The Billionaire's Cinderella/C18 Broken Jade!
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The Billionaire's Cinderella/C18 Broken Jade!
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C18 Broken Jade!

"Du Chen, if I can't get into the hospital today, I'm taking your last name!" Lu Feng snarled, brandishing the electric baton menacingly at Du Chen.

Du Chen?

Mr. Du?

Shock painted Wang Kui's face. Seeing Lu Feng jab the baton at Du Chen, he bellowed and shoved the blond guy forward, then lunged himself.


The baton connected with the blond's waist, sending him into violent spasms before he collapsed to the ground, twitching uncontrollably.

Wang Kui was already on the move, landing a punch that shattered Lu Feng's nose, sending him sprawling. He then planted his foot firmly on Lu Feng's face.

Lu Feng's howls of agony filled the air as blood gushed from his broken nose, creating a gruesome sight.

The onlookers were petrified, clueless about what had just unfolded.

Wang Kui turned to Du Chen with a tense expression. "Are you Mr. Du?"

Du Chen offered a chilly smile. "Let's put the company matters on hold. I don't think you're quite ready yet."

At those words, Wang Kui immediately recognized Du Chen's identity, as he had just been briefed on a company issue known only to him.

"Mr. Du..." Wang Kui rushed after Du Chen.

At that moment, Lee Yan ran up, clutching Wang Kui's arm in desperation. "Mr. Kui, what did Mr. Lu do to deserve such a harsh response?"

Wang Kui, unable to shake off Lee Yan, watched Du Chen leave the footbath establishment. In a swift turn, he struck Lee Yan across the face. "Whore, out of my way!"

Lee Yan hit the ground with a wail, her hand clasping her reddened cheek in terror.

Wang Kui's icy stare swept over the others, who were similarly stricken with fear. He then coldly commanded, "Anyone who came with Lu Feng, beat them senseless!"

The students were horrified, especially Fatty, who stammered, "I... I don't even know Lu Feng. I just came for a footbath!"

The rest nodded in frantic agreement.

Wang Kui let out a contemptuous laugh. "I despise traitors the most. If you claim not to know Lu Feng, then you can all go to hell!"

Du Chen's unfortunate classmates unleashed a torrent of pleas for mercy, yet none could dodge the second thrashing that came their way.

As his henchmen doled out the punishment, Wang Kui rushed out in a panic. Spotting Du Chen smoking nearby, he quickly approached and bowed deeply in apology. "Mr. Du, I admit my fault. Please, punish me however you see fit. Just don't revoke my ownership of the company—it's my only shot!"

Du Chen took a drag on his cigarette, his demeanor cool and detached. "If you're as tough as you claim, why seek my aid?"

Wang Kui's face stiffened, then he forced a wry smile. "I've hit a dead end in the underworld. Whether I advance or stand still, the slightest misstep could get me killed."

"I don't want to die or get caught. So I'm begging for your leniency, Mr. Du. Give me a chance to start over. I swear, from this day forward, I'll steer clear of any illegal activities!"

Du Chen let out a scornful laugh. "Your assurances are as good as flatulence to me."

Silence fell over Wang Kui, his face hardening before he suddenly dropped to one knee. "I, Wang Kui, am ready to follow you, Mr. Du, for life. All I ask is for a chance to survive."

Du Chen wasn't the strongest out there; Wang Kui could easily summon a mob to take him down. But the repercussions would be more than Wang Kui could handle, even with a dozen lives to spare.

Everyone fears death, especially those who've savored the world's pleasures, like Wang Kui, who had it all and wanted to keep it that way.

He had finally found an opportunity to turn over a new leaf, and Du Chen had the power to ensure he wouldn't face repercussions from those above. Pride be damned, he was determined to grab this chance!

Du Chen's gaze softened as he looked at Wang Kui, still kneeling. "Get up. I hope you're not deceiving me. If you are, the consequences will be far grimmer than you can imagine."

Wang Kui felt a shiver run through him and bowed his head even more submissively.

Du Chen had given Wang Kui a stern talking-to. Casting a glance at the so-called classmates wailing and pleading inside the foot bath parlor, especially Fatty, who was plastered against the glass door with a look of desperation, he strode off without a backward glance.

