The Arrival Of Otherworlds/C12 A Few Families Were Happy but a Few Families Were Sad
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The Arrival Of Otherworlds/C12 A Few Families Were Happy but a Few Families Were Sad
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C12 A Few Families Were Happy but a Few Families Were Sad

His name was Gu Xing, the elder brother of Gu Chen. Their father, Gu Run, after arriving on Apus Calesius, traveled extensively and took many wives. Gu Xing was his firstborn. To date, Gu Run has fathered sixteen children, but it's Gu Xing and his other early-born siblings who are held in the highest regard.

Gu Xing, only half a year older than Gu Chen, had strength that far exceeded his brother's. He had attained the rank of Seventh Level Warrior, a formidable presence within the University of Norbury, where he was known to be a force to be reckoned with.

As night fell, Gu Xing had yet to see his third brother appear. The smile on his face faded away. "It seems the Third Young Master has lost himself in the frenzy of Warzone 509," chuckled the middle-aged man beside him. Gu Xing gave a silent nod, though a sense of foreboding grew within him.


Elsewhere, Lin Feng and his companions were busy registering and selling the monster materials they had gathered from Warzone 509, when a robust voice suddenly called out from behind them. Lin Feng turned to see a muscular middle-aged man with piercing, sharp eyes.

Recognizing the insignia on the man's shoulder, Lin Feng saluted with respect, "General, good to see you!" Ouyang Feng let out a hearty laugh, clapped Lin Feng on the shoulder, and instructed the soldier nearby, "Take these lads' items for 20% more than the asking price."

"Yes, sir!"


Gratitude, followed by confusion, flickered in Lin Feng's eyes. Items from the Warzone typically fetched lower prices at the entrance compared to the city markets. And since they couldn't be taken out, they had to be sold right there. A 20% premium was no small sum, especially considering the sheer number of monsters Lin Feng and his team had slain, accumulating a significant haul.

Lin Feng couldn't help but wonder why this stranger, a general no less, would show such generosity to him. Then, understanding dawned on him as Ouyang Feng made an offer, "Kid, how about coming to work for me?"

"Sorry, General, but I've still got school," Lin Feng replied with a wry smile and a shake of his head.

"I never told you to drop out. If you're going to university, you'll definitely need to spend time in the Warzone for training," Ouyang Feng said with a laugh.

He had done his homework on Lin Feng, including the speech Lin Feng had given in class before graduation. He admired what he found. As a staunch member of the Eagle Faction, he had little respect for those who capitulated, choosing to serve the Otherworlders rather than stand tall as free individuals.

A look of sudden understanding crossed Lin Feng's eyes. He recalled reading online about students with stellar grades being scouted by generals from various Warzones. He had been quite envious at the time.

"That's right, I'm somewhat of a prodigy now..." Lin Feng came to a realization. He was no longer his former self. With this thought, he nodded and responded, "Thank you, General. I'm honored by your high regard and am ready to join your ranks."

"Haha, excellent," Ouyang Feng exclaimed, his delight unmistakable. His approval of Lin Feng grew even stronger.

"About my two friends..." Lin Feng began, a hint of hesitation in his eyes.

"There's no need," Liu Fei and Chiang Yu interjected, shaking their hands dismissively. They envied Lin Feng but didn't want to cause any displeasure to the general on his account.

"You've got a strong sense of loyalty, kid. I knew I saw something in you. Join us; we've got plenty of room," Ouyang Feng declared with a grand gesture.

Liu Fei and Chiang Yu's eyes sparkled with gratitude as they thanked him profusely. Joining the Warzone early meant not only receiving monthly resources but also earning coveted merit points. After all, some of the most valuable equipment and resources couldn't be bought—they had to be earned through merit!

"Alright then. Rest up. Once the university assigns your tasks, come find me. Xiao Xu, leave them your contact information," Ouyang Feng said after a brief conversation, before taking his leave. A person of his stature was, of course, always busy with pressing matters.


The night gave way to dawn.

Gu Xing remained at the entrance of Warzone 509, his body coated with frost, his expression darkening with the morning light.

The middle-aged man beside him furrowed his brow in concern.

Students who had come for the college entrance exam were departing in armored vehicles, with occasional curious glances cast toward the two men.

"My brother must be dead..." Gu Xing murmured under his breath.

The middle-aged man's face shifted, "Young Master! It's possible that the third young master..."

"There's no need for deceit. I'm well aware," Gu Xing interjected, a glint of ice in his eyes. "I know my brother well. With his capabilities, monsters in Warzone 509 couldn't possibly have killed him."

The man's complexion altered once more, "Could there be someone out there stronger than the third young master?"

"Never underestimate the natives! Among them are individuals of exceptional talent."

Gu Xing let out a soft sigh, "Uncle Zhuang, please investigate who my brother may have crossed at the university."

"As you wish, Young Master."

With one last look at Warzone 509, Gu Xing turned away, his face a mask of stoicism.


"Lin Feng, did you recognize one of those two just now? Doesn't he look somewhat familiar?" Chiang Yu murmured, his brow creased with concern.

Lin Feng's own brow furrowed, "He bears a striking resemblance to someone from Gu Chen City. Seems like we've seen Gu Chen's brother."

"This..." Apprehension flickered in Chiang Yu's eyes.

"Fear not. If we can take down one, we can take down two. Perhaps even their father will fall to us in time," Lin Feng reassured, clapping Chiang Yu on the shoulder.

Chiang Yu chuckled, "Exactly! United, there's nothing we can't handle, right?"

Liu Fei nodded solemnly in agreement.

"Come on, they're urging us to board. Let's get moving," Lin Feng said, shaking his head and shifting his focus.

The trio boarded the armored vehicle.

Whether by chance or design, they found themselves sharing the vehicle with Lee Xiuping and her two companions.

Reuniting with these old classmates brought a mix of expressions to their faces—eager to please, tinged with caution, and riddled with regret and fear.

Lin Feng and his friends shared a knowing look and silently shook their heads.

Lee Xiuping and her companions were quite the spectacle...

Did they really think Lin Feng and his group would retaliate? Not at all—Lin Feng isn't that small-minded. As long as they don't court disaster, there won't be any aggression on their part.

But Chiang Yu, that guy is a piece of work.

Throughout the car ride, he wouldn't stop loudly bragging about the monster materials he sold, pocketing a cool eight hundred thousand. He went on to boast about catching the eye of Ouyang Feng and being invited to join the Warzone Command.

Lee Xiuping and the other two were inwardly stung by Chiang Yu's words, their faces betraying a mix of emotions that grew more animated by the minute.

Their own achievements paled in comparison; they had only managed to secure spots at an average martial arts university. Sure, it's a step up from the typical future of humanities or science grads.

But it's all relative.

Lin Feng and his companions had all been accepted into the University of Norbury, a prestigious institution ranked in the national top three, and had caught the attention of Warzone 509.

Next to that, Lee Xiuping's trio might as well have been left in the dust—there's just no comparison.

Watching the trio's expressions flicker and change, Lin Feng couldn't help but feel a mix of amusement and resignation at Chiang Yu's malicious glee.

Still, he couldn't be bothered to comment.

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