The Arrival Of Otherworlds/C5 Powerful
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The Arrival Of Otherworlds/C5 Powerful
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C5 Powerful

As Lin Feng and his companions conversed, time slipped away. Before they knew it, they had reached the Equipment Department in Zeffari City.

The place was bustling with at least twenty fully-armed Warriors, each one carrying not just bladed weapons but also rifles and other firearms.

"Let's go."

Chiang Yu had regained his composure by now, his enthusiasm palpable.

After placing his battle blade in the car, Lin Feng stepped out as well.

The blade, issued by his school, was likely to be retired after this trip. He only clung to it out of habit.

In today's perilous world, even a trip to school warranted carrying a weapon, a precaution against the monsters he had encountered the day before.

But weapons were a no-go in the Equipment Department.

"Uncle Liu, could you wait here for us?"

"Of course, Young Master." The driver nodded and parked the car to the side.

The Equipment Department was teeming with people.

With the college entrance exams around the corner, Lin Feng noticed many teenagers, each escorted by their parents.

"Head to the second floor!"

The first floor housed equipment ranging from Class C1 to C9.

But the real treasures were on the second floor: Class B.

Naturally, nothing above Class B5 was on display here; such prized gear was reserved for the larger cities.

Guided by the staff, Lin Feng and his friends made their way to the less crowded second floor. The vast space was lined with enormous glass display cases, each showcasing formidable gear.

Lin Feng had a specific goal in mind: the Black Dragon Set, one of the three standard-issue suits of the Lofreydor army.

Crafted from over three thousand armor plates and boasting two layers, the Black Dragon Armor offered extraordinary protection. Weighing a hefty thousand kilograms, it was perfectly suited for Lin Feng.

The set included armor, boots, a helmet, and a mask. As for his weapon, Lin Feng stuck with a battle saber.

It was the weapon he was accustomed to.

Truth be told, he found the saber far more fitting for combat than a sword. Swords were too refined for his taste, lacking the heft and satisfaction of a good slash.

Dressed in his new gear, Lin Feng stood before the mirror, involuntarily swallowing hard at his reflection.

Describing it in a single word? Cool!

He was clad in pitch-black armor from head to toe, with only his eyes visible.

The sleek armor plates, finished with a matte treatment, bore dragon-like markings. He wielded a Feather Blade that stretched 150 cm long, broader than its ancient counterparts, and his mere presence sent shivers down one's spine.

There's an innate fascination most men have with bladed weapons.

Lin Feng was no exception.

"This is the one!"

He decisively instructed Chiang Yu to make the purchase.

Subsequently, Chiang Yu and Liu Fei selected their gear. Having practiced their craft for years, each had a firm grasp of their chosen path.

Chiang Yu opted for a nimble set of flying bird armor, tipping the scales at a mere 500 kilograms, paired with a slender and sharper Miao Dao.

Chiang Yu was an archer.

He favored agility over defense.

Liu Fei, on the other hand, chose the opposite approach, donning a hefty rhinoceros suit weighing 2000 kilograms.

He exuded an imposing aura, like a formidable, immovable boulder.

His weapon of choice was a Coiling Dragon Staff, thick as a child's arm, intimidating enough to silence any wailing infant.

"Perfect!" Chiang Yu exclaimed, nodding in approval. "The three of us, I'm the ADC, Lin Feng's the AD, and Liu Fei's our tank. With us brothers united, we'll be unstoppable, slaying gods and buddhas in our path!"

The total came to 1.5 million.

Though pleased with their acquisitions, the sum caused a collective wince.

"No worries. Once I've grown stronger, just one C5-level beast will fetch tens of thousands," Lin Feng reassured himself.

After their training session at the martial arts dojo that afternoon, the trio parted ways.

Lin Feng didn't head straight home.

He withdrew his savings and proceeded to the market to purchase origin stones.

He had assumed buying in bulk would net him a discount, but the vendors wouldn't budge on the price. They even questioned why he needed so many origin stones.

Lin Feng was taken aback by the stringent regulations surrounding the stones.

He had no other option. Ultimately, he made twenty trips to various locations before he managed to spend the entire two hundred thousand.

Two thousand origin stones provided Lin Feng with a substantial two thousand energy points.

At nightfall.

After a day filled with activity, Lin Feng lay in bed, summoning his energy. He expended a thousand energy points to restore the first level of the Thunder Breathing Technique.


In that instant, Lin Feng shuddered, sensing an immense rumbling within him.

It was akin to the furious roar of tigers and leopards, or the tumultuous boiling of a thunderous ocean.

Without conscious thought, he found himself sitting cross-legged on the bed, his chest heaving as he began the rhythmic breathing.

A quarter of an hour passed before Lin Feng emerged from the trance.

"This... is such a powerful sensation!" he exclaimed, his clenched fists making the air crackle.

Wonder sparkled in Lin Feng's eyes.

At the flicker of a thought, the glass bead relayed a stream of information.

