The Billionaire's Cinderella/C13 No Place for You!
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The Billionaire's Cinderella/C13 No Place for You!
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C13 No Place for You!

Lu Feng scoffed at the idea that Du Chen had money. With a mocking laugh, he said, "Idiot, who do you think you're fooling? Is that a fast-food joint's membership card or something? Dream on if you think I'm going to kneel before you!"

"Then brace yourself for more beatings," Du Chen replied coolly. "You're going to have to settle your debts one way or another. I just wonder if your dad can actually cough up the cash."

A security guard promptly grabbed Lu Feng and hauled him toward the private room, not before landing a few slaps on him right outside the door.

As Lu Feng was about to be dragged back into the room for another round of thrashing, panic set in, and he cried out, "Stop! Please, don't hit me!"

"Got it now?" Du Chen gestured, and the security guards instantly released their grip.

This left Lu Feng confused and bewildered, questioning the extent of Du Chen's influence and why these people were so readily heeding his commands. Little did he know, this was all orchestrated by Wang Xue's earlier directives. Du Chen, however, offered no explanation.

"Can you actually settle the bill?" Lu Feng asked, riddled with doubt.

Truth be told, Lu Feng's family boasted total assets of a hundred million, but their liquid assets were a mere twenty million. To frivolously spend half would spell near disaster for their company.

This was precisely why Lu Feng, despite the severe beating, hadn't turned to his father for help. If his father were approached for the money, not only would the beating have been for naught, but he also risked another beating from his dad, or worse, being disowned and stripped of the privileged life of a wealthy heir. After all, he wasn't the only son—there were several others, born out of wedlock.

Du Chen passed his bank card to a nearby waiter, who swiped it and confirmed, "The funds are sufficient for the charges. Please enter your PIN."

With a ghostly pale face, Lu Feng realized he had no choice but to kneel.


There he was, kneeling on the ground, a mix of sorrow and rage on his face, a humiliation like he'd never felt before. Clenching his jaw, he managed to say, "Du Chen, I'm sorry. I never should have insulted you like that."

Du Chen remained stoic, his satisfaction not as intense as he had anticipated.

Perhaps his aversion to bullying was the reason he couldn't stand Lu Feng's arrogance.

"Alright, no more of this in the future. I've settled your bill," Du Chen said before turning to leave. He had no desire to linger among these opportunistic classmates; he was eager to address the issue of Zhao Sheng deceiving his mother-in-law.

Meanwhile, Lu Feng, still kneeling, glared at Du Chen's retreating figure with venomous eyes, muttering through clenched teeth, "Damn cur, how dare you treat me this way!"

The security guards, upon hearing the bill was paid, ceased their assault, leaving behind the male students sprawled on the floor and a handful of girls nursing slapped cheeks for their insolence.

Lau Yixiang and a few other well-behaved girls had apologized early on, managing to avoid the fray.

Lee Yan, her mouth bleeding from the beating, saw the security guards departing and stirred up trouble once more. She bolted out and latched onto Lu Feng, "Young Master Lu, I've been fired by Golden Age Entertainment, and I can't let the beating slide. You said you know Mr. Kui, right? Can you take us to him for help in getting revenge?"

Fatty chimed in bitterly, "Exactly. We want revenge too... Huh? Where did that fool Du Chen go? He sure took off fast. Always the first to mooch a meal, but the quickest to bolt like a rabbit at the first sign of trouble!"

"Seriously, what a piece of work. Doesn't even know the meaning of solidarity in tough times. He's truly the epitome of a kept man!"

"If I ever run into that trash again, it's going to be a fight on sight!"

"I bet Lin Ying'er skipped out this time because she knew how shameful Du Chen would be. No wonder she's involved with the boss of Golden Age Entertainment!"

The crowd was abuzz with scorn for Du Chen.

But Lu Feng had an epiphany, his eyes suddenly alight with realization. "Son of a... I've been played!"

Lu Feng had initially believed Du Chen was loaded and suppressed any thoughts of retaliation. But now, reflecting on it, that gold card was probably nothing more than hush money from the boss of Golden Age Entertainment.

"Let's get out of here! I'm taking you to meet Mr. Kui, the top dog of Boross City. We've got to reclaim our respect!" Lu Feng barked, leading the astonished crowd out the door.

