The Billionaire's Cinderella/C12 I will Help You If You Kneel down
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The Billionaire's Cinderella/C12 I will Help You If You Kneel down
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C12 I will Help You If You Kneel down

The waitstaff promptly brought over the top-tier meal that Lu Feng had custom-ordered, laying out an array of exquisite dishes and fine wines on the table.

Du Chen's classmates were beside themselves with excitement, frantically capturing videos to flaunt the lavish treatment they were experiencing on social media.

After snapping photos with several attractive female classmates, Lu Feng strutted over to Du Chen with a smug look and asked, "How about that? Aren't you thankful I showed you all this? Without me, you probably wouldn't even know such things existed."

Du Chen let out a sigh and began, "No one's even tried the food yet, and some of it can still be returned. I think you should..."

"Shut up!" Lu Feng barked. "I don't want to listen to your pathetic advice. You have no idea about my status! Apologize to me now, and I might just let you taste these delicacies."

"Lu Feng, isn't this too much? What did Du Chen do to deserve an apology from you?" Lau Yixiang interjected, visibly upset.

"He disrespected me. It's basic etiquette for the less fortunate to show respect to the wealthy! Xiangxiang, why bother defending such a loser?" Lu Feng retorted, glaring at Du Chen. "If you're a real man, stand up and apologize. If not, get out of here!"

Du Chen coldly uttered, "Utterly ridiculous," and turned to walk away.

Lau Yixiang tried to reach out to him, but Lu Feng yanked her back. "Xiangxiang, I remember how much you love the big crabs from Yang Lake, so I got some just for you. Come on, give them a try."

The others chimed in, trying to coax her.

"Come on, gorgeous Lau, don't pay any mind to Du Chen, that freeloader. Being with him just embarrasses us all!"

"Lu is head over heels for you. I can't believe you're not moved even a little. Drop the act!"

"Lu and the stunning Lau, what a perfect pair!"

"Yes, together!"

The crowd's chants of "together" left Lau Yixiang feeling incredibly awkward, while Lu Feng reveled in self-satisfaction, thinking, "Du Chen, you're no match for me. Keep dreaming!"

Du Chen excused himself from the private room and headed upstairs to catch up on some sleep. He figured it was better to rest than to stick around with his unlucky classmates.

Little did he know, trouble would find him even in his slumber.

Wang Xue approached with a grim look on her face and cautiously said, "Young Master, it seems your classmates... can't cover the bill."

With a cold smirk, Du Chen replied, "Then let Lu Feng's dad come over with the cash!"

His harshness wasn't without reason. Despite repeated warnings from Du Chen, Lu Feng had insisted on showing off. Now, he had to face the consequences of his own choices.

Wang Xue stood still. "But Lu Feng is asking to see you. He claims he's realized his mistake and is seeking your forgiveness."

Du Chen was skeptical. What could have caused Lu Feng's sudden change of heart?

Still, as classmates, Du Chen felt compelled to go down and confront him.

At the private room's entrance, a group of security guards and waiters eyed them with suspicion, while Lu Feng stood to the side, the picture of embarrassment.

Du Chen arrived swiftly and confronted Lu Feng. "You wanted to see me?"

Lu Feng's face twisted with disdain. "Who the hell are you to me? Why would I need to see a fool like you? Get lost! I'm here for the owner of Golden Age Entertainment!"

Du Chen's smirk deepened; he got the picture.

Lu Feng had assumed the private room from Golden Age Entertainment was a favor from the owner, not realizing that Du Chen was the owner himself!

Wang Xue had also been mistaken, thinking Lu Feng was aware of Du Chen's identity and thus wanted to meet.

Shaking his head, Du Chen asked coolly, "What's your business with the owner? Surely it's not that you can't settle the bill?"

Panicked and confused by Du Chen's insight, Lu Feng, desperate to avoid public embarrassment, retorted, "Buzz off! Spouting such nonsense... I simply wanted to thank the boss for the private room!"

At this, one of the waiters couldn't contain himself and interjected with a frown, "Excuse me, but you've just reminded me. Young Master Lu, didn't you say you were going to settle the bill earlier? Now you're refusing to pay. Could it be that you're short on funds?"

The bodyguards advanced aggressively.

Lu Feng recoiled in fear, stumbling backward and crashing through the door behind him, nearly tumbling to the floor of the private room.

Fatty, the most sycophantic in the room, charged forward, jabbing a finger at the bodyguard's nose, berating, "Are you blind? You've frightened Young Master Lu! Get out of here, now!"

"Haha, Young Master Lu thinks he's something special, huh? Daring to dine and dash at Golden Age Entertainment? Not even your old man could pull that off!" The waiter's furious shout left all the students stunned.

Fatty turned to Lu Feng, his face a picture of astonishment. "Young Master Lu, you're broke?"

Publicly outed, Lu Feng's embarrassment was so acute he wished the earth would swallow him whole.

But at Fatty's words, Lu Feng whipped around and delivered a stinging slap. "Spouting nonsense, are you? How could I be out of money? Or maybe you all expected a free meal? It's time to go Dutch—everyone, out with your wallets and let's pool our funds!"

In a flash of inspiration, Lu Feng decided to propose splitting the bill.

Fatty's face drained of color, and the other students looked equally mortified.

What a farce! They were ordinary folks who balked at the thought of a 300-yuan-per-head restaurant, let alone footing a bill that could run into the hundreds of thousands. Where would they find that kind of money?

From outside, Du Chen watched his classmates' desperate faces and pitied them. They had put so much faith in Lu Feng, only to end up having to share the cost of the gathering.

Lau Yixiang, ever the gentle soul, approached with her LV bag in hand, asking softly, "How much do we owe? I can..."

"The total comes to 1.38 million yuan," the waiter stated icily.

"Uh... never mind," Lau Yixiang backpedaled.

What a ludicrous thought! She was merely a merchant's daughter, slightly better off than Lu Feng, but nowhere near wealthy enough to cover such an expense.

As for the rest of the classmates, the prospect of scraping together over ten million yuan sent them into a collective meltdown.

Some girls couldn't help but sob; they were just ordinary folks. Ten million was out of the question, and even scraping together the eight hundred thousand was impossible!

The male students were pounding the walls in regret, with one lamenting he'd only had a crab leg and could barely come up with three hundred yuan!

The waitstaff, witnessing everyone trying to dodge responsibility, turned icy. "So, you won't pay up? Beat them!"

Security guards swiftly converged. Fatty attempted to mount a defense but ended up taking a kick to the gut that left him vomiting blood.

The group was terrified.

Golden Age Entertainment had no qualms about making enemies, ready to strike even Lu Feng and Lau Yixiang, let alone these regular folks—they were as good as dead!

The room was instantly filled with cries and pleas for mercy.

Du Chen couldn't stand by any longer and was about to intervene.

Unexpectedly, Lu Feng burst out, clutching his bruised face, and grabbed Du Chen, shouting, "This is all your fault, you jerk! You knew they changed the billing here, why didn't you warn us sooner? You've cost me over ten million! And since he's part of this too, let the security guards beat him as well!"

Du Chen was utterly disillusioned with Lu Feng.

He gave Lu Feng a cold stare and pulled out his Supreme Gold Card. "I was ready to cover your bill, but I've changed my mind. Lu Feng, if you're willing to kneel and apologize, I'll settle your tab. What do you say?"

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