Lin Feng.

Rank: Tenth Level Trainee Warrior

Blood Essence: 100

Bloodline: 1% (Thunder Spirit Body)

Mana Ignition: By burning 10 energy points per second, combat strength doubles. By burning 100 energy points per second, it triples. Note: Following the surge, a weakened state ensues.

Cultivation Technique: Thunder Breathing Technique Remnant (Cultivated to the first level. Boosts strength by 300%)

Combat Skill: Scarlet Blood Blade Technique (Minor Completion. Boosts attack power by 20%)

Energy: 1,010

Divine Blood: 0


"Truly terrifying!"

Witnessing the 300% enhancement to his foundational strength, Lin Feng's eyes nearly bulged out of their sockets.

A surge of excitement followed.

He had made the right choice. Instead of using energy points to force a breakthrough in his cultivation technique, he had chosen to repair it.

The Thunder Breathing Technique was indeed formidable!

"What's the Thunder Spirit Body? Ah, that's right... I remember reading online about how some powerful cultivation techniques in the Taiyi world can alter human physiques."

"I had assumed I'd only get the divine blood after defeating Gu Chen and establishing my own bloodline. But now..."

Lin Feng was trembling with excitement.

The difference between a powerful cultivation technique and a worthless one was stark. The first level of the Thunder Breathing Technique previously enhanced his power by only 50%, but now it was a whopping 300%—a sixfold increase!

It was absolutely terrifying!

And as for his bloodline, though still weak, rumors abounded that upon awakening it to a certain degree, it would grant a host of mystical abilities.

"As a Tenth Level Trainee Warrior, I'm nearly on par with a First Level Warrior. A single strike of mine is 10,000 kilograms, with a speed of 100 meters per second... Now, it must be around 40,000 kilograms, right?"

Regarding speed...

Improving speed was a daunting task. Lin Feng estimated his current pace to be somewhere between 130 and 140 meters per second.

Naturally, this was just an educated guess; he'd need actual testing for precise figures.

Later, after consulting the glass bead, Lin Feng learned the cost to repair the second level of the Thunder Breathing Technique. His initial elation quickly turned to a wry smile.

The cost had skyrocketed tenfold!

The first level needed just 1,000 energy points, but the second? A staggering 10,000 points.

That's a million yuan!

The pressure on Lin Feng was immense.


The following day at the Mizar Martial Arts Club.


A strapping young man, standing tall at 1.8 meters, landed a punch on a one-meter-thick iron pillar.

An explosive sound echoed.

Then, the numbers on the display above the pillar scrolled for several seconds before coming to a halt.


A force exceeding 40,000 kilograms!

"Holy smokes!" an astonished shout filled the air.

Chiang Yu, standing nearby, looked as if his eyes might pop out of his head. "Lin Feng, man, you're on fire!"

Even the usually stoic Liu Fei was wearing an expression of sheer disbelief.


Lin Feng let out a hearty laugh.

"Come on, let's go test our speed!"

"Let's do it!"

Chiang Yu eagerly kept pace.

As Lin Feng took off, he created a whirlwind.

Five hundred meters vanished in a flash.

"Whoa! Averaging 135 meters per second?" Chiang Yu exclaimed once more.

Lin Feng mopped the sweat from his brow with a towel.

Chiang Yu trailed behind like a loyal sidekick, "Bro, my own brother! How on earth did you get so strong?"

"I'll tell you, but keep it under wraps, okay?" Lin Feng instructed.

Chiang Yu bobbed his head eagerly, "Come on, you know me. I'm totally trustworthy!"

Lin Feng chuckled and shared, "It seems my Thunder Breathing Technique has undergone a mutation."

He didn't mention it had been repaired—that was a secret he couldn't reveal. After all, what level was he at?


Chiang Yu was completely baffled.

He had never heard of such a thing.

Yet, seeing Lin Feng's grin, it was clear that this new version of the technique was more powerful than the original.

Envy swelled in Chiang Yu's chest, "Man, I wish my own technique could mutate like that!"

Liu Fei nodded in agreement.

Clearly, they both coveted Lin Feng's newfound prowess.

Lin Feng's laughter rang out.

He chose not to conceal his increased strength because they were about to team up and would be in close quarters often. Secrets like this were bound to come out.

Besides, their lifelong friendship gave him confidence in these two brothers.

"Just don't go blabbing about it. I'm not keen on becoming a lab's dissection project," he joked.

"Got it," they both said, their faces turning serious with the gravity of the topic.

"Come on, let's get some training in!"

"No way I'm sparring with you!" Chiang Yu scoffed, rolling his eyes.

He was just a Ninth Level Trainee Warrior, barely hitting 9,000 kilograms with his punches. Even with his technique, he wasn't close to 15,000.

Next to Lin Feng's 40,000 kilograms, he'd be asking for a beating.

Liu Fei nodded solemnly in agreement.

Sure, he was a straightforward guy, but he was no glutton for punishment.

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