The Arrival Of Otherworlds/C7 Entering the Warzone!
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The Arrival Of Otherworlds/C7 Entering the Warzone!
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C7 Entering the Warzone!


A violent explosion erupted from outside. Even through the armored vehicle, the sound was unmistakable, as jarring as a thunderclap.

"How did we run into a B1 Level monster just beyond the city limits?" Chiang Yu's expression was one of utter shock.

The sentiment was shared by everyone else.

After all, they were facing a creature on par with a War General, and in all of Lofreydor, there were barely 30,000 at that level.

Inside the vehicle, Lee Xiuping and two other students were visibly anxious.

"Don't worry. This is the college entrance exam. There are at least ten War Generals on duty. We're in safe hands," Lin Feng reassured them, his voice steady, even managing to comfort his fellow students.

Lee Xiuping shook her head. "That's not what concerns me."

"What worries me is that we're not even in the Warzone yet, and we're already encountering such formidable monsters. What if inside the Warzone..."

Lin Feng chuckled. "No need to worry. The Warzone is regularly cleared by specialists. Any stragglers won't pose a significant threat."

He spoke confidently, but deep down, he harbored his own doubts. In these times, anything could happen.

"All clear. Proceeding," crackled the voice over the walkie-talkie, not even a minute later.

"Roger that."

With that, the armored vehicle roared back to life.

"That was impressive," murmured Chiang Yu.

"Indeed," Lin Feng agreed with a nod.

In his current state, facing a B1 Level monster in the wild would mean certain death, with no chance of escape. Yet, the soldiers escorting them had neutralized the threat in under a minute.

As the day waned, the convoy of armored vehicles came to a halt.

Lin Feng and the others stepped out onto soil that bore no resemblance to the city's concrete. The ground was a dark, blood-red hue, unsettling to behold.

Before them stood three tiers of iron wire mesh, each towering at about five meters.

Glancing around, he saw a sea of armored vehicles and people, easily numbering in the thousands.

"Not just from our School Sixty-Six, but folks from Sixty-Five and Sixty-Seven are here too," Chiang Yu murmured.

Lin Feng nodded in acknowledgment.

"Anyone want to back out? This is your last chance. Once you step into the Warzone, life and death are unpredictable, and it might be too late to retreat," a soldier approached Lin Feng and the group to ask.

Lin Feng and the others shook their heads. At this point, nobody was willing to back down.

Even Lee Xiuping, who had been scared initially, now wore a look of unwavering resolve.

"Okay. Let's move out. Remember, if anything seems off, immediately shoot up a signal flare or head to the nearest fortress in the Warzone for help," the soldier instructed, handing out signal flares.

After checking their admission tickets, the students began to enter the Warzone one by one.

"Are you going to team up with us?" Chiang Yu asked Lee Xiuping and the other two.

The trio exchanged glances, then looked at Lin Feng and apologized, "Sorry, we've already got teammates."

In the Warzone, having too many people in a group isn't always better. More people make for a larger target.

Chiang Yu's eyebrows twitched, a spark of anger in his eyes.

He could clearly see that Lee Xiuping and the others thought Lin Feng was a weak link and didn't want to be held back by him!

"Let's move!" Lin Feng said quietly.

He didn't bother elaborating, given his lukewarm relationship with Lee Xiuping and the rest.

If they were reluctant, he wasn't going to go out of his way for them.

After crossing the triple-layered iron net into the Warzone, Chiang Yu grumbled under his breath, "Damn, those guys are nauseating. I was considering giving them a hand for old times' sake."

"Enough," Lin Feng cut in, shaking his head. "Stay alert. The moment we're in the Warzone, we're in danger."

He scanned the area with sharp eyes.

Warzone 509 had once been a bustling county, but it was overrun with monsters and subsequently abandoned.

Seventeen years on, the buildings lay in ruins, and wild vegetation thrived unchecked.

The landscape was desolate and eerie.

"We should find a place to bed down for the night," Liu Fei whispered.

Lin Feng gave a silent nod in agreement.

The trio navigated through a stretch of rubble, making their way toward a cluster of buildings. Despite the potential danger of wild beasts lurking within, the alternative—spending the night exposed in the wilderness—was not an option.

"That bastard Gu Chen is tailing us," Chiang Yu spat after a while.

Lin Feng had been aware for some time. "Don't worry. If it comes to a fight, you two keep your distance from me. We'll take out Zhang Jun and Zhang Zhao first—they're his right-hand men."

Former classmates were now pitted against each other in a fight to the death.

The situation was jarring and brutal.

Yet, Lin Feng and his companions had long since steeled themselves for this reality.

"Understood," Chiang Yu and Liu Fei acknowledged quietly.

They didn't overestimate themselves. They were clear on the fact that sticking close to Lin Feng in a confrontation with Gu Chen would only slow him down.

They were seasoned warriors, trained from the age of twelve, not inexperienced novices.

"Gu Chen, oh Gu Chen, if you're coming for me, don't expect any mercy..."

Lin Feng thought to himself, bracing for what might come.


Gu Chen watched Lin Feng and his companions with a cold gaze. Zhang Zhao, at his side, inquired, "Mr. Gu, when do we strike?"

"Tonight. We're too near the entrance now. If they send up a flare, the rescue team will be here in an instant. We'll move when they're further in..." A cruel smile spread across Gu Chen's face.


The air quality in Warzone 509 was worrisome, a stark contrast to the city's atmosphere. Here, the air was thick with the odors of blood and decay.

All was silent.

Monsters were not omnipresent.

Indeed, these creatures were not mindless. As predators, their primary instinct was to remain concealed and bide their time for a sudden, lethal attack.

Lin Feng and his two companions proceeded with utmost caution, their confidence not inflated by the presence of two First Level Warriors in their midst.


The sound of pebbles hitting the ground pierced the silence, drawing immediate attention.

Lin Feng swiftly turned his head.

In an instant, he spotted a sleek, black panther perched on the balcony of a crumbling apartment building a hundred meters away. Its muscles were coiled tight, mouth agape, revealing dagger-like teeth gleaming white.

Clearly, the panther had marked Lin Feng and his companions as its next meal.

"Big mistake!"

Chiang Yu's left hand never left the short bow he carried. Sensing the slightest stir, he swiftly drew and nocked an arrow.


The dark arrow zipped through the air like a bolt of lightning.

Chiang Yu's year-round archery practice paid off, his power and precision top-notch.

The arrow, traveling nearly 800 meters per second, struck the black panther squarely, piercing right through its green eyes.

Dead in one shot.

"That's what I call a rush!" Chiang Yu whispered, pumping his fist in exhilaration.

"Looks like a young one, probably a D7 in strength," Lin Feng said with a grin.

In a blink, they closed the hundred-meter gap and leapt onto the third-floor balcony with ease.

They marveled at the two-and-a-half-meter-long black panther.

"This pelt is incredibly smooth! It'll make a fine coat and fetch a handsome price," Lin Feng remarked, stroking the fur and smiling at the thought.

The successful start had them all in high spirits.

They quickly skinned the panther, stowing the hide in a bag they had brought along, leaving the meat behind.

Within a minute of their departure, a pack of carnivores slinked out from the shadows, eyes glinting with hunger at the sight of the panther's remains. They descended in a frenzy.

The panther was devoured in moments, the scene a grisly spectacle.

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