The Arrival Of Otherworlds/C13 I Got into the University of Norbury
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The Arrival Of Otherworlds/C13 I Got into the University of Norbury
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C13 I Got into the University of Norbury

Upon their return to Zeffari, Lee Xiuping, Zhang Peng, and Wang Huan scrambled out of the armored vehicle and took off running. Chiang Yu watched their retreat with a sneer and spat contemptuously onto the ground. The journey had left him in high spirits.

Passersby on the roadside gazed at them with a mix of envy and admiration. Lin Feng and his companions disembarked, fully armed, clearly fresh from the Warzone. Students who made it back from the Warzone were, without a doubt, destined to become the stalwart pillars of Lofreydor!

Even in these times, not everyone was cut out to be a warrior, braving the Warzone to slay monsters. Most people led ordinary lives.

Feeling the weight of such admiring stares, Chiang Yu wasn't the only one with his head in the clouds; Lin Feng also felt his heart swell with pride. Who wouldn't bask in the glow of admiration?

With a casual wave to the crowd, Lin Feng and his group made their departure.

"Head home first?"

"Yeah, let's head home. Our families must be worried sick by now," Lin Feng agreed with a nod.

Stepping back into the bustling streets after their time in the Warzone, the trio experienced a surreal sense of disconnection from the world they had left behind. The Warzone was a desolate and brutal place, devoid of life.

"My dad's going to be thrilled when he hears I got into the University of Norbury!" Chiang Yu couldn't contain his excitement at the thought.

Liu Fei's face glowed with a similar excitement, and even Lin Feng couldn't help but smile.

The University of Norbury.

Gaining admission to one of the top three universities of the new era was a feat more prestigious than getting into Qinghua or Yan University in the days of old.

"Home it is!"

They exchanged glances and burst into hearty laughter, their spirits soaring as they strode down the street. There's an old saying that without returning to your hometown in glory, it's like walking in brocade at night—unseen and unappreciated. This time, their achievements were something to be proudly shared and celebrated with their loved ones.

"Oh, Chiang Yu, about the five hundred thousand I owe you—I'll pay you back after a little while," Lin Feng suddenly remembered, speaking up as they approached a fork in the road.

From their haul of monster materials in Warzone 509, they had made eight hundred thousand. Lin Feng's share was four hundred thousand.

He had single-handedly slain the Snow Wolf King. The remaining four hundred thousand was evenly divided between Chiang Yu and Liu Fei.

"Don't worry about it. You can pay me back when you're in a better position," Chiang Yu said with a generous wave of his hand.

Their enrollment at the University of Norbury marked a significant milestone. Provided they survived, they were poised to start their military careers as centurions upon graduation.

And even if they chose not to join the military, forming a hunting team to take down monsters in the Warzone promised a future full of potential.

A few hundred thousand was a mere drop in the bucket.

"Okay, your words give me peace of mind," Lin Feng said with a smile.

Money was tight for him at the moment.

He needed to quickly gather a million to repair the second level of his Thunder Breathing Technique.

If not, he'd be stuck at the awkward stage of a Tenth Level Trainee Warrior.

"No problem. Catch you later!"

"Sure thing."


After bidding farewell to his two closest friends, Lin Feng made a beeline for home without delay.

The absence of fanfare or applause did nothing to dampen his spirits; he felt like an ancient scholar who had aced his exams, riding home on horseback with the triumph of spring in his step.


At the Lin residence, Lee Susu, Lin Feng's mother, was not at work but sat anxiously in the living room.

Next to her was another woman, bearing a striking resemblance to Lee Susu, albeit a bit younger.

This was Lin Feng's aunt, Lee Yuanyuan.

"Sis, have some water. Don't be so anxious. I'm sure Feng is fine," Lee Yuanyuan said, offering a cup of hot water to her sister, trying to soothe her worries.

"How could I not worry?" Lee Susu responded, shaking her head as she gazed out at the sunset, her face etched with concern.

Lee Yuanyuan let out a gentle sigh.

She had been alarmed when she received the call from Lee Susu two days prior, informing her that Lin Feng was off to the Martial Arts examination.

But now, all she could do was take time off to be there for her sister.

She understood the weight of worry that had been burdening Lee Susu these past few days.

"The sky will be dark soon," Lee Yuanyuan murmured, her voice barely above a whisper.

Lee Susu shivered from head to toe.

The Martial Arts exam had spanned three days, and barring any unforeseen circumstances, they were expecting news tonight.

Lee Yuanyuan, too, was growing anxious.

"Du du…" Suddenly, Lee Susu's phone erupted into life.

She snatched it up with lightning speed.

Lee Yuanyuan's eyes went wide as she involuntarily held her breath, her heart pounding in anticipation.

"Hello… Yes, that's me. Uh-huh… What? Oh, that's fantastic. Thank you so much…"

Lee Yuanyuan couldn't make out the voice on the phone, but Lee Susu's ecstatic reaction was a giveaway. She felt a surge of excitement herself.

Once Lee Susu ended the call, Lee Yuanyuan couldn't wait to ask, "Sis…?"

"We did it. Feng passed the assessment!" Tears streamed down Lee Susu's cheeks as she wept with happiness.

Lee Yuanyuan was overcome with emotion, tears flowing freely as the sisters embraced and wept together.


Upon arriving home, Lin Feng was greeted by the sight of his mother and aunt, their faces streaked with tears, which startled him.

He immediately felt a pang of regret.

He had intended to surprise his mother, but it hadn't occurred to him to call ahead after returning to Zeffari.

"Mom, Auntie."

He had barely uttered the words when they descended upon him, each gripping an ear as they scolded.

"Why didn't you call us first?"

"Do you have any idea how worried we've been?"

"Ouch, ouch, that hurts…" Lin Feng pleaded, though he knew they couldn't really hurt him with his strength.

But the care in their voices warmed his heart nonetheless.

Eventually, they released him, and his aunt began fussing over him, asking if he was hungry or had suffered in the Warzone.

Lin Feng was well aware of the wisdom in sharing good news and sparing the bad. He assured them with a beaming smile that all was well.

"Mom, Auntie, I've been accepted to the University of Norbury." He waited until they had settled down before breaking the news with a casual ease.

The words had barely left his mouth when both his mother and aunt's eyes bulged in disbelief.


"You got into the University of Norbury?!"

Lee Susu and Lee Yuanyuan exchanged a glance, their eyes brimming with disbelief.

Lin Feng was startled by his mother and aunt's reactions. He had earlier refrained from telling his mother about his aspirations for the University of Norbury, fearing it would cause her worry.

"Yes, I got in," Lin Feng admitted, a twinge of guilt crossing his face as he met his mother's gaze.

"And you couldn't bother to tell me something this important? I thought you were applying to just any university!" Lee Susu scolded, tugging at Lin Feng's ear in her irritation.

Lin Feng could only plead for leniency once more.

After her initial shock, a mix of envy and joy danced in Lee Yuanyuan's eyes.

"Sis, this is fantastic news!"

"Fantastic? The boy's got more guts than sense, keeping something this risky from me!" Lee Susu was a blend of astonishment and anger.

Yet, Lee Yuanyuan could detect a note of pride in her big sister's voice amidst the scolding.

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