The Billionaire's Cinderella/C10 This Is the Prairie!
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The Billionaire's Cinderella/C10 This Is the Prairie!
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C10 This Is the Prairie!

Du Chen lounged on the couch, tossing his phone aside as Wang Xue entered. He instructed her, "My classmates are coming for a get-together. Set up the largest private room and serve the finest luxury meals. Make sure they're well taken care of."

Despite losing touch with his classmates, Du Chen's kind nature drove him to host them with the utmost hospitality. Three years of shared experiences had forged a bond between them.

Wang Xue nodded in compliance, then paused briefly before sitting next to Du Chen. In a soft voice, she offered, "Young Master, you look exhausted. May I give you a massage?"

"No need," Du Chen replied, sitting up abruptly. He preferred not to get too close to any woman besides Lin Ying'er.

"Okay, then I'll start the preparations," Wang Xue responded, her demeanor giving no hint of ulterior motives—it appeared she genuinely wanted to offer a massage.

Yet, as she walked away, Du Chen couldn't shake his suspicions. "Am I being overly distrustful, or does she seem to have a subtle way of getting close to me?" he wondered.

Du Chen knew better than to think Wang Xue's affections were simply because of his wealth. Clearly intelligent, she would have been foolish not to realize that flattering Du Chen's cousin was a more strategic move if money was her goal. Could she be his cousin's informant?

With a chill in his gaze, Du Chen requested Wang Xue's background information from the old butler. He didn't want to assume the worst in people, but in his current state of caution, he couldn't afford not to be vigilant.

While Du Chen reviewed the documents upstairs, his classmates began to arrive downstairs.

"Wow, this is the Golden Age Entertainment Center? I've heard it's the premier spot in Boross City, but I've never set foot in here before!"

"I wouldn't even dream of coming here, let alone actually do it. If it weren't for our class president's generosity, I'd probably never step inside!"

"Exactly, and I'm curious if our class president is married yet. You've got quite a few admirers among our old classmates, you know!"

A crowd of men and women encircled a tall, handsome man, showering him with endless praise and adulation.

Lee Yan stood off to the side, grinning like she was the class monitor's wife, and said, "Let's not get too worked up, everyone. We all know Brother Feng comes from wealth. Stick with him, and aren't we bound for more of these lavish days ahead?"

Lu Feng couldn't help but bask in the flattery, standing tall with his hands clasped behind his back, a smug look on his face.

"Hey, class monitor, why didn't you and Yan Zi just head up instead of waiting to greet us here?" Fatty asked, chuckling.

"Come on, Fatty, what are you thinking? Our class monitor is a billionaire's son. Why would he waste his time down here with us? He's obviously waiting for Lau Yixiang, the knockout!" a girl remarked jealously.

"True, but who knows if Lau Yixiang will even show up," someone mused.

Lee Yan let out a soft laugh at their banter. "You've all got it wrong. Brother Feng is actually waiting for Du Chen, the 'big star'!"

The crowd looked confused.

Lu Feng, the class monitor, wore a pleasant smile but spoke with a hint of sarcasm, "I'm just curious to see for myself. I'm used to rubbing shoulders with high-profile figures, but a guy who's kept by a woman? That's new to me."

The revelation hit everyone at once, and the room erupted with laughter. They all clamored about wanting to witness the spectacle.

The group lingered in the lobby, and as time ticked away, they grew weary and their phones nearly died, yet Du Chen was nowhere to be seen.

That's because Du Chen was upstairs, meticulously reviewing Wang Xue's details before giving her the green light.

"Boss, your classmates have arrived, but they're not heading to the private room. They're loitering in the lobby, causing a bit of a disturbance among the other guests. Should you go down and check?" Wang Xue inquired.

"Waiting for someone?" Du Chen furrowed his brow and rose to his feet. "I'll have a look. You stay here."

Exiting the elevator, Du Chen spotted his classmates peering outside. He approached them, puzzled, and asked, "Who are you all waiting for?"

Without even glancing back, Fatty replied, "Ah, who else but that fool Du Chen? He's still not here. We're all eager to see how the security will turn him away. Think he's too scared to show?"

Du Chen paused, a cold smile creeping across his face.

So these were his dear classmates, ready and waiting to relish his embarrassment rather than lend a hand.

"You can stop waiting; I've been here for quite some time," Du Chen announced, standing just behind the crowd.

The group spun around in astonishment, their faces registering disbelief as they recognized him.

Fatty, red-faced from his earlier remarks, forced a laugh. "Du Chen, didn't see you there. How did you manage to get in?"

That was the burning question on everyone's mind.

After all, the Golden Age Entertainment Center was the pinnacle of luxury in Boross City, a place where ordinary folks simply couldn't gain entry. Could Du Chen be some wealthy tycoon?

It wasn't out of the question. Why else would a stunner like Lin Ying'er fancy a supposed nobody?

Expressions of shock painted the classmates' faces as they eyed Du Chen with envy. Some even began to fawn over him, eager to ingratiate themselves.

Du Chen observed their reactions and shook his head, about to clarify.

But Lee Yan cut through the crowd with a sneer. "I bet Lin Ying'er begged the owner of Golden Age Entertainment to let you in, right? We all heard about the Creekside Bistro incident. Your wife got the entire restaurant booked by the owner to declare his love, complete with walls plastered in intimate photos. It's the talk of the town!"

"Good lord, you're kidding me. Isn't that like being cuckolded?"

"Cuckolded? That's an understatement; it's more like a whole meadow on his head!"

"Damn, why's he even here at Golden Age Entertainment dining with us? Can't he see how disgraceful that is? If I were him, I'd be fighting mad!"

"You expect a doormat son-in-law to put up a fight? That's as likely as a pig climbing a tree!"

"Ha, exactly!"

The classmates jeered openly, sparing no mercy in their mockery of Du Chen.

Lu Feng, too, shook his head in disappointment. "Du Chen, you may have come from humble beginnings in the countryside, but I never looked down on you. I respected your academic prowess. But to see you now, reduced to a kept son-in-law, silently bearing such public humiliation—it's a disgrace to men everywhere and a stain on our class's reputation!"

Du Chen furrowed his brow. "What are you spouting? When have I ever been unfaithful? Don't drag my wife's name through the mud!"

Lee Yan's face oozed contempt as she brandished a photo from her phone. "Take a look, this photo was snapped by a journalist friend of mine. It's proof that your wife did more than just splash a drink on you; she left with another man in his car. How do you explain that?"

Du Chen's frown deepened. He recalled that the reporters had been shooed away at the time. Judging by the angle, it looked like the shot was taken by a waitress.

"Is your friend a waitress or a journalist?" Du Chen inquired.

"You... mind your own business. The point is, you've been cuckolded!" Lee Yan retorted, her voice tinged with panic. The photo was indeed taken by a waitress, who was also her lover.

Lee Yan, not wanting to confess her own tangled affairs in front of Lu Feng, ridiculed Du Chen further. "You're such a pathetic excuse for a man. If I were you, I'd have died of shame by now!"

Lu Feng chuckled coldly. "Folks, let's head out. I'll treat you all to the largest VIP room they have. Du Chen, if you feel like joining, be our guest. Who knows, with your wife's cozy relationship with the boss of Golden Age Entertainment, she might even snag us a discount. Not that I need it, hahaha!"

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