The Arrival Of Otherworlds/C18 Strength Increased Sharply
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The Arrival Of Otherworlds/C18 Strength Increased Sharply
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C18 Strength Increased Sharply

Five days had passed, and Lin Feng's injuries had healed much faster than the young member of the law enforcement team had predicted. Within a mere five days, his wounds were gone. While he wasn't ready for high-frequency combat, moving around was no issue.

Once he was on the mend, Lin Feng didn't hesitate to say goodbye to Chiang Yu. "Aren't you going to stay a bit longer? What if you've got some lingering issues?" Chiang Yu tried to convince him.

Lin Feng shook his head, "Nah, what lingering issues could there be? Don't I know my own body? These past few days have been suffocating!" The discomfort of staying in someone else's home was getting to him.

Plus, Chiang Yu's little brother and sister had clung to him every day after school for the past five days, wearing him out. They were sweet kids, but looking after children was exhausting.

"Should I drive you home?"

"No need, I'll walk." Lin Feng shook his head again, bid farewell to Chiang Yu's family, and left the villa.

The midday sun was scorching, and the air was thick with heat. Lin Feng walked the streets of Zeffari, pondering for a moment before deciding not to head straight home. Instead, he spent the day browsing and purchasing origin stones throughout the city.

With two million Lofreydor Coins in his possession, he was a wealthy man. But money was only meaningful when spent to enhance one's strength; otherwise, it was just a number.

Lin Feng enjoyed money but was no hoarder of wealth. By the end of the day, he had spent all but 100,000 of his 2.1 million fortune. He decided to keep that remaining amount for emergencies—it would be embarrassing to be caught without funds when needed.

Upon returning home, the house was empty. His mother was still at work, and his siblings hadn't finished school. His aunt, who had called a couple of days ago, had already gone back to her place.

"Time to absorb..." Lin Feng began to assimilate all the origin stones he had bought. Two hundred thousand origin stones, at 100 Lofreydor Coins each, amounted to just 20,000 stones.

It might seem like a lot, but each origin stone was merely the size of an egg.

Weighing just 100 grams, carrying it posed no challenge for Lin Feng.

Within the snakeskin bag, 20,000 origin stones swiftly vanished, transforming into energy that surged into Lin Feng's body.

In just a short while, the bag was empty.


Lin Feng.

Rank: Tenth Level Trainee Warrior

Blood Essence: 100

Bloodline: 10% (Thunder Spirit Body)

Mana Ignition: Ignites 10 energy points per second to double combat strength; igniting 100 points triples it. Note: Post-explosion, a weakened state ensues.

Cultivation Technique: Thunder Breathing Technique Remnant (Cultivated to Level One. Strength boosted by 300%)

Combat Skill: Scarlet Blood Blade Technique (Minor Completion. Enhances attack power by 20%)

Energy: 20,500

Divine Blood: 2


As Lin Feng closed his eyes, a smile spread across his face, feeling the feedback from the glass bead.

Inwardly, he commanded, "Repair the second level of the Thunder Breathing Technique!"

The glass bead in his mind whirred to life, channeling streams of energy into his body.

The energy points plummeted rapidly.

Roughly ten minutes passed, and then it was over.


Lin Feng.

Rank: First Level Warrior

Blood Essence: 101

Bloodline: 11% (Thunder Spirit Body)

Mana Ignition: Ignites 10 energy points per second to double combat strength; igniting 100 points triples it. Note: Weakness follows the surge.

Prophet: By burning 100 energy points, he can foresee events one second into the future.

Cultivation Technique: Thunder Breathing Technique Remnant (Cultivated to Level Two. Strength boosted by 400%)

Combat Skill: Scarlet Blood Blade Technique (Minor Completion. Enhances attack power by 20%)

Energy: 10,500

Divine Blood: 2



Becoming a First Level Warrior, the fourfold increase in his cultivation technique, and the Thunder Spirit Body's enhancement from 10% to 11% were all within Lin Feng's calculations.

But the emergence of the "Prophet" ability was utterly unexpected.

"This seems to be an innate skill of the glass bead. The ability to foresee everything a second into the future? That's nothing short of miraculous!"

Lin Feng inhaled sharply.

Undoubtedly, this was a divine skill on par with Mana Ignition in terms of sheer power.

Yet, the energy point consumption also inflicted a sting of loss upon Lin Feng.

A hundred energy points at once!

That equated to a staggering 1,000 Lofreydor Coins!

Who but the wealthiest could sustain such expenditure?

But when it came to whether Lin Feng would use it...

The answer was a resounding yes!

In the throes of combat where life and death hang by a thread, a single second could turn the tides.

Spend 10,000 dollars, and the enemy falls while you survive.

When you look at it that way, is there any deal in the world more worthwhile?

Lin Feng shook his head, setting these thoughts aside for the moment, his hands rubbing together in anticipation as an excited grin spread across his face.

With the second level of the Thunder Breathing Technique restored, it was time to rapidly advance his own level!

With just a thought.

His energy points dwindled once more.

And his Blood Essence surged upward.

"At the Trainee Warrior level, each increase in Blood Essence costs merely a single energy point, but at the Warrior Stage, it takes ten energy points to achieve the same..."

Monitoring the swift decline of his energy points, Lin Feng drew another sharp breath.

In no time at all.

His Blood Essence had risen from 101 to 150, while his energy points had dropped from 10,500 to 10,010.

He had expended 490 energy points to gain 49 points of Blood Essence.

Though his reserves of energy points remained ample, Lin Feng chose not to push further, acutely aware that his body was reaching its limit.

His wounds throbbed with heat and pain, his skin felt as if it might tear apart.

"That's enough for today. I'll continue to build my strength gradually," Lin Feng decided, shaking his head as he curbed his eagerness.

After all, Rome wasn't built in a day.


Over the following weeks, Lin Feng remained at home, methodically using his energy points to bolster his strength.

Twenty-some days later, he had ascended from a First Level Warrior to a Fifth Level Warrior.

From 10,010 energy points, he was down to just 5,510.

Lin Feng wasn't opposed to further increasing his strength; rather, he needed to get ready for his journey to the University of Norbury.

It was late August, and the sun blazed overhead.

Lin Feng's family, along with his aunt's, were decked out in full gear, weighed down with bags both large and small. Thanks to Lin Feng's convincing, his aunt had decided to relocate to Norbury to keep them company.

At Zeffari's train station, a line of armored vehicles stood parked in neat rows, resembling dark, monstrous beasts.

In this day and age, trains were hardly a viable means of transportation. The presence of too many monsters on the roads wasn't the only issue; the tracks suffered severe damage as well. It was a common occurrence for the tracks to be repaired one day only to be ravaged by monsters the next.

Consequently, the authorities had abandoned the railways.

Air travel was equally perilous, given that many of the monsters had the ability to fly, making planes easy targets for destruction.

Ultimately, armored vehicles became the only option.

As a result, tickets were exorbitantly priced and not available on a daily basis. They were issued only on a few specific days each month.

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