The Alchemist's Urban Domination/C4 The Young Master Returned
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The Alchemist's Urban Domination/C4 The Young Master Returned
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C4 The Young Master Returned

"Stop for a moment, I'll walk by myself."

The Old Steward's face showed helplessness as he spoke in hushed, gentle tones, trying to persuade him.

"Young Master, you've just descended from the mountain and it's been ten years since you've been back to Shengjing. It would be best not to wander off. If you'd like, I can accompany you wherever you wish to go."

Su Xia had recently been abroad, which is why this trusted Old Steward was sent to receive Su Wen. However, for Su Wen, the dreary Su family estate held no allure.

"No need, stop the car."

The Old Steward dared not protest further. Despite Su Wen's affable demeanor, their relationship was that of master and servant, a boundary he dared not overstep.


A decade away, and Shengjing had transformed beyond recognition. The landscape, architecture, and the girls in short skirts on the streets captivated Su Wen as he squatted on the curb, taking it all in.

"Here, use this for a meal."

Two coins clinked at Su Wen's feet, tossed by a kindly-faced woman who appeared to be in her thirties or forties, still retaining her allure.

Su Wen had learned more than just the Pill Refining Technique from the old man in the mountains; he'd also inherited the old man's thick-skinned shamelessness.

"Thank you so much, but could you spare another eight yuan? The small steamed buns at that street vendor look quite tempting, and I'd love to try them."

The woman had intended to walk away, irritated by the beggar's brazen request. Yet, upon gazing into Su Wen's clear eyes, she reconsidered.

"Here's fifty yuan. It seems you're in some trouble, but as a young man, you should strive to find work. Self-reliance is stronger than anything else."

Su Wen grinned broadly, "Sister, you're truly kind. In return, may I offer to check your health?"

The woman paused, taken aback, "You can treat illnesses? Then why are you squatting here begging?"

"Who said I'm begging? I'm merely a bit shabbily dressed. I'm here to enjoy the scenery..." For once, Su Wen told the truth.

The woman felt a bit embarrassed, yet she couldn't help but warm up to Su Wen, whose eyes were clear and sincere.

"That's good. What did you notice?"

Su Wen appraised her carefully and replied, "Sister, your pupils are gray, and your fingertips are pale. Your voice lacks strength when you speak. It seems like you don't get enough rest, often feeling anxious and weak. Plus, I noticed there's a faint bruise on the side of your face."

The woman instinctively touched her face, her eyes wide with astonishment. How had this young man discerned her ailments with just a glance? Could he be some kind of hidden master?

Just then, a voice thick with anger erupted.

"Damn woman! You can't look after me for three minutes without flirting with some guy? And a beggar at that! If you're not embarrassed, I sure as hell am!"

A portly man hurried over, and upon reaching the woman, he swung at her. She instinctively ducked, trying to evade, but the man was relentless, and his slap was sure to leave her face swollen for days.


The man's hand was suddenly caught in a vice-like grip by Su Wen.

"Brother, this lady was just helping me out with some money. She's a good person."

The man bulged his eyes angrily, "Why should my hard-earned money go to you? Give it back! You think we're made of money? And you, have you got a death wish, meddling in my business? Or is there something going on between you two? To hell with you!"

He swung his other hand at Su Wen's face, but Su Wen just scoffed, not one to take things lying down.


Su Wen nimbly dodged and returned the favor with a resounding slap, leaving the man dazed.

"What the—"


Another slap followed, and the man, clutching his cheek, was on the verge of tears. Despite Su Wen's lean appearance, his strength was formidable, swelling the already plump face even more, resembling an overinflated steamed bun.

"Come on, there's no honor in hitting a woman. Try taking me on."

Su Wen stepped back and assumed a stance that was beyond the comprehension of the average person. The man, still reeling from the blows, was filled with a sudden fear.

"What the hell are you doing?" the hefty man recoiled.

"Lei Feng, can't handle playing the hero?"

Su Wen was about to strike again when the woman intervened.

"Stop! Please, don't hit him anymore!"

"Sister, he..."

"He's my man! Please, stop!"

Su Wen watched the couple walk away, then sat back down, lost in thought. From a distance, he saw the hefty man slap his wife.

"Damn you, flirting with other men! No shame! I'll give you a good beating at home!"

The man continued to curse as the woman tried to evade him. Su Wen watched, sighed deeply, and felt his mood darken. He started walking step by step towards the Su family home he remembered.


The Su family's grand estate was situated on the western side of Shengjing. Once a prominent household, the Su family was highly respected. Now, a flashy red convertible was parked outside, with a man and a woman inside, being affectionate.

"Young Master Su, won't you take me out tonight? There's a reward in it for you after drinks!"

The young woman was heavily made up, yet exquisitely so, oozing charm and allure as she provocatively pushed out her pale chest, making the man gulp.

"I can't tonight. A good-for-nothing is coming home, and I have to be there to welcome him, even though I hate to admit it. He's my cousin, and you know how it is with all the rules in a big family like ours."

"Oh, is that so?" The girl seemed reluctant.

"Don't be upset, baby. Tomorrow, I'll take you out all day, and at night, I'll make sure you're well taken care of," the man said with a lecherous grin, clearly unable to resist a woman of her figure.

"But I have to work tomorrow, and I've been eyeing a purse that I can't afford..."

The girl was hinting heavily, and the man, well-versed in the ways of love, caught on immediately.

"I'll buy it! How much is it?"

"It's quite pricey..."

"Nonsense! When has the Young Master of the Su family ever been short on cash? Just name your price. Damn, I doubt there's a bag out there that I can't afford!"

"One hundred thousand..."

"Huh? What kind of bag costs that much? It's like daylight robbery! A bag for one hundred thousand..."

The girl pursed her lips. "This is just the standard model. Looks like I'll have to keep working hard. After all, I don't have a capable boyfriend to take care of me..."

"Buy it!"

The man clenched his jaw and immediately transferred one hundred thousand to the girl. Her face lit up with joy, and she wrapped her arms around his neck, planting a firm kiss on him.

"Young Master Su, you're the best! I adore you!"

Su Wen strolled leisurely to his car. If his memory served him right, this man was none other than Su Tanhua, the Su family's second son, whom he had beaten up countless times since childhood.

The guy's father had a knack for naming, but sadly, the son never lived up to expectations. He never even managed to rank third in his class, let alone earn the title of Tanhua. Now in his twenties, he did nothing but squander money and chase women with remarkable skill.

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