The Battle between God and Devil/C5 Mysterious woman
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The Battle between God and Devil/C5 Mysterious woman
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C5 Mysterious woman

After a long, suffocating kiss, Lin Ye forced the sword into her hand and turned back into the long, dark corridor.

Lin Ye was not acting on impulse, if Xia Yu was strong, it was because of her personality, she did not have the ability to protect herself. Lei Dong had carried Tang Ge on his back for a long time, so he had been exhausted.

They needed the Mu Huang Sword more than him.

Although Lin Ye did not think of herself as a good man, this was the most basic of all men. At a critical moment, someone had to stand up and take responsibility for everything.

In the dark cave, the light from his phone was only 2 to 3 meters wide, but it was enough. It was better than being hit by a blind rat in the thick fog.

It was unknown if there would be any dangers lurking within, so Lin Ye walked very carefully. He randomly picked up a piece of mountain rock, and in case something happened, he could react in time.

Along the way, other than the surface being uneven, they did not encounter any accidents. However, Lin Ye could feel a slight change in his body. The blood in his body seemed to be boiling, as if it was being pulled by something.

He frowned and did not stop, because he saw that at the end of the passageway, there was a dazzling golden light just like the blue flame from before. It was extremely eye-catching, and it was likely that there was a stone room there. At this thought, he quickened his pace. Life and death were at stake, so he could not delay any further. He hoped that there was something in that stone chamber that could save his life.

Lin Ye soon arrived at the stone room that was overflowing with golden light. This stone room was much smaller than the previous one, and its surroundings were empty. There was no water nor any other facilities. Lin Ye looked at the floating golden flames and turned to leave. Suddenly, an incomparably powerful gravitational force tightly bound him. Following that, all of the blood aura in his body began to madly flow out of his body.

His whole body felt like it was being burned. Lin Ye realized that the skin and flesh on his hands had quickly withered and become dim. It was extremely similar to the dried up palm he had picked up back then.

He was scared out of his wits. What was going on!?

Countless thoughts ran through his mind. He wanted to leave this place. However, his body was completely out of control. In the air, a small stream of blood energy rushed towards the golden flame …

Within the short span of a few breaths, all the Qi and blood in Lin Ye's body had been completely drained. His body was now shriveled into an ugly mummy, just like the ones that had been left outside the cave. He cried out in pain. His soul was in pain, as if a giant hand was trying to tear it out of his body.

"No, I can't die here!" Lin Ye roared in anger. He wanted to leave this place, but he was only a few steps away from the exit. It was now an insurmountable chasm.

The stabbing pain in his soul grew stronger and stronger. He swung his withered arms and pounded his head, trying to stop the hopeless pain.

The smell of death silently enveloped him.

All Lin Ye could do now was struggle on the brink of death to fight against the mysterious power.

At a certain moment, time seemed to stop. The scenes of the past replayed in his mind. The warm affection, the sincere friendship, and the ignorant love.

Familiar people appeared in the depths of Lin Ye's mind at this moment. They all stared at him with gentle gazes, their expressions neither sad nor happy.

In the past, he had heard the elders of his hometown say that before death, people would see their old days. Those who cared about them would do things as though they were watching a movie.

Am I going to die?

Lin Ye heard a voice echo in his head. Unknowingly, those familiar faces disappeared and were replaced by chaos.

The chaotic thoughts were like a sword breaking through the mist of primal chaos as it constantly moved forward. Very quickly, a faint blue light appeared in front of him. Lin Ye knew that it was a stone room. Inside was not only his friend who was waiting for help, but also the girl he loved the most.

Xia Yu seemed to have seen him and extended her arms towards him.

Staring at her delicate face, Lin Ye felt an unprecedented sense of tranquility. To be able to see her for the last time before her death, he had no regrets in this life.

At the moment of warmth, a streak of lightning appeared in the sky, directly tearing Xia Yu's body into pieces. Lin Ye's mind was empty. He subconsciously reached out his hand to grab those flying thoughts.

At this moment, Lin Ye saw that woman, the woman in the mural, was looking at him with a cold gaze.

"Give me back Little Yu!" Lin Ye was furious. He rushed towards her and punched her in the face.

"Woosh ~ ~ ~"

His messy thoughts were suddenly bound together, pulled back by a huge force.

Suddenly, Lin Ye opened his eyes and saw a dazzling golden flame. The suffocating pain in his head had also disappeared. He got up from the ground and looked down at his body. It had also recovered to its original state.

What happened just now? Lin Ye could not tell, but she was sure of one thing. This place was too strange, so he couldn't stay for long.

Lin Ye did not have enough time to think about it. She turned around and was about to leave. But the moment he turned around, a layer of white perspiration immediately appeared on his back.

It was because a woman had appeared at some point in time.

Lin Ye took a few steps back and looked at the woman in front of her. This woman seemed to be about the same age as him. She was dressed in a colorful and elegant Flowing Immortal group. Her jet-black hair was scattered all over her shoulders like three thousand pieces of satin. Her skin was like creamy oil, and she seemed like an exiled immortal. However, the cold look in her eyes made Lin Ye feel like he did not dare to look directly at her.

"Who are you?" The woman stood there without saying a word. Lin Ye could sense an extremely dangerous aura from her body. He looked at the rocks at the foot of the mountain and picked them up, staring at her warily. This woman was indeed beautiful, but she was too mysterious. How could one not doubt the fact that one person, dressed in clothes that were out of touch with modern times, had appeared alone in such a place.

The woman remained silent, but her eyes were sizing up Lin Ye. The latter immediately had a strange feeling that everything was exposed under her eyelids.

