The Alchemist's Urban Domination/C2 All Illnesses Cured
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The Alchemist's Urban Domination/C2 All Illnesses Cured
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C2 All Illnesses Cured

"Young Master, please don't wander off; we should arrive in about four to five hours."

The Old Steward's face betrayed his fatigue, clearly worn out by the journey. No sooner had he taken his seat than his eyelids began to droop.

"The plane isn't that big; where could I possibly run off to? You should get some rest," Su Wen said with a shake of his head and a smile.

As the passengers continued to board, Su Wen watched them with interest. Just then, a tall woman with fiery red lips and a voluptuous figure entered. Her curves were in all the right places, making even the beautiful flight attendants seem plain by comparison. Su Wen couldn't take his eyes off her.

The woman sat down across from Su Wen, catching a glimpse of his leering gaze and frowning in disgust.

"What are you staring at? Haven't you ever seen a woman before?"

She was used to turning heads with her striking looks and curvaceous figure, but most men at least tried to act with a semblance of decorum. Su Wen, however, was unabashedly ogling her ample chest without any pretense of subtlety.

"Hehe, beautiful lady, something about you seems a bit off."

Su Wen pointed at the woman's chest, causing her to blush. She had encountered her fair share of ruffians, but few were as blatantly disrespectful and bold as him.

"Jerk! If you say one more word, I'm calling for help!"

Her chest was indeed extraordinary, a blessing and a curse given her slender frame, making it stand out all the more.

"Cough, cough, no need to call anyone. I'm saying you look ill."

"You're the one who's ill!"

The woman was seething. If the plane hadn't been in the middle of its glide, she would have slapped the insolence right out of the hooligan.

"Actually, you do seem to have a problem, right there on your chest. It looks okay now, but let me give it a quick massage, and you'll be fine. If we wait any longer, it could get complicated," Su Wen said, feigning innocence.

"I'll kill you, you bastard!"

Fury blazed in the woman's eyes as she longed to stand up and put Su Wen in his place, but the plane was just beginning its ascent, forcing her to restrain herself.

Su Wen shook his head and let out a sigh, "Ah, let it go. It's like a dog biting Lu Dongbin; he doesn't appreciate kindness."



Su Wen had endured a rigorous ten-year training in the mountains. It wasn't until recently, when the old man deemed his Pill Refining Technique moderately successful, that he allowed Su Wen to descend from the mountain. Before his departure, he imparted these words to him:

"A Pill Refining Master descends the mountain, and there is no one in the world beyond saving, no disease that cannot be healed!"

Just moments ago, Su Wen had identified the hidden ailment in the woman's chest. He was quite forthright, speaking his mind, but his candor was met with a cold shoulder, leaving him feeling snubbed.


The flight was smooth, and seeing that Su Wen had fallen silent, the woman decided to let it be. Causing a scene on the plane would be a significant hassle, and despite her irritation, she chose to hold her tongue for the time being.

Su Wen gazed out the window and drifted off to sleep, only to be rudely awakened shortly after by a disturbance.

There was trouble.

"Emergency announcement: A first-class passenger has suddenly fallen into a coma. Any doctors or nurses on board, please contact the flight attendants immediately. The crew extends their heartfelt thanks for your assistance!"

Su Wen's eyes moved past the panicked crew to the woman in question. Her once alluring face was now ashen, and she had lost consciousness.

"Fantastic news! A passenger has identified himself as Professor Wu Pingchang from Shengjing Medical University!" an elated flight attendant shared.

Soon after, a middle-aged man with an air of superiority approached. He seemed unhurried, and though the flight attendants were desperate for his help, they dared not offend him and continued to smile nervously.

"Sir, I am the head steward on this flight. On behalf of the entire crew and the patient, we thank you for your courageous assistance."

Wu Pingchang hummed nonchalantly, but his interest was piqued upon noticing the woman's physique and looks.

"Step aside."

At Wu Pingchang's command, the flight attendants respectfully cleared a path for him. His grand demeanor suggested he was indeed quite skilled.

Su Wen observed Wu Pingchang's actions with interest from the sidelines. He had no intention of stealing the spotlight since someone else had already stepped in. However, his expression turned icy when he noticed Wu Pingchang's hand brazenly reaching towards the woman's prominent chest.

"Excuse me, sir, it's inappropriate for men and women to have such contact. Please..."

The flight attendant couldn't stand by and watch. Treating a patient was one thing, but why start by touching her chest?

Wu Pingchang let out a cold snort, "You're clueless! She's suffering from chest pain, and I'm trying to treat her. Hmph, if you don't want my help, fine by me!"

With that, he turned to leave. The flight attendants hurried to coax him to stay, but Wu Pingchang was the type to take a mile when given an inch. The more they pleaded, the more determined he was to leave, neglecting the unconscious woman.

"Let him go. A doctor who abandons his patients doesn't deserve the title."

Su Wen couldn't stand by silently any longer and spoke up coldly, catching everyone off guard.

"Humph, I'm not worthy? Over thirty percent of the surgeons in Shengjing were trained by me. If you're so capable, then you handle it," Wu Pingchang retorted with a sneer, hands clasped behind his back, exuding arrogance.

"Sir, please, let's keep calm. To the other passenger, please don't interfere with the emergency procedures. You could be held legally responsible if something happens to the patient!"

The chief flight attendant tried to defuse the situation. The woman's life hung in the balance, and yet an argument had broken out. She may have disapproved of Wu Pingchang's outdated ways, but she also resented Su Wen for stirring the pot.

Wu Pingchang scoffed, "If he's so capable, let him take over."

"Don't, Mr. Wu, please don't stoop to his level. Can we focus on saving her first?" pleaded the chief flight attendant, inwardly cursing the stubborn old man.

"Fine, I'll do it. It just so happens I know a thing or two about treating illnesses."

Su Wen shrugged nonchalantly, speaking up as he was scorned by the others, yet showing no sign of embarrassment. He reached into his worn snake-skin bag, searching for something.

Everyone exchanged bewildered glances for a moment.

"Haha, you think you're qualified to be called a doctor, you country bumpkin? Made a little money and suddenly you think you're invincible?" Wu Pingchang scoffed relentlessly.

"Could you please keep it down, sir? This is a life-or-death situation. Try to be understanding," the flight attendant said with a frosty tone, yet maintaining a semblance of politeness.

Nobody believed that this young man in ragged clothing had the ability to heal. They preferred to think that the woman might just be fortunate enough to come around on her own.

Amidst the uproar, the Old Steward, who had been lightly sleeping, had already woken up. It was unclear whether he intended to test his new master, but he continued to feign deep sleep while surreptitiously observing the scene.

"Ascending and descending, the meridians are blocked; it calls for the Pushing Boat Pill..." Su Wen paid no mind to the others, muttering phrases that were unintelligible to the bystanders. He took a grey pill in his hand and placed it into the woman's mouth.

"Stop him!"

"Sir, please hold on!"

But it was too late. Su Wen was swift, and before the others could react, the grey pill had already been popped into the woman's mouth. Su Wen also managed to quickly press two fingers against the woman's collarbone.

After swallowing the pill, the woman's condition did not improve; her complexion grew even paler, and her breathing became more erratic, worsening by the minute.

"Detain him!"

The flight attendant glared at Su Wen, his face stern, as two flight attendants promptly stepped forward and restrained his arms.

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