The Arrival Of Otherworlds/C8 Ambush
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The Arrival Of Otherworlds/C8 Ambush
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C8 Ambush

In the dead of night, the heavens were adorned with a scattering of stars, a breathtaking sight.

Within Warzone 509, a figure emerged onto the balcony of a six-story apartment building. With a cautious gaze, he surveyed his surroundings before...

The sound of water cascading down three thousand feet.

After relieving himself, Lin Feng secured his armor and took one last vigilant look around. Assured that all was normal, he turned to head back inside.

But in that instant of turning...


A thunderous explosion rent the air as the earth cracked open in a web-like pattern, leaving behind a circular indentation.

From the debris below, a silhouette rocketed skyward, the battle blade in hand gleaming ominously in the moonlight.

Gu Chen had been trailing Lin Feng and his companions. Now, he seized his chance.

"Die, die!" he seethed, his eyes ablaze with ruthless intent, almost visualizing Lin Feng's decapitation under his deadly strike.

However, at that very moment—


A piercing sonic boom echoed through the air. Gu Chen's expression twisted in shock as he whirled around to face the darkness, where three arrows, arranged in a tight formation, sped towards him like bolts of lightning.

"Damn it!"

Suspended in midair with no leverage, Gu Chen swung his battle blade with all his might, attempting to deflect the incoming arrows.


Sparks scattered in a brilliant display.

Though Gu Chen managed to parry the arrows, his descent accelerated.

Simultaneously, Lin Feng, who had just re-entered the building, flashed a grin and, brandishing his battle blade, leaped from the sixth floor.

His Feather Blade shimmered with an icy aura.

Gu Chen's heart sank. "Damn it, it's a trap!"

By now, he realized that Lin Feng had deliberately drawn him out.

Bathed in moonlight, Lin Feng hoisted the Feather Blade aloft. Scarlet Vital Energy swiftly enveloped the blade as a savage glint sparked in his eyes. He brought the blade down in a fierce arc.

This strike was unleashed without a moment's hesitation, fueled by Mana Ignition to double his combat prowess.

With the combined power of his cultivation technique, battle skill, and Mana Ignition, the force behind the strike approached an astonishing 90,000 kilograms.

A single strike weighing 90,000 kilograms, hurtling through the air at a speed of 800 meters per second!

The sheer force was horrifying.

Space itself seemed on the verge of being shredded.

The blade hadn't even reached him, yet the fierce wind it generated was enough to force Gu Chen's eyes into a squint, his long hair whipping about in a frenzy.

"No, I cannot die!"

In that instant, Gu Chen sensed a crisis like never before.

Every cell in his body quivered with fear.

He had underestimated his adversary. Lin Feng's power far surpassed anything he had envisioned!


He let out a thunderous roar.

His Silver Dragon Breathing Technique, which he had been cultivating, kicked into overdrive like never before.

Bathed in moonlight, his entire being shimmered with a soft silver glow.

In the nick of time, he bellowed, repositioned himself, and met Lin Feng head-on with a ferocious slash of his blade!


The piercing screech of metal on metal threatened to rupture eardrums.

The back of Gu Chen's blade hammered against his chest and face, accelerating his descent by a third.


He crashed onto the earth below with a resounding thud. The neglected concrete burst asunder, sending stones scattering in all directions.

Gu Chen himself was buried half a meter deep!

"Puff!" A gush of blood spurted from Gu Chen's reddening face.

His arms were numb and throbbing, his muscles felt as though they were ripping apart.

And his chest and face? They burned as if scorched by flames.

Yet, he couldn't afford the slightest delay.

Lin Feng, whom he had just managed to repel, was already on the attack again!

"Send up the flares!"

Gu Chen flipped over, shouting as he did.

In this life-or-death moment, this proud son of the Otherworld cast aside all concern for his image.


Off in the distance, two crimson flares shot up into the sky.

Unfazed, Lin Feng continued his pursuit, blade in hand, relentlessly slashing at Gu Chen.

