The Arrival Of Otherworlds/C4 The Mysterious Glass Bead
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The Arrival Of Otherworlds/C4 The Mysterious Glass Bead
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C4 The Mysterious Glass Bead

Night fell, and a profound silence enveloped everything.

In his bedroom, Lin Feng retrieved the ten origin stones he had purchased earlier that evening. "Absorb," he whispered internally, focusing intently. What transpired next would leave any onlooker utterly speechless. Within the span of three short breaths, the ten origin stones in Lin Feng's grasp disintegrated into dust!

It's important to understand that origin stones are an exceptionally resilient source of energy. A single stone could power a compact car for several thousand kilometers. Yet, in a mere moment, they were reduced to nothing.

The origin stones, laden with impurities, were notoriously difficult to refine and not meant for human use. But Lin Feng managed the feat effortlessly, without so much as breaking a sweat. The truth was, it wasn't Lin Feng who absorbed the origin stones, but rather a glass bead within him.

This transparent bead had come into Lin Feng's possession quite unexpectedly a month prior. His meteoric ascent from a Third Level Trainee Warrior to a First Level Warrior was solely attributable to this bead.

Lin Feng's consciousness delved into the bead, and swiftly, a torrent of information flowed back to him. If it were to be transcribed, it would read:

Lin Feng.

Rank: Tenth Level Trainee Warrior

Blood Essence: 100

Bloodline: None

Mana Ignition: Igniting 10 energy points per second doubles combat strength; igniting 100 points per second triples it. Note: Post-explosion, weakness ensues.

Cultivation Technique: Thunder Breathing Technique Remnant (Cultivated to the first level. Strength increased by 50%)

Combat Skill: Crimson Blood Blade Technique (Minor Completion. Attack power increased by 20%)

Energy: 10

Divine Blood: 0


Indeed, Lin Feng was not the First Level Warrior others presumed him to be, but rather a Tenth Level Trainee Warrior—a rank unknown to the Human Race. A Ninth Level Trainee Warrior's vitality stands at 90, and breaking through to a First Level Warrior raises it to 101. Yet, Lin Feng found himself at an exact 100.

This was due to Lin Feng's cultivation technique, which had only been mastered to the initial layer. He had not achieved a breakthrough. His current status was entirely the result of the glass bead's miraculous power, which had allowed him to amass energy points by sheer force.

Lin Feng was determined to amplify his own strength, and he had two paths to choose from.

Firstly, he could use energy points to advance his cultivation technique to the second level. A breakthrough in his technique would naturally precipitate a breakthrough in his realm as well.

Alternatively, he could repair his cultivation technique.

The Thunder Breathing Technique, originating from the world of Taiyi, was one such method. In fact, all the cultivation techniques on Apus Calesius were derived from Taiyi. When beings from Otherworld traded with the inhabitants of Apus Calesius, they would not part with their most potent techniques. As a result, the Thunder Breathing Technique available to Lin Feng was incomplete.

Legend has it that this technique was the creation of an ancient and venerable Supreme Sovereign from Taiyi. But for various reasons, it became lost to the ages. The descendants of Taiyi could only attempt to reconstruct the technique from the fragments they had, but the restored Thunder Breathing Technique was a mere shadow of its original form, weakened by more than tenfold.

It's important to understand that cultivation techniques can significantly bolster one's combat abilities. Take a First Level Warrior, for instance, whose baseline might be a punch with the force of 10,000 kilograms and a speed of 100 meters per second. A subpar technique might only enhance their abilities by 50%, increasing their punch to 15,000 kilograms and their speed to 110 meters per second. But a formidable technique could double or even triple that strength.

And this is just the beginning. As one progresses, the disparity only widens. A cultivator practicing a high-level technique could easily overpower hundreds of those with lower-level techniques.

Lin Feng's goal was to restore the Thunder Breathing Technique. By doing so, even if he remained at the level of a Tenth Level Trainee Warrior, the enhancement could enable him to deliver a punch with the force of 30,000 kilograms.

Even though Lin Feng wasn't entirely sure what being a Sovereign entailed, he reasoned that a technique created by a being worthy of the heavens' respect must be incredibly powerful. Surely, enhancing strength two or threefold should be within reach?