Lau Yixiang shook her head as she watched them seek out more trouble; she had no intention of joining them. "Lingling, Ai, let me drive you home," she offered, having arrived in her own BMW.

Neither girl was keen on stirring up drama. Catching sight of the BMW keys, their eyes sparkled, and they quickly accepted.

As the three women stepped outside, they saw Lu Feng and his entourage setting off in a convoy to find Mr. Kui. Lingling secretly wished to join them. She idolized the big shots and was eager to meet the so-called underground emperor, even if it was just a glimpse.

In the underground parking lot.

*Beep! Beep!*

The sound of the BMW unlocking startled Du Chen, who was standing nearby. "Lau Yixiang? Why did you stop eating?" he asked, turning around in surprise.

Lau Yixiang frowned slightly, noticing Du Chen's hand on a Ferrari. She feared he might damage it and be unable to afford the repairs, but she was too polite to say so outright. "Du Chen, you're still here?"

Leaning back against the Ferrari, Du Chen chuckled, arms folded across his chest. "I just wrapped up some work. But why are you three leaving so soon? Didn't Lu Feng offer to escort you?"

Pouting, Lau Yixiang replied, "Why do you have to bring that up? You know I'm not interested in Lu Feng."

"Ha! Maybe you're interested in me then?" Du Chen teased, their friendship allowing for such banter.

But Lingling scoffed, "Du Chen, you're becoming more shameless by the day."

Ai sighed in agreement, "Du Chen, you used to be such a decent guy in school. What happened to you?"

Both women were attractive and had their share of suitors, usually successful types, so they naturally set their sights higher. They had little regard for someone like Du Chen, who had married into his wife's family.

Du Chen felt a bit awkward as he was jostled about, his hand unconsciously toying with the Ferrari's rearview mirror. "You know, I was just kidding around," he said with a sheepish grin.

Lau Yixiang chimed in, "Exactly, Du Chen was only joking. But seriously, don't mess with the car. You could break something, and this isn't just any car—it's a pure imported Ferrari. It's worth over eight million, and if you chip the paint, it could cost you tens of thousands, if not more!"

"Eh, really? I had no idea." Du Chen turned around, his surprise evident. He hadn't expected Wang Xue to secure such a pricey vehicle for him.

"Oh my god, it's actually a Ferrari. I didn't even realize it before!" Lingling exclaimed, dashing over to the car. "Quick, Ai, snap a photo of me!"

Ai was equally thrilled; who doesn't love a luxury car, especially a top-tier supercar like a Ferrari?

The two women alternated taking photos, but the lighting was never quite right, leaving them dissatisfied.

Lingling, refusing to blame herself for the poor photos, lashed out at Du Chen, who was standing nearby. "Get out of the way! Are you blind? You're such a nuisance! What, you think by touching the car it becomes yours? Ridiculous!"

"I actually need to get going," Du Chen replied, his voice flat, as Lau Yixiang tugged him aside.

"Where to? Let me give you a lift," Lau Yixiang offered, patting her car. "I've got room."

Before Du Chen could politely decline, Lingling approached with impatience. "Oh, sorry about that, Du Chen. A girlfriend of mine is coming soon, so there's no room for you. You wouldn't want to take a seat from a girl, would you?"

"Definitely not," Du Chen responded coolly.

"Haha, glad to hear it," Lingling replied dismissively before turning to Ai with excitement. "Let's hang around here a bit longer. If the owner of the Ferrari shows up, I'm definitely going to get his contact info and ask him out!"

Ai, caught up in the moment, mused, "If only I could sit inside the car for a while."

Du Chen chuckled, "Sorry, Ai, let's raincheck, okay? I'm really swamped today. I've got to head out."

Ai blinked, taken aback, "I... did I even say anything to you?"

Lingling let out a cold laugh, her voice dripping with scorn, "Mr. Du, could you please spare us the lame pickup lines? We're not Lin Ying'er, that fool. We're not going to fall for a deadbeat like you."

"See that Ferrari over there? Our minimum standard for a partner is owning a car like that. Ai and Xiangxiang are even more beautiful than I am, so naturally, their 'price' is higher. Don't be a delusional toad lusting after swan meat. Just scurry on back home!"

Lau Yixiang and Ai both thought Lingling's comments were a bit much and gave Du Chen apologetic glances.

Du Chen just shrugged, "Alright, I'm off then."

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