The Awakened Sage/C21 Not the Same Group of People
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The Awakened Sage/C21 Not the Same Group of People
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C21 Not the Same Group of People

Sun Xing added, "They also made it clear that they want a woman named Qing Shu from the Skyhaven Clan to be killed, and it's imperative that their involvement remains a secret!"

Qin Mu dismissed the rest, focusing on the fact that someone was targeting Qing Shu and wanted to keep it under wraps. Could this be connected to the five black-clad individuals he encountered at Mistmantle Mountain previously?

After some contemplation, Qin Mu dismissed the notion. The group from Mistmantle Mountain had intended to abduct Qing Shu, whereas the person who gave Sun Xing the mandragora wanted her dead. It seemed unlikely they were the same faction.

As Qin Mu made his way to the Skyhaven Clan, he pondered more about Qing Shu. Her identity was clearly not ordinary; someone who could casually gift a mandragora must possess formidable power to target her life.

And then there was Qian Lai, clearly affiliated with a significant force. What was his purpose in infiltrating the Skyhaven Clan?

Was he also after Qing Shu?

Qing Shu had lived safely within the Skyhaven Clan for years, yet the two cultivators Qin Mu had eliminated knew about the Weak Water Vein within the clan. This information had to have been leaked.

But why the secrecy? Why did each player choose to remain hidden? There had to be a significant secret at play.

After much deliberation and coming up short on answers, Qin Mu decided to let the matter rest. After all, a solution would present itself when needed. As long as he was strong enough to stand alone against the world, any conspiracy would be trivial.

Reinvigorated by his path to invincibility, Qin Mu's priorities were clear: recruit a disciple, grow stronger, and, most importantly, protect those he cherished.

With these thoughts, Qin Mu arrived back at the Skyhaven Clan, ready to inform Ling Siying about Sun Xing's impending attack and to strategize their response to the looming threat.

Qin Mu had been unable to locate Ling Siying, so he had no choice but to seek out Qing Min. In a moment, he found himself on the 64th floor of the Tower of Phlogiston.

"Old man, why are you here by yourself? Where's Qing Min?" Qin Mu inquired, eyeing the ethereal Paragon Ancestor.

The Paragon Ancestor quietly regarded Qin Mu, a flicker of surprise in his gaze. It hadn't been that long, yet Qin Mu had already broken through the Void of Serenity and was on the verge of entering the Quietus Realm, just a hair's breadth away from the Quietus level.

Could this man truly be the one fated to face great trials?

Noticing the Paragon Ancestor's distant look, Qin Mu gestured impatiently and pressed, "Come on, old man, talk! Where's that old rascal Qing Min?"

Instead of replying, the Paragon Ancestor posed a question of his own, "Young man, how old are you?"

That question stumped Qin Mu.

After all, he had been encased in ice for a century! By the calendar, he was now 160 years old.

Yet, considering he had technically been dead during that century-long freeze, it was uncertain whether that time should count towards his age.

With Qin Mu remaining silent, the Paragon Ancestor went on, "You must know Ling Siying! He's just ventured into the Well of Fury. Without anyone to aid him, his demise is certain."

Confusion clouded Qin Mu's eyes. "The Well of Fury? What's that?"

Before Qin Mu could voice his question, the Paragon Ancestor proceeded to elucidate the background of the Well of Fury.

Once the Paragon Ancestor finished, Qin Mu grasped the reason behind Ling Siying's daring move.

With a grimace, Qin Mu admitted, "It seems Ling Siying entered the Well of Fury because of me."

Perplexed, the Paragon Ancestor queried, "Because of you?"

"Yes, it's likely because of our conversation. I informed him about the current state of the Skyhaven Clan and Qing Min's condition, mentioning that the clan lacked a pillar of strength. Perhaps seeking to become stronger, that's why Ling Siying decided to take such a perilous step!"

Qin Mu was frustrated with himself. How could he have known about such a place within the Skyhaven Clan? Had he been aware, he would have never discussed such matters with Ling Siying.

The Paragon Ancestor scrutinized Qin Mu and remarked, "So, this whole situation is your doing. Do you feel it's your duty to rescue Ling Siying?"

Qin Mu nodded in affirmation.

Upon seeing Qin Mu's nod, the Paragon Ancestor seized him and stepped forward, returning to the forbidden area. Qing Min was still standing by the well, lost in a trance.

Sensing the ripple in space, Qing Min turned to find the Paragon Ancestor and Qin Mu behind him.

Qin Mu, observing Qing Min's bewildered state, felt a pang of sympathy and proactively said, "Mr. Lee, I intend to rescue Ling Siying."

At these words, a spark of hope flickered in Qing Min's eyes, but it quickly faded. He responded, "Let it be. In ancient times, countless prodigies perished there. You'd best not risk it."

Qin Mu was not one to back down. He had to clean up the mess he'd made—it was a man's responsibility.

Ignoring Qing Min's advice, Qin Mu went on to discuss Sun Xing's situation, urging Qing Min to prepare himself.

Qing Min was taken aback by the news, but before he could respond, Qin Mu dashed off to the Paragon Ancestor's side. He briefed him on the mandragora, requesting his assistance in acquiring it for Chu Feng.

With that, Qin Mu vanished in the blink of an eye.

Qin Mu materialized in Qing Shu's room.

He was astonished to see Qing Shu in the midst of her cultivation, having reached the Golden Core stage in just two months. Such progress would surely be the envy of many hardworking cultivators whose efforts had yielded little.

Nevertheless, Qin Mu didn't dwell on his astonishment. He gently roused Qing Shu.

Qing Shu, blinking her large eyes, greeted him, "Ah, you've arrived!"

Qin Mu presented the Nine Transformation Golden Pill to Qing Shu, saying, "I'll be away for a while. This pill has the power to heal or harm, so guard it well and use it only in dire circumstances."

Qing Shu, holding the pill, looked on with a hint of confusion. It was as if it were certain she'd face danger ahead.

Qin Mu was genuinely concerned for Qing Shu, especially since the shadowy figure targeting her was still at large.

"Where are you going? I'm coming with you!" Qing Shu's crisp voice rang out.

Qin Mu deliberately ignored her, thinking she was too young and not yet ready to accompany him on his endeavors. But then he reconsidered, remembering the system's advice. "Qing Shu, hurry up and become my disciple!" he urged her.

Qing Shu, unimpressed by his sudden request, playfully retorted, "Become your disciple? Aren't we forgetting something?"

"What's missing?" Qin Mu asked, before it dawned on him that taking on a disciple usually involved the exchange of a gift.

"Qing Shu, be patient. I'll make it up to you with a gift later," Qin Mu promised.

But Qing Shu was adamant, "No, it's not about the gift. In 'The Condor Heroes,' isn't there a giant eagle missing?"

Realizing Qing Shu was just having a bit of fun at his expense, Qin Mu adopted a stern expression and said, "Qing Shu, enough with the jokes. I'm serious. Swear your allegiance to me as your master right away!"

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