The Alchemist's Urban Domination/C9 Chasing after You
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The Alchemist's Urban Domination/C9 Chasing after You
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C9 Chasing after You

Early this morning, a lengthy queue had already formed outside the Spring God Medicine Hall. Such a sight might have been commonplace several decades ago, but with Western medicine now dominating and Eastern medicine waning, it's quite remarkable that the Spring God Medicine Hall still attracts such a crowd.

The young assistant at the Spring God Medicine Hall was well aware that the majority of those in line were healthy young men. Their true intent was simply to present gifts to the establishment's beloved Miss Luo Qiaoqiao.

In Shengjing City, a leading metropolis with abundant resources and its fair share of beauties, someone as distinctive as Luo Qiaoqiao was a rarity.

The stunning proprietor of the Spring God Medicine Hall, Luo Qiaoqiao, was a household name in the northern part of the city. Her allure wasn't limited to her striking looks; she had a particular knack for captivating men. Although her medical expertise wasn't her most notable trait, her charm was second to none.

Rumor had it that she was betrothed to the Su family, yet Luo Qiaoqiao had amassed a legion of admirers. She never gave them the cold shoulder, graciously accepting gifts ranging from sweets to sports cars with no preference for the lavishness of the offering.

Despite the relentless pursuit, none seemed to gain her favor. Nevertheless, the Spring God Medicine Hall was inundated with gifts daily, and hordes of men continued to flock there, hoping for a glimpse of her.

"Quiet down and form an orderly line!"

The assistant at the Medicine Hall, now accustomed to such scenes, knew how to leverage the situation. For those eager to catch an early glimpse of the goddess, the size of their red envelope could make all the difference.

The Medicine Hall had become a hub of commotion, resembling a matchmaking event more than a place of healing. One could only wonder if the Luo family's ancestors would turn in their graves at such a spectacle.

"Mr. Luo, I am Lee Maosen of the Lee family. Please accept this modest token and convey my regards to Miss Luo. I have pressing matters to attend to later this afternoon."

Feeling the weight of the red envelope, the assistant's demeanor instantly shifted to one of utmost respect. With such a generous gesture, Lee Maosen was clearly no ordinary man, and not someone to be trifled with.

"Mr. Lee, correct? Please, have a moment of patience. You'll be given priority to enter shortly."

Murmurs of discontent rippled through the queue, yet everyone seemed to grasp the unwritten law that money could indeed buy one's way. Miss Luo's extravagant setup was ultimately a means to amass wealth, and all eyes were on which wealthy bachelor would catch her favor.

"Young man, my name is Su Wen. Could you discreetly inform Luo Qiaoqiao?"

Su Wen had done his homework on the place, but upon arrival, he was still taken aback. Fortunately, Luo Qiaoqiao hadn't been involved in any salacious gossip; otherwise, Young Master Su's reputation would be as green as a lush meadow.

"Who are you? Don't you know the rules? To deliver a message, you need to do this."

The attendant gestured with a twist of his fingers, oblivious to the fact that Su Wen's pockets were empty.

"Ah, I see. Unfortunately, I'm a bit short on cash at the moment. Please accept this instead."

Su Wen understood the corruption at play and handed over a small healing pill, a treasure lauded by connoisseurs as a miraculous remedy, worth a small fortune. In terms of cash value, Su Wen was the most generous in the crowd.

"What is this garbage? Trying to trick me with a lump of dirt? What are you doing here dressed in rags, expecting to meet our Miss Luo? Go see a ghost instead!"

The crowd began to jeer at Su Wen, who, not known for his patience, picked up the discarded pill and said icily.

"Out of my way! I'm here to see Luo Qiaoqiao!"

"Oh, look at him, thinking he can just storm in! You'll need the crowd's permission for that!"

"Yeah, who do you think you are? We're all waiting; what makes you so special?"

"Throw him out!"

"Out with him! What kind of fool is this?"

Su Wen's expression grew stern.

"My name is Su Wen, and I am Luo Qiaoqiao's fiancé!"

The crowd fell silent at his declaration. They all recognized the name; every suitor had inquired about Luo Qiaoqiao's betrothed. Yet, who could have imagined that a member of the esteemed Su family would present himself in such a disheveled state?

The young man's face was etched with scorn.

"Could you at least try to make your tall tales believable? If you're going to impersonate Young Master Su, you should at least change your clothes before coming back."

"Don't mess with me! He is Su Wen!"

Pushing through the doorway was Su Tanhua, drenched in sweat. Among the crowd were affluent youths, some of whom recognized him.

"Hey, Young Master Su, weren't you the one who said you don't covet what you can't have? What brings you here?"

"Is this really Young Master Su?"

Su Tanhua gave Su Wen a sycophantic smile and then nodded to the onlookers.

"This is Su Wen of the Su family, our eldest young master! And I'm the second in line. From now on, you'd all do well to keep a respectful tone and not underestimate anyone!"

The crowd buzzed with conversation, surprised by the unexpected manner of the protagonist's entrance. Yet, the thought of Luo Qiaoqiao potentially falling for this young man soured their mood.

"Su, Young Master Su, please, come this way."

With the legitimate son-in-law present, the lowly servant dared not obstruct his path.

Su Wen glanced at his cousin, still mopping his brow, and spoke with irritation.

"Why are you everywhere?"

"Heh, Mr. Wen, I was just worried you'd be lost since you're new here. If it weren't for my quick thinking, how would they have recognized you as the real deal?"


Su Wen sat imposingly in the parlor. With the arrival of the man of the hour, many of the suitors at the door had dispersed, though some remained, resolute in their desire to challenge Su Wen.

"Young Master Su, my apologies, but our miss is still dining. She has asked you to wait."

Su Wen's brow furrowed.

"Tell her to make it quick; I need to speak with her!"

"Ahem, our miss insists that you wait your turn, no matter how urgent. She's quite firm on her principles!"

The shop assistant, emboldened by Miss Luo's backing, was smug. To him, Su Wen was just another suitor, albeit with a slightly better chance, who would still have to humbly submit to the young lady's whims.

"Principles, huh? Principles."


Su Wen rose to his feet and sent the shop assistant flying into the corner with a swift kick. The commotion frightened Su Tanhua, who had been enjoying the spectacle, into a frantic search for cover, fearing he might be the next target of his cousin's wrath.

"Where is she? Take me to her."

Su Wen grabbed the collar of the young shop assistant and demanded coldly. The shop assistant had been kicked so hard he was reeling and spitting blood.

"How dare you strike me? Do you have any idea how much Miss Luo despises reckless men? You're done for. You can only dream of winning her affection!"


Two sharp slaps later, the young shop assistant was sobbing uncontrollably.

"Please, no more, Young Master Su. I'll take you to her!"

"Lead the way!"

Su Tanhua watched in astonishment from behind. Luo Qiaoqiao's notorious reputation was well-known to him. But he had his reasons for not intervening: firstly, his own status was too precarious, and secondly, he lacked the patience to engage in such a tiresome cat-and-mouse game with that woman.

Yet, he had never heard of anyone as boldly confrontational as his cousin...

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