The Billionaire's Cinderella/C11 This Meal Is Very Expensive!
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The Billionaire's Cinderella/C11 This Meal Is Very Expensive!
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C11 This Meal Is Very Expensive!

To be honest, Du Chen had no desire to chase after the group of opportunistic classmates as they departed.

If they knew just how much Du Chen's wealth dwarfed Lu Feng's, they might grovel at his feet, but Du Chen had no interest in such fair-weather friends and classmates.

Just as Du Chen was about to walk away, a gentle voice stopped him in his tracks. "Old classmate, it's been a while."

Startled, Du Chen turned to see a tall girl in a snow-white off-the-shoulder dress standing before him. Her demeanor was soft and kind, her unadorned face beaming with a sunny, captivating smile.

Lau Yixiang!

She was the stunning beauty who once rivaled Lin Ying'er for the title of school belle!

It was hard to believe that after all this time, she remained as gorgeous as ever. Her bright eyes transported Du Chen back to their school days.

Back then, his family struggled to make ends meet, often unable to afford meals. It was Lau Yixiang who would come to his aid, while he helped her by tutoring and taking notes.

Their friendship was joyful and carefree, but given Lau Yixiang's distinguished background and the multitude of admirers she had, Du Chen never allowed himself to entertain any romantic notions.

"Du Chen? Is something wrong?" Lau Yixiang's voice, tinged with concern, brought him back to the present.

"Ah? Nothing. I was just struck by how much a girl can change over time." Du Chen smiled, speaking to Lau Yixiang as an equal, no longer the impoverished boy he once was.

Noticing Du Chen's newfound confidence, Lau Yixiang's eyes sparkled. "You're different too, no longer the timid boy you used to be."

With a slight smile, Du Chen offered, "Come on, let me take you out for a meal."

"There's no need. We've got a spot ready, let's head over," Lau Yixiang replied, unaware of the earlier events. She naturally took Du Chen's hand and led him toward the private room.

It was a scene reminiscent of their days studying together on the school lawn.

Resigned, Du Chen followed her to the private room, only to discover that Lu Feng and the others hadn't gone to the one he had prepared.

Could Wang Xue have taken it upon herself to switch the location?

Despite their unfriendly attitudes, Du Chen wasn't interested in throwing his weight around. He quietly pulled Wang Xue aside and questioned her, "Why didn't you take everyone to the private room I arranged? What about the expensive set meals I ordered?"

Wang Xue responded with a hint of distress, "I informed them that the boss had set aside that room for their gathering. But Lu Feng seemed intimidated and declined, opting for a smaller room instead. If I may speak frankly, Young Master, I suspect Lu Feng is rather tightfisted and didn't want to incur a large expense. He even instructed us to serve the cheapest set meal available."

Du Chen sighed at the pettiness. He had gone to the trouble of preparing a private room; why would he charge for it?

And after all of Lu Feng's grandstanding, it appeared he was reluctant to spend on his former classmates.

"Let it go, don't worry about it," Du Chen said, sighing as he made his way back to the private room.

Upon entering, he was greeted by the sound of people singing Lu Feng's praises, marveling at how he had managed to get the Golden Age Entertainment Center's boss to reserve a room just for him.

Lu Feng basked in the adulation, boasting, "I'll be honest with you all, the boss of Golden Age Entertainment is a close friend of my dad's. He's practically family, treats me like a nephew!

He didn't just offer me a private room; he's even proposed investing millions, maybe even a billion yuan in me, all of which I've turned down."

"Ah? Why?" Fatty chimed in, surprised, providing the perfect setup.

"It's because I'm not like certain others who have no shame, living off women. That's just disgraceful. Me? I'm determined to carve out my own success with my own two hands!" Lu Feng declared, his face radiating arrogance as he cast a scornful glance at Du Chen.

The crowd nodded in understanding, quickly cozying up to Lu Feng and disparaging Du Chen.

Fatty even sauntered over, clapping Du Chen on the shoulder, "Bro, no offense, but take a cue from Brother Feng. The big boss treats him like family, yet he refuses any financial help. How can you unabashedly accept being kept by a woman?"

Du Chen spoke without a hint of emotion, "But from what I know, the owner of Golden Age Entertainment is a young man in his twenties. Are you really sure he's your uncle, Lu Feng?"

Caught off guard, Lu Feng's face shifted from determined to noticeably embarrassed.

The others around them wore expressions of surprise. The boss of Golden Age Entertainment Center was a young man?

They all thought Du Chen was just boasting—after all, they were clueless about the matter. How would a son-in-law be privy to such information?

