The Alchemist's Urban Domination/C20 They Caused a Ruckus in the Su Family
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The Alchemist's Urban Domination/C20 They Caused a Ruckus in the Su Family
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C20 They Caused a Ruckus in the Su Family

"Damn Su Wen! I swear I'll kill him!"

Luo Qiaoqiao was lounging comfortably on her living room sofa with a face mask on when the TV suddenly broadcasted the news of the Su family's young master breaking off his engagement. Initially, she was puzzled, wondering when Su Tanhua had become engaged. It wasn't until Su Wen appeared on the television at a press conference that she had her delayed realization. The Su family's young master mentioned by the reporters was Su Wen.

"Miss, this Su Wen has gone too far! He didn't even have the decency to inform you before unilaterally calling off the engagement. The Luo family cannot stand for this!"

Considering the potential decline of the Luo family, it was no wonder with such a thoughtless steward stirring the pot. He knew full well that Luo Qiaoqiao was fuming, yet he did nothing to calm her down, only adding fuel to the fire.

"Let's head over to the Su family's place and confront Su Wen!"

The more Luo Qiaoqiao stewed over it, the angrier she got. Finally, she ripped off her face mask and, in a fit of rage, drove straight to the Su family's residence.

"Su Wen! You bastard, open this door! Su Wen! Come out here!"

From a distance, Su Wen could see a petite figure making a scene at his doorstep, behaving like a complete shrew.

"Young Master, Miss Luo is here looking for you," the Old Steward reported.

Luo Qiaoqiao's yelling was so loud that everyone in the villa could hear her, but without a word from Su Wen, no one dared to open the door. They all pretended to be deaf to her cries, busying themselves with their own affairs. It was only when the Old Steward couldn't stand it any longer that he approached Su Wen's room to discuss the matter.

"What's there to look at? If she's keen on making a spectacle of herself like a shrew on someone else's doorstep, then let her be. She's the one losing face, not me."

Even before the Old Steward could finish, Su Wen knew what he was implying. He was deliberately making things difficult for Luo Qiaoqiao. The more she ranted and raved, the less inclined he was to open the door.


"But what? Steward, I'm feeling a bit peckish. Could you prepare something for me to eat?"

The Old Steward, frowning with concern, wanted to interject, but Su Wen cut him off. With a dismissive excuse, he brushed off the entire incident.

Despite the Old Steward's desire to discreetly open the door for Luo Qiaoqiao, he was compelled to obey Su Wen, the master of the house.

Luo Qiaoqiao called out for quite some time, only to discover that not a single person from the Su family acknowledged her presence. Infuriated, she kicked the iron door several times to release her frustration.

"Hey, isn't that our Miss Luo? What's with the commotion at my doorstep? You're acting like a fishwife."

As she was about to storm off, a voice dripping with sarcasm reached her ears. She turned to find Su Tanhua standing there with a sleazy grin, observing her with amusement.

"Hey, if I'm not mistaken, this is the home of Su Wen and Su Xia. Since when did it become yours, Su Tanhua?"

Su Tanhua had once pursued Luo Qiaoqiao, but she had spurned him, humiliating him publicly. Since then, they had been at odds, which explained why he was the butt of jokes at the Luo family's place previously.

"Luo Qiaoqiao, did you ever imagine you'd see the day when you'd be rejected? How does it feel to be jilted? I truly pity you."

Su Tanhua wasn't angered by her retort; instead, he smirked devilishly, his words growing more offensive. Luo Qiaoqiao's face flushed with rage, her eyes blazing as she trembled with indignation, pointing at him.

"Su Tanhua! You're crossing the line!"

"Luo Qiaoqiao, do you want to get in? Beg me, and I might just have the door opened for you."

The more enraged Luo Qiaoqiao became, the more triumphant Su Tanhua felt. He was so carried away that he actually expected Luo Qiaoqiao to plead with him.

"In your dreams!"

With that, Luo Qiaoqiao raised her hand and delivered a resounding slap. The sharp sound left Su Tanhua stunned. Accustomed to being pampered, he had never been subjected to such an insult. His face turned stormy, and his furious gaze seemed ready to shred Luo Qiaoqiao to pieces.

"You dare to hit me?"

Luo Qiaoqiao must have been blinded by rage because, far from showing any fear, she retaliated with a slap of her own. Her strike left Su Tanhua's face swollen.

"Luo Qiaoqiao!"

After receiving two slaps, Su Tanhua was utterly infuriated. He called out her name with clenched teeth and raised his hand to strike back. But his hand never made contact; it was caught from behind.

"Little Flower, hitting a woman isn't what a gentleman does."

The sound of Su Wen's amused voice came from behind. Despite his boiling anger, Su Tanhua had no choice but to choke down his resentment.

"Mr. Wen, you've arrived. This woman was bad-mouthing you right at our doorstep. I gave her a piece of my mind, and before I knew it, she lashed out."

Su Tanhua shot Luo Qiaoqiao a venomous look, exaggerating the story in front of Su Wen.

Su Wen's piercing gaze shifted between them, yet he remained silent. He had been observing Luo Qiaoqiao's actions from the rooftop. Seeing Su Tanhua approach, he became extra vigilant.

It wasn't long before he witnessed the two start arguing. He hurried downstairs just in time to see Luo Qiaoqiao deliver two sharp slaps to Su Tanhua. While he marveled at Luo Qiaoqiao's fiery spirit, he also felt vindicated in his decision to call off their engagement.

"Su Tanhua, don't you dare slander me. You were the one who insulted me first. You deserved those slaps!"

Both hailing from wealthy families, Luo Qiaoqiao was not one to be easily provoked. She wasn't about to let Su Tanhua get away with his fabrications, pointing directly at his nose as she continued her tirade.

Watching her spirited defense, Su Wen found himself somewhat charmed by her feistiness.

"Little Flower, Miss Luo came to see me. If you've got no business here, you might as well head back."

Not particularly interested in the dispute between Luo Qiaoqiao and Su Tanhua, Su Wen dismissed Su Tanhua with a single comment. He then escorted Luo Qiaoqiao into the Su family's grand hall.

"Miss Luo, what brings you to raise such a commotion at my doorstep at this hour?"

The two sat facing each other: one radiating contentment, the other seething with rage. Su Wen's face retained the practiced smile of a bureaucrat as he gazed knowingly at Luo Qiaoqiao, who looked ready to burst with fury.

"Su Wen, are you still a man, or what? How could you pull such a stunt?" she exclaimed.

With a resounding smack, Luo Qiaoqiao's palm struck the table fiercely. Her presence was intimidating, enough to cow the average person, perhaps.

But the man before her was Su Wen, the notorious troublemaker who wouldn't flinch even at an elder's wrath. Why would he fear her?

"Miss Luo appears to be questioning my gender. What's the matter, do you want to test me? I'll indulge you and satisfy your curiosity," he taunted.

"Su Wen! You've gone too far!" Luo Qiaoqiao, accustomed to being pushed around, yelled at the top of her lungs. Su Wen had braced himself for an outburst, expecting her to lash out physically, just like Su Tanhua might have. He was poised to evade, but to his surprise, tears started streaming down her face the next moment.

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