"Who the hell are you?" "Where is this place?" Lin Ye's frown did not ease up much, even though this woman did not look like she had any evil intentions. Could she be living in this cave, the owner of this place? If he could get her help, he would be saved.

"You don't need to know who I am." I have a question for you. " "When the woman finally spoke, Lin Ye's heart was finally at ease. It turns out she was a person." Problem? "Alright, you ask. After that, I hope you can help me. My friend is in danger and needs water."

"What is love?" The woman's gaze turned towards the golden flames in the air, her gaze becoming incomparably gentle.

Lin Ye felt that his brain was not working right now. This woman was truly a weirdo. She did not ask who he was nor what his motive for appearing here was. Yet, she actually asked such an absurd question.

"I don't know how to answer that question."

The woman shook her head. "You know that. Tell me, what was that anger you displayed just now?"

"Anger?" Lin Ye seemed to understand what she meant. It should be the illusions he saw when he was about to die. But how could she know? Lin Ye suddenly realized that her face resembled that of the woman in the mural.

"Answer me." Seeing Lin Ye in a daze, the woman snorted. Lin Ye then felt her chest freeze, and she flew out without any warning, landing heavily on the stone wall. Her whole body was in pain, as if it was falling apart. The rock that was supposed to be a defensive weapon fell to the side.

F * ck, she's a monster! Lin Ye's heart was in his chest. He held onto the wall as he stood up. He stared at the woman with the cold face like an iceberg and said angrily, "The anger you spoke of was the expression of love at that time."

The woman pressed on. "I want to hear your true thoughts." With that, Lin Ye's body was sent flying again by an invisible force. He crashed into the stone wall and fell heavily onto the ground, almost fainting due to the pain.

Was this woman insane! Lin Ye cursed in his heart and did not stand up again, because his bones seemed to have broken. He used all his strength to prop himself up and leaned against the stone wall. He grinned, and blood dripped from the corners of his mouth. "It's very simple. Kill my woman, and don't even dream of getting away."

"You mean to protect her?" "Even if you were as weak as an ant, would you still risk your life to stand in front of her?" The woman was a little surprised. Lin Ye casually wiped the blood from her mouth. "That's right."

When she received the reply, the woman stared at the leaves, and after a moment she burst out laughing. "You?" Hahahaha... After all these years, it was fun to wake up and hear such a joke. "Well, I can grant your request, but I have a condition." The woman's face was full of mockery. "Do you know where the outside is?"

Lin Ye shook his head. Nonsense, if he knew how to appear in a place like this and get beaten up by her.

"Outside is the Blood Refinement Grounds, which is filled with low level Corpse Monsters." "All you have to do is to kill the ten spirit warriors in the blood pool and bring their heads to me." The woman had a smile that was not a smile on her face that made Lin Ye a little scared. This woman was full of strangeness, she actually dared to ask for such a perverted request.

According to Lin Ye's understanding, the low level Corpse Monsters in her mouth were undoubtedly those dried corpses, but this was the first time Ling Kui heard of them.

"What are the blood pools and the Spirit Kui?" And do you think I can do what you say? " Lin Ye wanted to laugh, but the blood in his throat almost made him choke to death.

"Ling Kui is the leader of the low-level Corpse Monsters. He is bathed in a pool of blood, and is roughly at the third stage of the Spirit Gathering realm." In this Blood Refinement Grounds, large and small blood pools were scattered everywhere, and one could find them anywhere. However, I have to remind you this: the larger the area the blood pool occupies, the more powerful the spirit warriors inside will be. and vice versa. " After the woman finished her introduction, Lin Ye asked curiously, "What is a Rank 3 Spirit Gathering?" "And the strength of those low level Corpse Monsters?"

By the way, I almost forgot that you're just a mortal …" "Heh heh, interesting. How long has it been since I've talked so much to a mortal?" The woman looked at Lin Ye playfully and said, "Alright, let me simply explain to you, a low level Corpse Monster's strength is equivalent to a half-step first level spirit gathering, it can be considered slightly stronger than an ordinary person. "Do you understand what I meant when I said that?

Lin Ye thought to himself. In that case, it would be really hard to deal with those spiritual leaders. And what did this woman mean when she said she was a mortal? Could it be that she was still an immortal? How was she an immortal? She was clearly an evil monster. However, these thoughts wouldn't come out of Lin Ye's mouth just because he was thinking about it.

Lin Ye pointed at his crippled body and smiled bitterly. "Fairy, do you think I can go out and fight with those monsters?"

The woman sneered, "I only want ten heads. I don't care if they're strong or weak." Your current state has nothing to do with me. I just want to know if your promise to protect the woman you love is true. Of course, you can choose not to. "That way, I will kill the woman you love at once."

With that, the woman waved her hand and an azure screen appeared in front of Lin Ye. On it was a stone room with a blue light lingering around it. Lei Dong, on the other hand, fell into a deep slumber while holding Tang Ge.

Suddenly. The sword in Xia Yu's hand disappeared. Lin Ye was still in shock, but a silver light flashed in front of him. He took a closer look and realized that it was none other than Mu Huang Sword. However, the blade had not even touched the ground, leaving only its one-inch hilt exposed.

Lin Ye felt even more uneasy. This woman was obviously not a mortal. As for whether she was an immortal or a demon, it was hard to be sure. The only thing he could be sure for sure was that his group was no longer in the same world as before.

What should he do? Lin Ye's heart was in turmoil. In this strange world, he was facing a woman who knew magic. She was shouldering the lives of her friends and her loved ones.

This feeling was very heavy, making him unable to breathe.

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