The Billionaire's Cinderella/C14 I Heard That You Were Fired!
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The Billionaire's Cinderella/C14 I Heard That You Were Fired!
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C14 I Heard That You Were Fired!

"Hey, Du Chen, why don't you hop in my car? We can all squeeze in; it's no big deal," Lau Yixiang offered, unable to stand by any longer.

"Hehe, sorry, I'm just not one for crowding with others. If certain people really want to leave, they should just get a move on. And let's skip the low-brow tactics, shall we?" Lingling rolled her eyes, not even giving Du Chen a glance.

Du Chen simply nodded, unfazed, and pulled out his keys to unlock the Ferrari before sliding into the driver's seat.

Ai and Lau Yixiang stood there, mouths agape.

The Ferrari belonged to Du Chen?

Meanwhile, Lingling, who hadn't bothered to watch Du Chen, missed him getting into the Ferrari and was about to throw another taunt his way.


The roar of the engine startled Lingling.

She was ready to hurl insults, but upon realizing it was the sound of the Ferrari, she held back her anger, exclaiming with excitement, "Oh my god, the owner's back! Listen, Ai, that's what a supercar sounds like. The engine's roar is absolutely thrilling!"

"Should we go ask for his contact info? Ai, you wanted a photo inside, right? With the two of us beauties here, the owner's bound to say yes."

"Uh, looks like it's a two-seater... No worries, we can squeeze in. Just imagine how cool it'll be!"

Ai and Lau Yixiang remained rooted to the spot.

Lingling, buzzing with excitement, dashed over and provocatively undid a button at her chest before bending over to knock on the car window. "Hey, handsome."

The window slid down slowly to reveal Du Chen's face. He offered a smile and said, "Sorry, I've really got an urgent matter to attend to. Plus, I'm not keen on squeezing in with others."


The car thundered away, blasting out of the underground garage and leaving a gust of wind in its wake that flipped Lingling's skirt up, exposing her.

Normally, Lingling would have launched into a tirade, but this time, she stood there, face frozen in shock. Only after the car vanished did she let out an incredulous shout, "Du Chen! Was that Du Chen in the car? Am I seeing things?"

Lau Yixiang and Ai exchanged a look, confirming that Lingling wasn't hallucinating, and feeling quite awkward about the whole situation.

What does it mean to have eyes but fail to recognize Mount Tai?

They were the epitome of that saying!

Just moments ago, they fretted over Du Chen potentially scratching someone's car and even labeled him a freeloader.

Their faces were a vivid red from the metaphorical slap of reality. The two women were visibly mortified!

But the most embarrassed of all was Lingling, who, in a huff, stamped her foot: "Seriously, Du Chen? You can afford a Ferrari, yet you play the part of a pauper? I'm kicking myself now. If I had cozied up to him more in that private room, I might have snagged a joyride in that car!"

"No way, he must have borrowed that car. We're at the Golden Age Entertainment Center, for crying out loud. Maybe the car belongs to the boss, and he's just the chauffeur—or worse, what if he stole it?"

Rejected by Du Chen to her face, Lingling was seething, her malicious guesses a thin veil for her bruised ego.

Yet, the regret and discontent were plainly etched on her face for all to see.

As for Ai, claiming she had no regrets was clearly a front. Unlike the others, she refrained from wild speculations and simply slipped into the BMW in silence.

Lau Yixiang discreetly pulled out her phone, having noted the license plate earlier. She intended to ask a friend to find out who really owned the car.

She wasn't one to judge by wealth, but if Du Chen was indeed loaded, perhaps he could be a lifeline for her family's financial woes.

Meanwhile, Du Chen was speeding to his mother-in-law's shop, having heard that Zhao Sheng was there discussing a business matter.

Du Chen found it odd. Why was Zhao Sheng still poking his nose into affairs after being fired?

Elsewhere, Lu Feng had arrived at Wang Kui's Eastern Shower City with a group of classmates.

