The Awakened Sage/C18 It Was a Story
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The Awakened Sage/C18 It Was a Story
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C18 It Was a Story

"What on earth did I do to deserve this? Tell me, so I can at least die knowing why!" Qin Mu caught the pillow Qing Shu had thrown at him, feigning confusion as he inhaled its fresh scent.

Qing Shu fixed Qin Mu with a fierce glare and snapped, "You have a swarm of adoring fans. Go hang out with them! Why bother coming to me?"

Realizing the cause of her irritation, Qin Mu knew Qing Shu must have overheard some of the female disciples from the Skyhaven Clan saying something that sparked her jealousy.

With a playful pinch of his nose, Qin Mu exclaimed, "What's with the overwhelming scent of vinegar? Qing Shu, did you spill a whole jar of it?"

"A jar of vinegar?" Initially baffled by Qin Mu's comment, Qing Shu, in her innocence, was slow to catch on. But it didn't take long before she got the implication and retorted, "Qin Mu! You're the one who's spilled the vinegar! Leave, I don't want to see you anymore!"

By this time, however, Qin Mu had already approached Qing Shu and taken hold of her right hand.

Qing Shu glanced down at her suddenly captive hand, pausing briefly before a blush crept across her cheeks.

Qin Mu, noticing her blush, hastened to clarify, "Qing Shu, don't believe everything you hear. I'm not that kind of guy!"

Just then, a voice interrupted, "The Stormwrack Sect is no more. Aren't you leaving?"

Qin Mu settled himself and with a sly grin replied, "Not yet. I'm sticking around for a bit longer. There's still something I need to get!"

Qing Shu's eyes, once bright, now dulled as she quietly withdrew her hand from Qin Mu's grasp.

She then responded to Qin Mu with a subdued "Oh."

Watching Qing Shu's demeanor shift, Qin Mu felt on the verge of despair.

Could a woman's mood really shift so swiftly? He lamented not watching more melodramatic soap operas in his past life; they might have prepared him for such bewildering situations.

Unable to bear the tension any longer, Qin Mu implored Qing Shu with patience, "Qing Shu, can we have an honest conversation? I really want to understand what's going through your mind right now!"

Qing Shu glanced up at Qin Mu, feigning nonchalance as she said, "The Ling sisters mentioned you came to the Skyhaven Clan because of me?"

Qin Mu met her gaze and nodded affirmatively. "Yes! I came for you!"

Seemingly not hearing his confirmation, Qing Shu pressed on, "To take me on as your disciple, right?"

Qin Mu was taken aback, not expecting Qing Shu to be aware of his intentions. Without concealing the truth, he responded, "Indeed! I joined the Skyhaven Clan to take you on as my disciple!"

"You mentioned another important matter earlier. What was it?" Qing Shu couldn't finish her question as she began to cry.

Qin Mu had an epiphany, realizing Qing Shu had misunderstood his earlier words.

It's understandable for someone to be upset at being referred to as an object, especially someone like...

He quickly reassured her, "No, Qing Shu, you've got it all wrong!" As he spoke, he gently took hold of Qing Shu's hand once more.

"You're familiar with Chu Feng, aren't you? He's my disciple too. I'm searching for something to help him regenerate his severed limbs!"

Qin Mu's clarification only made Qing Shu more distressed. "So, I don't even measure up to an object!" she lamented, attempting to withdraw her hand.

Qin Mu felt a mix of frustration and bemusement. Why did this all sound so odd?

This time, however, Qin Mu didn't relent, holding Qing Shu's hand more firmly. Gazing into her tender eyes, he declared earnestly, "Qing Shu, you are the most important person to me. Don't be so hard on yourself. In this world, no one is more important than you are!"

In this new world, Qin Mu was an outsider, without family or friends. Having finally found a girl he cherished, he was not about to let go so easily.

Upon hearing Qin Mu's heartfelt words, Qing Shu's eyes fluttered, and she ceased her struggle.

Yet, in a hushed tone, Qing Shu added, "You do realize that a disciple and master aren't supposed to... you know."

At her inquiry, Qin Mu chuckled. "Qing Shu, would you like to hear a story?"

In another world, there was a poor child, orphaned and alone, fending for himself on the streets from a young age.

One day, he encountered an uncle who claimed to be his father's sworn brother and took him back to his home. Unfortunately, the uncle's wife was not fond of him, forcing the uncle to send the boy to a sect known as the Quan Zhen Sect. Once there, he was constantly bullied by the other disciples, prompting him to stealthily escape.

During his flight, he stumbled upon an ancient tomb where he met an extraordinarily beautiful woman. She seemed like a celestial being who had descended to earth, and he was utterly captivated by her at first sight.

Qin Mu's resonant voice flowed into Qing Shu's delicate ears. She listened, utterly spellbound, her emotions ebbing and flowing with the cadence of Qin Mu's storytelling. At times, a glimmer of tears would appear in her eyes, and at others, she would break into a joyful smile, revealing her pearly canines.

Yet, the tale Qin Mu spun differed from the one written by Jin Yong. He narrated a beautiful story to Qing Shu, in which the Little Dragon Girl was not harmed by Yin Zhiping. In Qin Mu's version, Yin Zhiping was merely a formidable antagonist who sought to keep Yang Guo and the Little Dragon Girl apart. It was Qin Mu's way of addressing a past regret from his days of novel-reading.

"And so, their story vanished from the world of martial arts," concluded Qin Mu, his voice fading as the story reached its end.

Qing Shu, however, was still deeply engrossed in the narrative, struggling to let go. Observing her rapt expression, Qin Mu smiled tenderly and softly called her name.

Roused by Qin Mu's voice, Qing Shu snapped back to reality, her eyes brimming with delight. She offered a gentle, stunning smile in response.

Qin Mu was momentarily taken aback. Had he been familiar with those dramatic TV series where the protagonists share a tumultuous romance, he might have instinctively leaned in for a kiss. But Qin Mu had never indulged in such dramas.

Noticing Qin Mu's lack of response, Qing Shu inquired, "Who is Yang Guo? Could he be referring to Chu Feng?" She finished her question with a playful twinkle in her sparkling eyes.

Regaining his composure, Qin Mu cleared his throat twice, chiding himself for being momentarily swayed by her charm. Internally, he recited a mantra, "Namo Amitabha, as the Buddha teaches..."

While he harbored these thoughts, he managed to keep a composed facade. "If you had to pick a character, who would it be?"

A faint voice responded, "Well, that would depend on who you pick first!"

Qin Mu's spirits lifted. He was about to say more when Qing Shu began ushering him out. "Enough already, you've lingered long enough. Time to go!"

Qin Mu found himself being ushered out by Qing Shu, feeling a bit resigned, yet optimistic about the future. There were, after all, plenty more days ahead.

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