As the old adage goes, lose the first step, and you lose the whole game. Gu Chen, having lost the upper hand and now wounded, could only fend off Lin Feng's onslaught with great difficulty.

"Damn it, how can this guy be so strong!" Gu Chen raged inwardly.

He was the epitome of frustration.

As a son of the Otherworld, a Third Level Warrior with an Earth Level technique that could amplify his strength by 1.5 times, he was a force to be reckoned with. But today, he found himself utterly overpowered by a native of Apus Calesius.

Clang! Clang! Clang! Sparks flew as Lin Feng unleashed a flurry of over two hundred and thirty slashes in just ten seconds, leaving his arms numb and his muscles quivering.

Gu Chen spat blood, his arms shaking, eyes brimming with venomous spite as they locked onto Lin Feng. "Bet you didn't see this coming, did you? My armor is of the Fifth Grade, you insignificant..."

Despite landing four blows to Gu Chen's chest, Lin Feng's Feather Blade couldn't penetrate the armor, leaving only superficial scratches. "I may not kill you, but I'll certainly shake you to your core!" Lin Feng said with a cold laugh, his eyes ablaze with fiery rage.

Time was of the essence; the rescue team would surely reach them within a minute. "Kill!" Lin Feng's eyes glinted with a fierce determination as he unleashed Mana Ignition threefold.

In a flash, his body radiated a crimson glow—not fire, but the manifestation of his potent Qi and blood.

Gu Chen recoiled in alarm, instantly aware of the surge in Lin Feng's power. "Curse it, you wretch, how do you have such an endless arsenal of techniques?" Gu Chen's inner roar was a cacophony of resentment.

This wasn't how it was supposed to go. This despicable native should have fallen to his blade in one stroke. How had the tables turned so drastically?

"No! His cultivation level isn't higher than mine!" Realization struck Gu Chen like lightning as he fixed his gaze on Lin Feng, "You possess a Sacred Level Technique!"

"Die!" Lin Feng's intent to kill was palpable as he swung his blade decisively.

Gu Chen's eyes, once filled with greed, were now clouded by overwhelming fear. "No, you can't kill me. I am the son of the Otherworld, my father is..."


Lin Feng's strike thundered down upon Gu Chen's chest, detonating with the roar of an exploding bomb.

The shockwave whipped up a tornado in the surrounding streets, tossing debris into the air.

Gu Chen was hurled away like a piece of straw.


With a low snarl, Lin Feng advanced, relentlessly pursuing the airborne Gu Chen with four successive slashes.

Exhausted, Lin Feng coughed up a mouthful of blood, his internal organs protesting against the intense strain.

And Gu Chen...

The Otherworlder's son lay dead among the rubble, his eyes wide open in unyielding defiance.

His chest armor bore crisscrossing shallow marks; Lin Feng's blade hadn't breached the defense.

Yet, he was shaken to death, his life force extinguished.

Fearing Gu Chen might not be entirely dead, Lin Feng yanked off his mask and plunged his blade into the handsome face.


This time, the death was absolute, beyond any divine intervention.

A stream of blood visible only to Lin Feng spiraled out from Gu Chen's corpse and merged into his own body.

Divine blood!

"Damn, this armor is seriously tough!" Lin Feng, drenched in sweat and weakened, cursed under his breath.

His own battle blade was a sorry sight, chewed up and jagged as if gnawed on by a dog.

In contrast, Gu Chen's blade remained unscathed.

"No matter how fancy your gear, it can't disguise the fact that you're a loser!" Lin Feng sneered with contempt.

All these fine spoils were now his.

Gu Chen, too, was clad in a black dragon suit, and his stature was much like Lin Feng's, as if the armor was tailor-made for him.

Though the equipment was serialized, it wouldn't be traced back as long as one didn't flaunt it.

Besides, the black dragon suits were standard issue, identical in appearance. The only difference between Gu Chen's and Lin Feng's lay in the material.

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