His father had made his fortune with Wang Kui's assistance and had been quite generous with him, so Lu Feng was no stranger to Mr. Kui.

Sitting before Wang Kui, Lu Feng pleaded through tears, "Mr. Kui, I'm begging you to help me. My injuries may have come from Golden Age Entertainment, but it's all because Du Chen set me up. I'm hoping to borrow a couple of your guys to give him the comeuppance he deserves!"

Wang Kui furrowed his brow. "I'm in the midst of cleaning up my act. Stirring up trouble now could lead to a mess I'd rather avoid."

"Why not bring the guy here? Once you see how insufferable he is, you'll agree he needs to be put in his place. Plus, my dad has been more than generous with you. Surely you won't refuse to lend a hand with something so trivial?" Lu Feng implored, with a hint of challenge in his tone.

"You think provocation is going to work on me?" Wang Kui's face was a mask of icy disdain. "Kid, you're out of your depth trying to play games with me. If it weren't for the respect I have for your father, you'd already be regretting it!"

Having seen blood and taken lives, Wang Kui's intimidating presence had Lu Feng immediately kneeling, overwhelmed with fear.

"Hmph, you're a disgrace. You've shamed your father. Bring the man here, and let Hei Zi and the crew give you a hand. After that, we go our separate ways," Wang Kui declared before striding away.

"Take care, Mr. Kui," Lu Feng called out, kneeling respectfully, yet seething with rage. "Du Chen, you've made a fool of me. Just wait and see how I'll settle the score with you!"

At Zhou's Jade Shop.

Du Chen pulled up in his Ferrari and noticed the lively conversation among the shop's patrons.

"Mom, Ying'er, I've arrived," Du Chen announced, entering the shop with a composed air.

Zhou Yali shot up from her seat, her face contorted with displeasure. "What are you doing here? Scram! You're not welcome!"

Lin Ying'er's brow creased slightly as she quickly approached, whispering, "What brings you here? Is your head still hurting?"

Du Chen's forehead bore a faint scar, painless now, but he was puzzled. "Weren't you the one who called me?"

At the Golden Age Entertainment Center, Du Chen had indeed received a text from Lin Ying'er, urging him to come over quickly.

Yet Lin Ying'er appeared bewildered, while Zhao Sheng rose with a chuckle, "No need to question it. I used Ying'er's phone to summon him. Chatting among ourselves was growing dull. Let's see if he can liven things up a bit."

"Come on over here, I've got to give a proper introduction to Mr. Liu. This guy right here is the one and only Du Chen, the man who married our goddess, Lin Ying'er, and became the famous son-in-law. Hahaha!"

Liu Xiong, a jade merchant, rose to his feet, his shifty triangular eyes appraising Du Chen before he sneered, "Much obliged, Mr. Du."

Du Chen arched an eyebrow. "Obliged? I don't recall us ever meeting."

Zhou Yali chimed in, equally astonished, "Mr. Liu, you're acquainted with my worthless son-in-law?"

"No, it's my first time laying eyes on him. But I must thank Mr. Du for showing me the epitome of a despicable man. I've spent years surrounded by the likes of the young and talented Zhao Sheng, and the immensely powerful elites!" Liu Xiong's voice dripped with disdain.

Du Chen's expression darkened instantly. Anyone who associated with Zhao Sheng was clearly no good.

Lin Ying'er was mortified, while Zhou Yali didn't hold back, "Du Chen, get out of here! You're not welcome. Where's security?"

The staff at the Jade Shop shared the disdain for Du Chen and didn't hesitate to shoo him away.

But Du Chen didn't budge. Instead, he shoved past the two security guards blocking his path and fixed his gaze on a smug Zhao Sheng. "I heard you got the boot. Any truth to that?"

Zhao Sheng banged on the table, leaping to his feet, "Nonsense! I'm the thriving CEO of a public company. Are you just green with envy because you're not as wealthy? Spreading rumors, huh? Let me tell you, no matter what you say today, I'm living a better, more fulfilling life than you ever could!"

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