The Alchemist's Urban Domination/C5 The Fake Young Master
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The Alchemist's Urban Domination/C5 The Fake Young Master
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C5 The Fake Young Master

Su Tanhua still had lipstick marks on his face. Spotting Su Wen peeking around, he snapped irritably, "What are you looking at? Get lost!"

Su Wen couldn't help but laugh at the outburst, "Oh, right, I'm looking at my own business…"

"Hold on, babe, I need to deal with this fool. You little shit, do you have a death wish? Haven't you figured out whose turf you're on? This isn't a place for you to beg. Beat it!"

The girl in the car gave Su Wen a second glance. This beggar was quite handsome, a far cry from Su Tanhua, but sadly, her heart belonged to money.

"Oh? And what's the surname?" Su Wen asked, his smile barely there.

"It's Su! I'm Su Tanhua, that Su! If you don't scram, I'll break your legs and you'll be crawling away!"

"What a coincidence, my surname is Su too." Su Wen blinked, inwardly sighing at the shame Su Xia must feel having such a disgrace in the Su family.

"Go to hell! You think a filthy beggar like you deserves the Su surname?"

Su Wen smiled calmly, but the deep-seated fear in Su Tanhua's heart was triggered. He was reminded of someone who always smiled like that before beating him up.

"Little Flower, it's been ten years and you haven't changed a bit."

Su Tanhua turned ghostly pale, recognizing Su Wen at last. Your worst enemy is always the one who knows you best. Su Wen had beaten him countless times since childhood, and the fear lingered even after a decade.

"Su, Su Wen..."

Su Wen nodded with a smile, "Little Flower, while Su Xia is out there fighting to uphold the Su family, is this how you squander money? A hundred thousand for a bag, quite the spender."

Su Wen appraised the heavily made-up girl, who felt an inexplicable chill and instinctively pulled her delicate neck away.

"You! What's it to you? It's my allowance! I'll spend it however I please! And for your information, the Su family isn't just yours and your sister's. Our family has a stake in it too!"

To my knowledge, Su's Group should be the only source of income for the Su family at present. I couldn't interfere before, but now that I've returned, the Su family belongs to me. Do you think I have the right to take charge?" Su Wen's voice grew increasingly icy as he spoke.

Su Tanhua seethed with anger, his teeth practically itching with frustration. His years of indulgence in drink and pleasure had taken a toll on his health, and he was well aware of his own physical limitations. Moreover, he had never once bested Su Wen in a fight. Despite his rage, he dared not lay a hand on him.

Seeing Su Tanhua cower, Su Wen paid him no further attention and gave the car an appreciative pat, "Nice car. It's got flair."

Su Tanhua's face twisted in alarm, "You! What do you think you're doing? This car is mine!"

"Get out."

"I bought this with my own money! By what right—"

"Don't make me repeat myself."

Su Tanhua was livid, wishing he could dismantle Su Wen then and there, but he lacked the courage to confront him. Rumor had it that Su Wen had endured a decade of rigorous training in the mountains, and although Su Tanhua didn't understand the specifics, he knew Su Wen was the stronger man.

"You... do you even know how to drive? Don't wreck it..."

Su Tanhua was on the verge of tears. The car was his, and Su Wen had just brazenly climbed in, not to mention the woman inside was his as well. But then, with a thunderous rev of the engine, the car sped off, leaving the notorious Young Master Su of Shengjing choking on its exhaust.

"Beauty, why aren't you getting out...?"

Su Wen had driven quite a distance before stopping, but after a lengthy wait, the girl still hadn't exited the car. Instead, she gazed at him with a sultry look.

"You must be the real Young Master Su, right? My name's Jimmy," the girl said, flashing him a sweet smile and tugging her neckline down a touch further.

"Cough, cough, yes, that's me. Hello, hello..." Su Wen was still unaccustomed to the moniker.

The girl thrust her chest forward, "How about we grab a meal together? Su Tanhua has been chasing after me, but I've never accepted his advances..."

"Cough, cough. Miss, it's commendable that a woman is confident in her beauty. I understand that you might use your looks to get what you want, but shouldn't you maintain some self-respect?"

Su Wen had seen everything that transpired in the car. As a virgin, he found young and beautiful girls intriguing, but he wasn't desperate.


"Get out of the car."

The girl shot Su Wen a venomous look before leaving. With a wry smile, he drove off. He had been just a teenager when he first ventured into the mountains, and now, so much had changed.


"Chen! Chen!"

Su Wen drove from the west end of the city to the east. Su Xia wasn't home, and he had no interest in attending the welcome party the Su family had thrown for him, with its thinly veiled hostilities.

In the eastern part of the city stood a noodle shop, run by a middle-aged single father with a daughter. Su Wen had frequented it a decade ago and was surprised to find it still in business, its weather-beaten sign unchanged.

"Here you are! Why the yelling? We only serve plain noodles! One hundred and eight yuan a bowl!"

Su Wen chuckled. Chen was as gruff as ever, and the price of the noodles hadn't gone up – not that there was much room for that, given that a bowl already cost one hundred and eight yuan. Despite the steep price, a few loyal customers still made their way to the shop.

"Holy shit! You finally decided to come back?"

Chen recognized Su Wen instantly. The burly, bald-headed northerner looked more like a butcher than a chef, yet his plain noodles were sublime.

"Hehe, you're still kicking, I see."

Even as a teenager, Su Wen had the nerve to banter with the robust man and inquire about female anatomy. Now, it was business as usual.

"A dog's mouth can't spit out ivory! If you didn't perish in the jaws of a bear in the deep woods, how could I possibly die? Suer! Serve up a bowl of noodles! And add five poached eggs!"

Su Wen tugged at the corner of his mouth, knowing that at Old Chen's diner, it wasn't just the noodles that were overpriced—the omelets were ten bucks a pop, and he only had the fifty-two dollars that woman had given him earlier.

"Ahem, I just got here today. Can I pay for it later...?"

Old Chen polished his gleaming bald head and chuckled, "We don't do tabs here, but this bowl's on the house. Enjoy."

"I'm moved."

"Scram! How many times have I treated you to noodles, huh? You little rascal, you could put away three people's portions ten years ago. If you hadn't left, you'd have eaten my place into bankruptcy!"

"How's Suer's eyesight?"

Su Wen's sudden question seemed to touch a nerve in Old Chen. The burly, bald man who could brawl with the toughest thugs softened at the mention of his beloved daughter.

"She's been seen by doctors many times. It's not getting any better..."

The chopping sounds from the kitchen paused momentarily before resuming. The small eatery was a two-person operation—Old Chen used to run the front while Suer worked the back. By now, Suer had likely mastered her father's craft, chopping green onions evenly without needing her sight. It was hard work that no one could deny.

"Suer's a sensible girl, always comforting me. But she's hurting too. All I want now is to save up for a decent dowry, so she can marry a man who will treat her well someday."

Out of the blue, Su Wen chuckled, "Old Chen, remember you said ten years ago that if I could cure Suer's eyes, you'd let me marry her? Does that still stand?"

Chen's eyes sparkled with hope, "Have you really mastered the skill?"

"Just a bit, just a bit," Su Wen grinned, "but I'll do my utmost to heal Suer's eyes."


A commotion erupted from the kitchen. Chen sighed and gestured for Su Wen to step outside.

"Suer likes you, you know. She said she felt like you were back even before you walked in. She claims you can see clearer than me, and I'm the one with working eyes."

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