"

Su Wen entered and strode confidently to the podium, then picked up the microphone and addressed the twenty-odd reporters seated before him.

The previously boisterous reporters fell silent, now looking at him with awkward expressions.

Satisfied with the hushed crowd, he nodded, his piercing gaze sweeping the room before he spoke again with a slight smirk.

"Allow me to introduce myself properly. I am Su Wen, Young Master Su, and the sole heir to Su's Group. Regarding Su Tanhua, I apologize, but he is merely my cousin."

His assertive declaration resonated like a depth charge, sending shockwaves through the audience. Even the Old Steward, usually so composed, stared at Su Wen in astonishment.

"Young Master, what are you doing? This will surely displease Su Mingshan!"

Realizing the implications, the Old Steward approached Su Wen and tugged at his clothing, his voice laden with disapproval.

"Old Steward, I'm well aware of what I'm doing. Please, step down."

Su Wen knew the steward's fears; he was concerned that such a bold statement might anger Su Mingshan. But what of it? Su Wen was not intimidated.

"Young Master Su, isn't that a bit heartless? You left without a word years ago, leaving a shambles for your uncle to clean up. Now that the Su family is thriving again, you claim to be the sole heir to Su's Group. What, then, do you make of your uncle's years of dedication to the family?"

Amidst the ensuing commotion, someone stood up to challenge Su Wen's statement, accusing him of being ungrateful.

I may have been away from Shengjing for a decade, but that certainly doesn't mean I've lost sight of what's been happening. I'm well aware of Su Mingshan's actions over these past ten years. You question his contributions to the Su family, so I'm compelled to ask, what exactly has he contributed?"

Su Wen's pointed question left the reporter red-faced and awkwardly silent, unsure of how to respond. After a pause, the reporter stubbornly continued.

"Even if your uncle hasn't contributed much, Su's Group isn't solely owned by your father, is it? As your father's brother, doesn't your uncle deserve a share of the inheritance?"

Honestly, this reporter must be joking.

Su Wen could hardly believe the naivety of the young man before him. Since when did distant relatives have a claim to an inheritance that rightfully belongs to the property owner's children and designated heirs?

"Are you serious? With that kind of logic, you're a reporter? I suggest you brush up on Chinese law before you try to debate this topic. I'm not aware of any portion of my father's will that mentions leaving anything to my uncle. The will clearly states, in black and white, that the only heirs are myself, Su Wen, and my sister, Su Xia."

The reporter was taken aback by Su Wen's blunt dismissal, leaving him speechless and eventually storming off in a huff.

Tsk tsk, it seems the youth today can't handle a bit of criticism.

To Su Wen, the reporter's indignant departure was far from dignified; it was more akin to a farce. Wasn't the point of speaking up to engage in dialogue, even if it meant facing opposition?

If you have the audacity to make baseless claims, you'd better be ready for the backlash.

"Let's settle down now," Su Wen addressed the room. "The purpose of this press conference isn't to reveal my identity. I've gathered you here to make an important announcement."

After tapping the microphone to regain the crowd's attention, he continued.

"Today, in front of all these media representatives, I am officially announcing the cancellation of my engagement to Luo Qiaoqiao. From this day forward, there are no ties between Miss Luo and myself. She is free to marry, and I am free to pursue my own path."

With a resounding boom, Su Wen dropped yet another bombshell, sparking an even more heated debate than before.

"Mr. Su, are you serious about this? Are you truly intending to call off your engagement with Miss Luo? If I recall correctly, this engagement was arranged by your parents. By cancelling it so abruptly, are you suggesting that you wish to sever ties with the Luo family?"

A female reporter, clad in a black uniform and sporting black-rimmed glasses, stood up, her voice tinged with excitement as she fired off a barrage of questions.

"Miss Reporter, it's truly a shame you don't write novels. With such a wild imagination, you conjure up the most fantastical scenarios," Su Wen said, pausing briefly before continuing. "To address your concerns, the decision to end the engagement was made after considerable thought. Miss Luo Qiaoqiao and I are not compatible, and thus unsuitable for marriage. Furthermore, the dissolution of our engagement does not equate to a rift with the Luo family. You're reading too much into it."

"Mr. Su, is Miss Luo Qiaoqiao aware of the engagement being called off? Have you considered the potential hurt this might cause her?"

One reporter barely finished before another rose to speak. Su Wen, unfazed, maintained his composed smile and answered at a measured pace.

"I've discussed the matter with Miss Luo prior to this announcement. Moreover, I don't believe it will cause her any distress. In fact, during my time away from Shengjing, Miss Luo's admirers have been anything but scarce. It's better to release her from an unwanted commitment than to hold on. Don't you agree?"

With that, Su Wen flashed a knowing smile at the reporter, who turned a shade of crimson.

"Mr. Su, may I ask if your sudden decision to end the engagement is due to Miss Luo's reputedly flirtatious nature?"

At last, someone turned the focus onto Luo Qiaoqiao, casting aspersions on her character.

"I apologize, but that pertains to Miss Luo's private life, and I prefer not to comment extensively on the matter. As for her dealings with her suitors, I'm not privy to the details. Should you have further questions, feel free to inquire with Miss Luo herself or consult my Old Steward. Now, if you'll excuse me, I have other matters to attend to," Su Wen concluded, leaving the hall with the assistance of his servants.

He was well aware that the statements made at today's press conference would soon ripple through the media, sparking widespread controversy.

"A storm's brewing..."

Lying on the couch, Su Wen murmured these words to himself before closing his eyes for a brief nap.

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