The Arrival Of Otherworlds/C20 Freshmen Reporting in
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The Arrival Of Otherworlds/C20 Freshmen Reporting in
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C20 Freshmen Reporting in

Standing beside him, his mother Lee Susu and his younger siblings, Lin Hua and Lin Xue, looked on with bewilderment. Xu Jiajia, who understood the significance of Life Essence, had her eyes wide with astonishment.

She hadn't anticipated Lin Feng's audacity.

"Do you dare to even think it?" Lin Feng shook his head.

He not only dared to think it, but he was also determined to make it a reality one day.

Exhaling, Lin Feng smiled and said, "That goal is a bit distant. Let's focus on the here and now. After I enroll at the University of Norbury, I plan to join the Students' Union and eventually become its president."


Chiang Yu's mouth hung open, words failing him. All he could do was give Lin Feng an approving thumbs-up.

In the past, the influence of the Students' Union was quite limited, and it had a rather infamous reputation, which many detested.

But in this new era, the story was different.

The Students' Union at any university wielded immense power.

It could even rival the authority of the faculty.

This shift occurred mainly because all students who joined the Students' Union were required to fight in the Warzone.

Their frequency of combat in the Warzone far exceeded that of their mentors.

Moreover, to become a group leader within the Students' Union, one needed formidable strength and a record of battle achievements.

With powerful combat capabilities, personal gains from the Warzone, and annual government funding, the Union was never short of people, money, or resources.

This was what made the Students' Union so powerful and capable of standing toe-to-toe with the faculty.

Xu Jiajia too was at a loss for words, her mouth agape.

She had always held Lin Feng in high regard, but now she thought he might be bordering on delusional.

Life Essence, president of the Students' Union...

Yet, was such a feat truly within reach for a young man who hadn't even officially started at the University of Norbury as a freshman?

It seemed a tad far-fetched.

"Don't look at me like that. I'm confident," Lin Feng said with a wry smile.

As a Fifth Level Warrior, even though he was unaware of the overall strength of the University of Norbury's first-year students, he believed himself to be more than capable.

With the quadruple boost from the Thunder Breathing Technique, Lin Feng felt confident in vying for the position of President of the Freshman Students' Union.

Chiang Yu gave a forced laugh.

"You and Liu Fei better back me up when it's time."

"Bro, I'm scared I'll get beaten to a pulp..." Chiang Yu murmured.

"You're not going to die! Stop being such a wimp and fight like you mean it!" Lin Feng exclaimed.

"Fine! I'll go all out." Chiang Yu clenched his teeth, adopting the look of a man ready to make a noble sacrifice.

Lin Feng couldn't help but smile wryly, "You're being too dramatic."

"Feng, try not to pick fights at school. Students should show love and support for one another," his mother, Lee Susu, advised with a furrowed brow.

"I've got it under control, Mom. Don't worry," Lin Feng replied with a bitter smile.

The world his mother came from was entirely different from his. Her approach to life might have worked in the old days.

But in this new era...

If you want respect, you need to show strength!

It's not just about overpowering others; being strong also means there are advantages to being on your side, ensuring the safety of your allies.

The warrior's path has always been one of combat.

If you're too gentle and frail, your teammates will lose their patience. Who wants to team up with a weakling and head into the Warzone?

That's just asking to increase your own risk of death!


Norbury North Station.

Upon arrival, Lin Feng said goodbye to Xu Jiajia and hurried to the house provided by the University of Norbury with his mother, aunt, and others.

The house was in the Jade Cauldron District within Norbury's third ring.

The neighborhood was lush with greenery, and most importantly, it boasted excellent security. Within a short time, Lin Feng spotted several patrol teams of law enforcement officers.

Rumor had it that patrols occurred around the clock in the area.

Once inside the house, they discovered that it was elegantly furnished, complete with all necessities. One could simply bring a bag and move in – it was that convenient.

Lin Feng, Chiang Yu, and Liu Fei shared a close bond, so it was only natural that they chose adjacent houses. They settled on the fifth floor of Building E, selecting units 501, 502, and 503.

Following a brief discussion, Lin Feng's mother and his siblings took residence in 501, while his aunt, her husband, and their two children moved into 502. As for 503, it was set aside for Lin Feng and his friends, although they seldom had the chance to return home.

Having spent a day getting his family situated, the last day of August arrived. Early that morning, after breakfast, Lin Feng, Chiang Yu, and Liu Fei hurried off to the University of Norbury. Meanwhile, his mother and aunt were preoccupied at the government office, registering the household and sorting out the school transfer for the younger siblings.

At the University of Norbury, when Lin Feng and his companions arrived to check in, the campus was bustling with activity. Students were everywhere, some in small groups, others alone. Newcomers like them gazed around with curiosity, while returning students moved with purposeful haste.

"Let's head over to the Education Office to check in," they decided.

Upon their arrival, they waited in line for an hour before it was their turn. After registering their details, the reception teacher informed them that class divisions would occur the following day.

"This year, the University of Norbury welcomes ten thousand new students, divided into fifty classes. Tomorrow's assessments will determine your class ranking—the better your performance, the higher your class will be ranked."

"The higher your class rank, the more resources you'll receive each month. Any questions?"

"No," Lin Feng and his friends replied, shaking their heads slightly. They had already researched this information online, keen to learn all they could about the University of Norbury.

"Alright, then head back and start preparing," the reception teacher advised, nodding before turning to the next student in line. "Next."


"I've heard that at the University of Norbury, the first annual assessment tests your punching power and speed. Only the top one thousand performers, or those who insist on participating, are eligible for the second assessment."

"Man, I really have no idea what the average level at the University of Norbury is like this year," Chiang Yu said, his worry evident.

Lin Feng gave a slight nod in agreement.

The second test was to engage in actual combat.

But it wasn't just any combat—it involved a hundred people thrown into an arena, with only the last twenty standing deemed the best.

The others, those who fell, would be sorted into different classes based on the instructors' evaluations.

"Last year, the average at Norbury was a Ninth Level Trainee Warrior," Chiang Yu said with a shiver.

At his current First Level Warrior status, he didn't stand a chance in the second test.

He could insist on participating in the combat test, but with his limited strength, he'd likely be among the first eliminated.

And those eliminated first often found themselves placed at the bottom of the class rankings.

Overestimating one's abilities was a major faux pas for any warrior.

Of course, if by some stroke of luck he ended up among the last twenty standing, his average strength would be overlooked in favor of a 'commendable bravery' accolade, and he'd be placed in one of the top ten classes.

"When the time comes, stick close to me," Lin Feng said confidently, believing he could help Liu Fei and Chiang Yu make it to the end.

"We might not end up in the same group," Chiang Yu countered, shaking his head. The second test's grouping was entirely random.

Relying on a few strong friends to carry you through the second test could backfire if you didn't end up in the same group as them, often with dire consequences.

It's true that during college entrance exams, you could team up with friends if you weren't strong enough. But at the University of Norbury, that luxury didn't exist.

Of course, there were always those lucky few.

Some were weak yet still found themselves grouped with friends during the second test.

But who could count on being that lucky, that they'd be one of those so-called 'European Kings'?

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