"Tomorrow, I'll buy some origin stones," Lin Feng mused, thumbing his bank card. He needed his mother's money for one critical reason: to accumulate a substantial number of energy points. Each origin stone cost 100 yuan, yet when absorbed by the glass bead, it yielded only a small amount of energy.

To repair the first level of the Thunder Breathing Technique, he needed a thousand energy points.

That came out to a whopping 100,000 yuan!


The next day.

"Lin Feng, hurry up and come down!" With the break of dawn, Chiang Yu's urgent voice came through the phone, "Liu Fei and I are waiting for you downstairs. Move it."

Lin Feng rubbed his face.

Only today and tomorrow were left before the college entrance exam.

No more school for the last two days; it was time for students to get their gear in order and mentally prepare.

After quickly freshening up, Lin Feng headed downstairs.

He immediately spotted Chiang Yu's family car, with Chiang Yu himself standing by it, waving him over.

"What's taking you so long?" Chiang Yu griped as soon as Lin Feng got into the car.

"I was pretty quick, actually."

"So you finally admit you're fast?" Chiang Yu teased with a mischievous grin.

"Get outta here!" Lin Feng retorted with a laugh.

"Uncle Liu, we can go now."

Chiang Yu addressed the middle-aged driver, who nodded, and they set off toward the Equipment Department.

Lofreydor enforced strict regulations on equipment.

Particularly for gear above B1 Level, each piece had a unique serial number. Unreported losses could lead to severe penalties if criminals got their hands on them.

"Hey, I've got some news for you guys," Chiang Yu announced in the car, a secretive smile playing on his lips.

"Did you make a breakthrough?" Lin Feng eyed him skeptically.

"Whoa, how did you figure it out?" Chiang Yu blanched in surprise.

"Your tail's practically wagging. How could anyone miss it?" Lin Feng ribbed him.

"Cut it out," Chiang Yu said, looking glum. "Even with the breakthrough, I'm still no match for you."

He had been an Eighth Level Trainee Warrior, but now he had advanced to the Ninth Level.

"How could you even compare yourself to me?" Lin Feng goaded him.

"That's enough!" Chiang Yu's frustration grew. "Do you know how many Qi Pills I've had to consume since childhood to get to where I am today? And you, you little..."

Qi Pills were highly valuable, crafted from the blood of warrior-level monsters. A single pill fetched ten thousand yuan.

Only someone like Chiang Yu, born into wealth, could afford to use it regularly.

Take Lin Feng and Liu Fei, for instance; they'd hardly ever had the chance to indulge since childhood.

At that moment, Liu Fei, who had been quiet until now, scratched his head and hesitated, "Um..."

Lin Feng and Chiang Yu turned to look at him.

Seeing Liu Fei's expression, Chiang Yu sensed something and blurted out, "No way, did you break through too?"

Liu Fei grinned sheepishly and nodded, "Yeah, I had a breakthrough last night during practice. Didn't get the chance to tell you."

"Ah! I can't believe this..." Chiang Yu clutched his chest, his face contorting with emotion.

It was a tough pill to swallow!

Of the trio, Liu Fei, with his broad shoulders and sturdy build, had always been the most naturally gifted in their training, breezing through life with ease.

Chiang Yu, on the other hand, had only average talent, but his wealth meant he could afford to consume enhancement pills throughout his youth.

Frankly, Lin Feng was the least gifted of them all.

But that was then.

Now, Lin Feng was in a league of his own. Once the underdog, he had surged ahead to become the strongest among them.

"Way to go, Fei!" Lin Feng gave Liu Fei a congratulatory punch on the arm.

Liu Fei just scratched his head and smiled bashfully.

He had leaped from being a Ninth Level Trainee Warrior to a First Level Warrior overnight.

"Now, among us three—two Warriors and one Ninth Level Warrior—I'm confident that we'll ace this assessment, barring any unforeseen circumstances," Liu Fei declared.

Lin Feng nodded in agreement.

Chiang Yu, however, couldn't muster a smile. Feeling even more deflated, he let out a long sigh, "When will I ever ascend to the esteemed rank of Warrior..."

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