A bunch of fools—they brought it on themselves!

Returning to the office of Golden Age Entertainment under the cover of night, Du Chen found Wang Xue waiting for him.

"Something up? Oh, did my mother-in-law stop by?" Du Chen inquired, puzzled.

"Yes, she did. She waited quite a while before leaving. Also, you left the 'Love of the Emperor' bracelet at the western restaurant. I took the liberty of wrapping it up and had your mother-in-law take it with her," Wang Xue reported with deference.

Du Chen paused, then smacked his forehead in realization. It was the Emperor Green Jade Bracelet he had intended to present to Lin Ying'er at Creekside Bistro, but Zhao Sheng's interruption had made him forget.

"Alright, thank you." Du Chen nodded, settled into a chair, and began to read a book intently.

He had been self-educating in business for years, initially hoping to lend a hand with his mother-in-law's shop. Now that he had his own assets, he dedicated himself to his studies with even greater zeal.

Wang Xue came over to offer a massage. Du Chen thought to refuse, but her touch was so soothing and gentle that he found himself unwilling to turn her away and let her continue.

Meanwhile, Lin Ying'er was unwrapping the beautifully packaged gift box under Zhou Yali's watchful and eager eyes.

A stunning jade bracelet came into view, leaving both women in awe.

Zhou Yali gasped, her eyes sparkling with excitement. "My goodness, isn't this the famed 'Love of the Emperor' emerald bracelet? I've read about it online—it's a unique masterpiece crafted by the renowned Master Xuan Jizi, priceless and without equal in the world!"

"I always said the owner of Golden Age Entertainment is good to you. Look how generous he is!"

Lin Ying'er, aware that her mother dealt in jade, knew she couldn't be mistaken about such an item. Her breathing quickened. "Mom, could there have been a mix-up? Why would he give something like this to us?"

As she was talking, a card tumbled out of the box. Zhou Yali snatched it up, her face lighting up with delight. "Silly girl, there's no mistake here. Just read what it says: 'A gift for my dearest Lin Ying'er in this lifetime.' Plus, it came directly from the CEO's secretary—there's no doubt about it!"

"You should realize that in Boross City, only Golden Age Entertainment holds the clout to secure such gifts. They've given it to you, so just accept it. We're about to strike it rich! Now, hurry up and divorce that good-for-nothing Du Chen. You might just snag a wealthy husband in no time!"

Lin Ying'er furrowed her brow, "I..."

*Ring ring ring!*

Her phone erupted with the sudden ringtone. It was Han Zhuang, the general manager of the modeling agency. She answered hastily, "Mr. Han, is there something you need?"

"Something I need from you? Do you even remember what tomorrow is? Are you still interested in your job? Get back to the office and finish your planning. If you don't have a plan ready by tomorrow, you can kiss your job goodbye!" Han Zhuang's voice was thick with fury as he berated her, then abruptly ended the call.

He had previously made unwanted advances towards Lin Ying'er, and her lack of response had left him frustrated and increasingly hostile.

Lin Ying'er's complexion drained of color. "This is bad, Mom. I totally forgot that tomorrow is the model selection for the Boross City Jewelry Exhibition, and my plan isn't finished yet!"

Zhou Yali felt the urgency too, knowing well that Lin Ying'er's job paid handsomely. She quickly ushered her daughter out the door, yet slyly pocketed the bracelet for herself.

She rationalized that she might never have the chance to wear such a fine piece again. Her daughter wasn't in immediate need of it, so what was the harm in borrowing it for a couple of days?

But to her horror, as soon as Zhou Yali slipped on the bracelet and gave a slight flick of her wrist, it slipped off—her wrist was too slender—and the bracelet hit the floor, shattering.

Panic seized Zhou Yali, her legs turning to jelly, at a loss for how to face her daughter.

Then it struck her—Du Chen!

Ying'er had been adamant about not divorcing Du Chen. This was the perfect moment to pin the blame on him. She could clear her own name and, in the process, force the couple to part ways!

A sly smirk spread across Zhou Yali's face as she swiftly tucked the jade bracelet back into its box. She whipped out her phone and shot off a message to Du Chen: "You good-for-nothing, I left my daughter's gift at home. Get back here now and deliver it to the office, pronto!"

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