The Awakened Sage/C9 System
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The Awakened Sage/C9 System
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C9 System

The fire phoenix's fury intensified as it saw its adversaries not fleeing but daring to launch an offensive. "So be it," it thought, "they shall all remain here!"

The majestic bird radiated an even more intense heat, startling Qin Mu. "Could this bird be too formidable? Could it possibly be a phoenix?" he wondered.

As Qin Mu and the two men in black were forced to retreat, fear flickered in the eyes of one of the men, who was in the preliminary stage of Quietus. He made a run for it, pleading, "Boss! I'm not ready to die. Hold it off for a moment and let me escape."

Witnessing this, Qin Mu couldn't help but smirk internally. "Fool!"

The Quietus-level black-clothed man bellowed, "Second Brother, no, come back!"

But it was too late. A blast of flame from the fire phoenix engulfed the second brother, who vanished without a trace.

While fending off the fire phoenix, Qin Mu taunted the leader of the men in black, "Seems like your henchmen aren't the brightest, are they?"

"How can you judge their competence if you haven't shown your true strength?" retorted the black-clothed leader with overconfidence.

A surge of danger swept through Qin Mu's mind. The leader chuckled, "Hahaha, well then! Now, no one will escape!"

This was a realm that one could only grasp after achieving Deification, and most would only do so in the advanced stages. Yet, astonishingly, this fire phoenix had already mastered it.

The black-clothed leader ceased his resistance, dissipated his spiritual energy, and declared to Qin Mu, "I'll be waiting for you below!"

Then he plunged into the sweeping flames.

Qin Mu utilized his Starfall Stride to navigate the relentless inferno. Still, he was occasionally struck by falling flames, each hit diminishing his protective spiritual energy. If this continued, Qin Mu knew he wouldn't last long before succumbing to the fiery abyss.

Summoning the system, Qin Mu inquired, "System, is it possible to teleport out of this domain?"


"The System's creations are always top-notch, offering Unrestricted Teleportation that no domain can contain!"

Upon hearing the System's response, Qin Mu breathed a sigh of relief. If he couldn't win the fight, at least he could escape!

But ever since Qin Mu had mentioned the System seemed more personable, it had reverted to being dry and uninteresting.

"Big bird, stop skulking around. Have the courage to face me in an open battle!" Qin Mu bellowed, his voice echoing throughout the domain.

When no one responded, Qin Mu persisted, "Big bird, what kind of bird are you, anyway? You might as well be a turtle, for all the honor you're bringing to the Bird Tribe. You don't act like any bird I know!"

Still no reply. Qin Mu sighed, ready to engage the Unrestricted Teleportation.

"Insect, your grandfather is a phoenix, not just any bird, and certainly not a turtle. If you lack knowledge, better not to show your ignorance!"

Qin Mu's excitement surged upon hearing the voice. As long as it spoke, he knew it would reveal itself!

"Hahaha, a phoenix? I've heard chicken feet are called phoenix claws, too. Seems like any old thing can claim to be a phoenix these days!"

An angry screech followed, "Insect, stop provoking me!"

Qin Mu chuckled, "Hahaha!"

"Insect, you're asking for trouble!"

Qin Mu chuckled again, "Haha!"

With a resonant "Clang! Clang!" the domain vanished.

Before Qin Mu stood a fire phoenix, now ten times larger, spewing a torrent of flames his way.

Qin Mu couldn't help but swear, "Damn, what's this about? How did it get so big all of a sudden?"

Feeling the heat of the flames, Qin Mu employed the Starfall Stride, swiftly dodging to the left, but the relentless fire phoenix pursued, flames in tow.

Qin Mu launched a fire dragon, but it vanished before even reaching the fire phoenix!

Frowning, Qin Mu watched as a massive surge of yellow water cascaded down, finally causing the fire phoenix some trouble as its flames faltered.

Seizing the moment, Qin Mu closed the distance with Starfall Stride and unleashed the Butterfly Blast with the Ghost Reaver, aiming a powerful sweep at the fire phoenix's neck.

The fire phoenix swiftly dodged, and the attack ended up striking its wings. Wincing in pain, the fire phoenix took to the sky, unfurling its wings and sending a cascade of fiery feathers hurtling towards Qin Mu.

With a resigned farewell, Qin Mu vanished, leaving the sky full of fire feathers shooting at nothing.

Enraged at having let the worm escape, the fire phoenix felt a sudden chill as its feathers bristled tightly against its body. "Ruptured Abyss!" it cried out. A massive deluge, akin to the waters of the abyss itself, poured down, unleashing countless wraiths from its depths.

With a thunderous crash, the deluge struck the fire phoenix's neck, driving it into the ground and leaving a massive crater. Yet, the fire phoenix rose again, spitting out blood. "Crawler, you've truly incensed me!" it declared, as an infinite amount of Ignis Spirit coalesced, readying to unleash its domain once more.

Qin Mu shook his head with a wry smile, recognizing the vast gulf between their strengths. He was no match for the phoenix at present. With that in mind, he prepared to teleport away and warn the other disciples to evacuate.

But just then, an orb materialized before him, and across the way, Qing Shu winked at him. Qin Mu smiled, channeling his spirit energy into the Ember Orb, causing the painstakingly gathered Ignis Spirit of the fire phoenix to scatter. The fire phoenix's eyes widened in shock, then glinted with greed.

"Crawler, hand over that orb, and I'll spare your life!" it bargained.

Qin Mu merely smiled silently, amused by the fire phoenix's failure to grasp the situation.

"Crawler! Are you listening? Give me the orb in your hand!" the fire phoenix bellowed with increased ferocity.

With an icy smile, Qin Mu replied, "Patience, little bird. Brace yourself for the end." He then activated the Ember Orb, shooting skyward. The fire phoenix followed suit, its body erupting in a blaze of flames.

Yet, the flames didn't chase after Qin Mu; they were absorbed by the Ember Orb, hovering in the air. Frustrated beyond measure, the fire phoenix halted its advance and made a beeline for the Ember Orb.

However, Qin Mu wasn't about to give it a chance. The Ruptured Abyss surged toward the fire phoenix's massive form. Struck by the Ruptured Abyss, the fire phoenix let out a pained howl as it was sent hurtling backward.

With the Ember Orb siphoning flames from the fire phoenix, it couldn't muster even half of its strength. There was no way it could overpower Qin Mu.

The fire phoenix shot Qin Mu a venomous glare. If looks could kill, Qin Mu would be riddled with holes by now.

"Big bird, not so cocky now, are you? Breathe fire! Come on, try to burn me!"

Humiliated and enraged, the fire phoenix flapped its wings and charged at Qin Mu once more, its razor-sharp claws as formidable as any legendary weapon.

Yet, Qin Mu wielded the Ghost Reaver with mastery. His Butterfly Blast swordplay, in harmony with the Starfall Stride, was seamless.

Qin Mu's spear thrusts were dragon-like, his advances and retreats a dance of precision. Each strike was effortlessly executed, hitting the fire phoenix repeatedly. A flurry of fiery red feathers scattered, leaving the ground below charred and blackened.

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