The Battle between God and Devil/C3 Four kinds of danger
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The Battle between God and Devil/C3 Four kinds of danger
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C3 Four kinds of danger

"What is that?"

It was not only Lin Ye, other people also noticed that it was Yu Yan who said that. However, her voice was also trembling, adding a bit of uneasiness to the hearts of everyone in this narrow space.

Li Lin made a silencing gesture, and a few men slowly approached the car door. Since they didn't have any weapons available, they could only bare-handed.

All of a sudden, the blurry shadow stuck to the glass, revealing a distorted green human face. Its mouth was wide open, and one could even see a brown viscous substance on top of its pitch-black teeth.

Monster! The four men sucked in a breath of cold air, feeling a layer of white perspiration on their backs.

When Lin Ye saw the monster's appearance, his heart skipped a beat. This was too f * cking shocking. Why did a dried up corpse pop out?!

"Be careful!"

The four men looked as if they were facing a great enemy. An unprecedented atmosphere of terror permeated the small space. The sudden appearance of a desiccated corpse completely overturned everyone's view of the world.

Did they drive to hell?

As the corpse violently lashed at the door and windows, the 'bang' sound of the hit was extremely heavy in the hearts of everyone present.

This dried corpse's strength was extremely great. After a few heavy blows, the door was actually caved in. Just as the metal door was about to be broken, Li Lin shouted, "Prepare yourself, kick it down!"

Lin Ye suddenly felt that this was the only option. If the car door was destroyed and there was more than one mummy nearby, then they would be in real danger.

Li Lin grabbed the door handle and quickly signaled to Lin Ye and the other two. He abruptly pulled the car door open and kicked the three corpses that were suddenly exposed in front of him at the same time.


Fortunately, before the corpse could do anything, it was kicked out of the car by three men. Li Lin quickly closed the door. However, before this, everyone still heard the roar of the corpse after it landed on the ground.

No one felt relaxed. Lin Ye and the others did not leave the carriage but continued to stand guard. They felt that something was quickly approaching them. This was clearly not the time to be optimistic.

"All of you, stay away from the window." Lin Ye looked at the glass window beside the girls. Outside the window, other than the white fog, he could not see anything else. He felt very uneasy.

When they heard this, they immediately looked warily at the window and moved their bodies outwards.


The crowd could no longer control their bodies. They fell forward, and then there was a commotion.

The car was suddenly cut off and plunged into endless darkness.

"What's going on!"

The middle-aged driver stammered, "I don't know, maybe something went wrong with the car." After saying that, he started the car again and again, but to no avail.

"Are you all right, you guys?" Lei Dong shouted at the girls. All of them replied to him in succession, but they were only frightened and didn't receive any injuries.

"Strange, the car can't start, but the line shouldn't be a problem …" The driver was fiddling around and talking to himself, while a few young men and women fell into silence. Tonight's events were so absurd that they almost broke down.

No one made a sound, the only sound in this entire space was the engine starting up again and again. Outside the carriage was an empty night, and under the cover of the thick fog, it was unknown what other dangers were hidden inside.

"Who can explain to me what has happened?" The first to speak was Ke Yi. After a moment of silence, Lin Ye replied, "Maybe I'll have to wait until morning before I get an answer."

"What was that monster just now? It was so scary." Tang Ge's voice trembled slightly. Clearly, this series of incidents had exceeded the limits of what she could bear.

No one could answer this question. Li Lin suddenly laughed heartily and said, "You can treat that thing as an unknown animal." Affected by his laughter, the tense and stifling atmosphere in the carriage eased up considerably. However, this answer was really hard to accept. Was there such an animal on Earth? They were clearly the dried corpses that were played on TV.

"Shh!" Lin Ye gave the order to keep quiet, because he heard the sound of footsteps coming from outside the car. Everyone held their breath. The middle-aged driver, who was busy fixing the car, also stopped what he was doing.

The sound of footsteps came from this direction. It was the sound of people walking and it was obvious that it wasn't a single person. Was there anyone else in this fog?

The footsteps stopped outside the car, then there was a rustle and something fumbled at the side of the car. Gradually, the rustling sounds turned into ear-piercing scratching sounds. It was extremely dense, and it sounded as if sharp iron products were scraping the skin of a car.

Lin Ye suddenly thought of the rotten claw he had picked up and understood. It was definitely a dried corpse, and there was more than one of them!

It was very dangerous right now. Lin Ye tried his best to calm down as his brain rapidly spun around, trying to think of the best way to escape. He listened to the driver's side, but there was no movement.

In the darkness, Lin Ye gathered the few people together and told them his thoughts. They all agreed that the situation was urgent, and they could only abandon the car and leave. Although they did not know what dangers were hidden in the thick fog, it was still better than sitting here and waiting for death.

The group quickly moved to the driver's side. If they waited for the corpse to completely surround the car, there would be no hope at all. The middle-aged driver was the first to get out of the car. He knew how powerful this was and did not make any noise. Soon after, the others all got out. According to the plan they made beforehand, several of them would go forward hand in hand so as not to get separated.