Lau Yixiang snickered from the sidelines, thinking Du Chen was being particularly mischievous, yet she corroborated his claim, "Yes, I've heard my dad mention that the owner here is quite young."

The Lau family had business dealings with Golden Age Entertainment, so they were more aware of the owner's identity. At this point, it was almost confirmed that Lu Feng was just blowing smoke and didn't actually know the boss of Golden Age Entertainment Center.

In that moment, Lu Feng wished he could just disappear into the ground from sheer embarrassment.

The rest were at a loss for words. Their previous flattery now felt like slaps to Lu Feng's face—and their own.

"Haha, Du Chen, you seem to know so much about the boss of Golden Age Entertainment, including his age and identity. Surely your wife didn't tell you, did she? Did Lin Ying'er mention how long the boss can last in bed, or if he's got a good physique?" Lee Yan burst into a taunting, exaggerated laughter.

She went to great lengths to alleviate Lu Feng's awkwardness, and the other students, far from being embarrassed, played along.

It wasn't for any other reason than the impressive stature of Lu Feng's family background!

Du Chen's gaze turned frosty. He had initially intended for Lee Yan to have a peaceful job here, but now it seemed it was time to deal with her sharp tongue.

Although Lu Feng had salvaged some dignity, he wasn't about to let Du Chen have the last word. With a sly glance, he prodded Lee Yan, "Yan, I've heard you and Du Chen had a thing once, is that right? Care to share the story?"

Lee Yan was initially taken aback, not grasping why Lu Feng would bring this up. But catching the dark look on his face, she quickly understood and responded with contempt, "I must have been blind to have had anything to do with such a loser. But once I saw his true colors, I was done. You have no idea how humiliating he was back then. If I told you the details, you'd die laughing!"

"He had no clue what a smartphone was, let alone any online messaging apps. Once, he even mistook shaving cream for face wash and face wash for toothpaste! Hahaha!"

The classroom erupted in laughter, with Fatty laughing so hard tears streamed down his face. He slapped Du Chen on the back and said, "Man, that's just sad."

Du Chen shrugged off Fatty's hand with a chill, leaving Fatty slightly miffed. Fatty turned to Lau Yixiang and asked, "Lau, don't you think Du Chen is just mortifying?"

"Not at all. He's a kid from a backwater village who practically taught himself and made it to the same university as us. And amidst all of us 'worldly' folks, he's the one bagging scholarships year after year. Shouldn't we respect that?" Lau Yixiang said, her gaze on Du Chen filled with admiration.

Those words left everyone around feeling somewhat sheepish, as they truly couldn't match Du Chen academically.

"Ha, what does it matter if he gets scholarships every year? He's still someone's live-in son-in-law!"

"Hey, Du Chen, you hardly ever spend over a hundred bucks, right? Well, today I'm going to show you what real top-tier spending looks like!"

Lu Feng, red-faced with embarrassment and anger, was done holding back. He had been reluctant to spend on these 'poor' classmates, but now he felt the need to flaunt his wealth.

He had been chasing after Lau Yixiang for ages, only to find out she paid more attention to Du Chen, whom he considered trash.

You're good at studying? Well, I'll crush you with my wealth and leave you with no ground to stand on!

Watching Lu Feng order seven or eight of the priciest meals, Du Chen furrowed his brow and cautioned, "Lu Feng, don't be rash. The prices here have changed; those top-tier meals are really expensive, they might cost a few..."

"Don't measure my wealth with your penny-pinching mindset. The Golden Age Entertainment Center might be the pinnacle of luxury for you, but for me, it's just another playground!" Lu Feng scoffed with a cold laugh.

The other students' eyes sparkled with excitement. Top-tier meals? That was something they had never even heard of, and they were eager to boast about it once they returned home.

Some girls went so far as to deliberately reveal their sensitive areas in an attempt to entice Lu Feng, while the boys showered him with sickening flattery. A few even declared they would follow Lu Feng's commands indefinitely, ready to serve him hand and foot!

Such emperor-like treatment only inflated Lu Feng's ego, making him dismissive of any advice. He brazenly took a seat next to Lau Yixiang, intentionally blocking Du Chen from approaching her.

Du Chen let out a sigh. He wished he could inform Lu Feng that the menu at Golden Age Entertainment had been revamped by his own butler to align with international standards, introducing a selection of premium liquors.

A single top-grade set meal was priced in the millions, and he had ordered several!

With all the extra service charges piled on, the bill for today's feast could soar to tens of millions.

Du Chen knew that Lu Feng's family had just over a hundred million in total assets, with many tied up in real estate, leaving them with limited cash on hand.

A bill of ten million was certainly a hefty sum to swallow.

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