The Billionaire's Cinderella/C17 Who Is the Big Shot?
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The Billionaire's Cinderella/C17 Who Is the Big Shot?
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C17 Who Is the Big Shot?

Lu Feng's face twisted in anger as he bellowed, "Who the hell do you think you are to even utter Mr. Kui's name?"

The blonde who had led the group in turned icy. "Kid, you clearly don't get the picture. If they lay into you, you'll just get roughed up a bit. But if you keep pushing and I have to step in, you're a dead man!"

There was a deadly seriousness to the blonde's demeanor that suggested he'd taken lives before, sending a chill through the onlookers.

Du Chen's so-called classmates, having shaken off their initial shock, now sneered at him with derision.

"Seriously, why bother? Isn't life good enough as it is?"

"For us, sure, but for a pathetic loser, life's probably worse than death. Didn't Yan Zi say Du Chen's stuck at home doing chores all day and getting yelled at and hit?"

"What an embarrassment. If I had a son like that, I'd have put him out of his misery long ago!"

The crowd chattered away, casting disdainful glances at Du Chen.

Some winced in pain as they accidentally brushed against their facial wounds, their composure slipping into disarray.

Du Chen observed their scornful behavior before fixing his stare on the blonde. "Do you speak for Wang Kui?"

The blonde approached with a sneer, toying with a dagger. He lunged at Du Chen, aiming for his face with the blade.

Du Chen's pupils dilated as he swiftly stepped back, narrowly avoiding the slash.

The blonde erupted into mocking laughter. "Idiot! You've got the nerve to challenge me but no guts to back it up? You're nothing. I could drown you with a single spit!"

The onlookers roared with laughter, treating Du Chen with the same amusement one might show a performing monkey.

Lee Yan's voice dripped with contempt. "Du Chen, we didn't really want to hassle you. But you had the nerve to show up at our dinner. And when it was time to settle the bill, you bolted faster than anyone. You didn't stand with us when it counted, and you don't have the decency of a man. Don't you think you owe us an apology for the trouble you've caused?"

Du Chen responded with detachment, "I didn't eat any."

Fatty let out a scornful laugh. "That just makes you an even bigger idiot. You pass up something that good, what's wrong with your brain? And whether or not you ate, the fact that those guys didn't lay a hand on you means you must've been up to something. It just shows you're a lousy person!"

"And let's not forget, even if you did nothing, it's obvious that your wife's lover is the CEO of Golden Age Entertainment. A word from you, or maybe asking your wife to spend a night with the CEO, could've spared us all this trouble. Why couldn't you have pleaded with her, for old times' sake?"

This vile sentiment surprisingly garnered nods of agreement from many classmates. They all glared at Du Chen with resentment. It was Lu Feng's fault they got beaten, yet they were pinning all the blame on Du Chen.

"There's no helping you people," Du Chen said icily, pulling out his phone to call Wang Xue. "I'm at Dajong Foot Wash City. Tell Wang Kui—"


The yellow-haired man slapped Du Chen's phone away and swung at his face. "You think you can call the cops? I'll kill you!"

Du Chen quickly stepped back, evading the punch, and countered with a fierce blow to the yellow-haired man's face.

"You son of a—" The yellow-haired man hadn't expected Du Chen to dodge and felt humiliated, but before he could react, a fist was rapidly closing in on him.

With a brutal left hook, Du Chen knocked the yellow-haired man to the ground, then surveyed the room with an icy glare.

He had been patient for Lin Ying'er's sake, but that didn't mean he was a pushover. In his younger days in the countryside, Du Chen was a wild kid, strong from his adventures in the hills and rivers.

The yellow-haired man saw stars as he lay on the ground, unable to rise.

The onlookers were taken aback, not expecting Du Chen to be so fierce.

For a moment, they were all dumbfounded.

Meanwhile, Wang Kui was lounging on a sofa with a stunning woman, holding the contract that named him CEO. He boasted smugly, "It pays to back the right horse. Good thing I'm well-connected and quick on the uptake. The moment I learned that a bigwig's offspring was in little old Boross City, I latched onto him. How else could I have cleared my name so effortlessly?"

The beauty playfully purred, "Mr. Kui, you're truly impressive!"

"Hahaha, you haven't seen anything yet. I'll make sure you're thoroughly pleased!" Wang Kui boomed with laughter as he swept the woman off her feet, heading to the bedroom for some fun.

But just then, his phone rang.

Wang Kui scowled and snatched it up, growling, "This had better be good, or someone's going to pay dearly!"

The icy voice of Wang Xue came through, "Mr. Du has arrived at your foot spa. Hustle down there and greet him!"

At her words, Wang Kui's heart skipped a beat, and he quickly plastered on an obsequious smile, "Right away, right away, I'm on it."

The beauty at his side pouted, "Who is this, demanding such a fuss? Can't it wait until after we've had our fun?"


Wang Kui delivered a stinging slap to the woman, "Wench, out of my way... No, scratch that. Round up some gorgeous girls, strip them down, and bring them to my bedroom. They'll be entertaining Mr. Du shortly!"

With that, Wang Kui hurried downstairs.

Meanwhile, the blond man who had been knocked out came to, shaking his head in a mix of confusion and rage, and pointed at Du Chen, bellowing, "Attack him! Beat him senseless!"

His lackeys closed in with malicious grins.

Lu Feng backed away, taunting, "Idiot, picking a fight with Brother Huang!"

Lee Yan and the rest thought Du Chen had lost his mind, daring to start a brawl in this place.

Du Chen, seeing the encroaching crowd, quickly grabbed a wine bottle from the floor, holding it defensively as he eyed his surroundings.

Just then, Wang Kui descended from upstairs.

He seized the blond by the collar, barking, "Where's the young master?"

The blond was dazed, "Mr. Kui, what young master? I'm clueless."

"Didn't a young man come by just now? He's a VIP!" Wang Kui pressed, frantic.

The blond glanced nervously at Du Chen and stammered, "What... what does this young man look like?"

But Lu Feng was certain it couldn't be Du Chen and blurted out, "Mr. Kui, I'd stake my life on it, there's been no VIP here. If there was, he'd be nothing more than a spineless son-in-law."

Wang Kui furrowed his brow and glanced at Du Chen, quickly deducing that he wasn't any kind of big shot. Shaking his head, he commanded, "Get everyone outside to welcome me!"

The blonde was puzzled but didn't dare to question the order.

Lu Feng attempted to intervene, knowing that Du Chen's issue remained unresolved, but a stern look from Wang Kui silenced him before he could speak.

As luck would have it, the blonde passed over an electric baton with a menacing glare. Lu Feng sneered and, taking the baton in hand, approached Du Chen. "Kid, you've only got yourself to blame for your arrogance. You brought this on yourself!"

Meanwhile, Wang Kui, leading a group, strode past Du Chen without so much as a glance in his direction.

Du Chen let out a sigh. "Wang Kui, helping you clear your name was the biggest mistake of my life."

At those words, Wang Kui, who had been marching forward with vigor, came to an abrupt halt, his face a portrait of disbelief.

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