Lin Ye held Xia Yu's hand tightly. She felt that her palm was full of sweat, but this was obviously not the time to speak. A few people were groping their way through the thick fog towards the north.

The floor was littered with broken stones. Everyone walked at a leisurely pace, and all of them were tense. They didn't even dare to breathe loudly. He was afraid that he would accidentally attract the corpses over.

Fortunately, nothing unexpected happened. It was only when the sounds behind them completely disappeared that everyone heaved a sigh of relief.

"I'll see what time it is." The middle-aged driver took out his mobile phone. Under the hazy light, it was a bit strange. Lin Ye looked at him and had a bad feeling.

"It's five in the morning. It should be morning soon …" "Ah!" The middle-aged driver suddenly let out a miserable shriek. His position was at the outermost area, where he walked with Zou Yi. At this moment, there was a corpse with a hideous expression by his side. Its dried claws tightly held him and its big mouth was deeply cut into his neck.

"Gulu, gulu ~ ~ ~"

The sound of blood being swallowed caused the scalps of everyone present to explode, followed by chaos.

The middle-aged driver didn't want to let go of Ke's hand. His grip became tighter and tighter as he muttered indistinctly, "Save … Save me …"

"Don't gawk!" "Let's go!" Because of the fog, he could not see Ke's hand clearly, and it was still being held by the middle-aged driver.

"You bastard!" "Let go!" Ke desperately tried to open the hand of the middle-aged driver, but none of them succeeded. Seeing that the middle-aged driver was no longer able to continue, the desiccated corpse raised its head and looked at him, its empty mouth overflowing with blood.

At this moment, a rock slammed into the middle-aged driver's wrist. In an instant, Ke Yi broke free, turning his head to look gratefully at Lin Ye.

"Let's go!" Lin Ye could not be bothered to tell him anything, so he just threw down the word and ran. Ke Yi followed closely behind.

The middle-aged driver's body fell to the ground as the corpse chased after the two of them!

The group quickly fled towards the north. From the thick fog behind them, the roaring sounds of the corpse could be heard. There were even other roaring sounds that responded from far away. The few of them did not dare to slack off and ran for their lives. Right now, they did not care what kind of place this was, but first, they had to get rid of the dried corpse at the back.

The craggy rocks on the ground had become the biggest obstacle in their path.

Suddenly, Tang Ge's cry of surprise pierced through the thick mist and entered everyone's ears. Then he heard Lei Dong's urgent voice. "How are you?" Come, I'll carry you! "Quick!"

"Awoo!" The sound of the group of mummies was getting closer and closer. The distance between them was no more than 100 meters. Lin Ye glanced at Xia Yu and walked towards Lei Dong. Lei Dong was surrounded by a group of rocks, and there were sharp edges everywhere. Lin Ye sighed, Tang Ge's luck was not bad, if he were to lie down there, the consequences would be dire. After helping Lei Dong carry Tang Ge, they had only walked a few steps when a shriveled up figure suddenly pounced towards them from the thick fog.

Lin Ye's pupils contracted, and he pushed Xia Yu away. "Let's go!" His body quickly turned, but the dried corpse didn't slow down at all and continued to chase after Xia Yu. Seeing this scene, Lin Ye's blood boiled. He picked up a sharp stone from the ground and gave chase.

"Ah!" Xia Yu's pained cries rang out from within the fog less than three meters away. Lin Ye struggled to get up, and within the blink of an eye, he was already three meters away from Xia Yu.

"Scram!" Lin Ye kicked the dried corpse to the ground and pounced forward. The stone in his hand went straight for the dried corpse's disgusting head.

"Puchi ~ ~ ~"

The sharp stone blade was like cutting through tofu as it stabbed into the corpse's head. A disgusting thing immediately sputtered out and stained Lin Ye's body. However, Lin Ye could not care so much at the moment, as he could hear the dense group of mummies' footsteps behind him. He got down from the mummies, pulled Xia Yu along and ran towards the north.

There was no longer any trace of Li Lin and the others ahead of them. However, Lei Dong was carrying a person on his back and could not run very fast. Lin Ye had caught up with them.

"Ge Ge, how are you?" Xia Yu was startled when she saw that Tang Ge's pants were already stained red with blood. Tanguay's face was pale, and he had lost so much blood that he was a little delirious. Lin Ye looked at her pants. "No, we've lost too much blood. We have to find a place to treat her wounds." "What is it?" "What kind of blood loss?" Lin Ye said in a low voice, "It's fine, don't get distracted, let's find a place to hide first!"

If he stopped now, he would die a horrible death.

The sounds behind them became more concentrated, as if there were many dried corpses gathered there. Lin Ye could only bitterly smile. If he was caught by them, how miserable would it be?

As he ran, he searched the ground for anything suitable for self-defense. If something unexpected happened, he would be able to respond to it.

Coincidentally, the moment he started searching the ground, he saw a dirty sword. Lin Ye quickly bent down and picked it up. The moment the sword entered his hand, he felt a strange feeling. Every single pore on his body had something gathering towards the palm holding the sword.

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