The Billionaire's Cinderella/C19 General Manager
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The Billionaire's Cinderella/C19 General Manager
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C19 General Manager

Du Chen didn't overthink the message from his mother-in-law. Turning down Wang Xue's offer for a ride, he borrowed an electric scooter to head home, picked up the resealed gift box, and made his way to the modeling agency.

Zhou Yali, keen on avoiding suspicion, remained hidden, deliberately sending a message to Lin Ying'er to stir the pot: "I've sent that good-for-nothing to deliver the bracelet to you. Make sure you check it when it arrives. We can't have that fool damaging it."

Unaware of the scheme, Du Chen arrived at the modeling agency with the box in hand, noticing from a distance that only Lin Ying'er's office was still lit.

He strode into the building undetected, as the security guards were fast asleep.

Approaching Lin Ying'er's office, Du Chen was startled by her voice, firm and resistant, "Mr. Han, mind your language. I am merely an employee, not someone to be involved with you in any other way."

Mr. Han? Du Chen's brow furrowed. Was this the same man who had harassed Lin Ying'er with inappropriate messages?

His expression darkened.

Then came the sneering voice of Han Zhuang, "Ying'er, you've got it all wrong. I just pity you for being tied to such a wimp. Isn't it exhausting, having to rush out late for work, while your pathetic husband can't even lift a finger to help?"

Lin Ying'er, harboring similar thoughts, sighed deeply, "Regardless, he's still my husband. I am a married woman, Mr. Han. Please, show some respect."

Annoyed, Han Zhuang retorted sharply, "Married woman, my foot! If that spineless husband of yours shows up, I'll..."


The office door flew open as Du Chen entered, his face stern, "Are you alright?"

Startled, Han Zhuang saw the unfamiliar man and cautiously inquired, "Who are you?"

"You have three seconds to apologize to Ying'er and leave, or you'll find out if anyone here can protect you before I take action," Du Chen demanded, his voice icy.

Han Zhuang, inherently a coward, cowered at Du Chen's menacing demeanor, quickly attempting to defuse the situation with a nervous chuckle, "Lin Ying'er, my apologies. I was only kidding around."

Han Zhuang was about to slink away when Lin Ying'er, taken aback by Du Chen's intensity, asked in surprise, "Du Chen? How did you know I was at the company? Did you need something from me?"

Du Chen's face softened as he turned to Lin Ying'er. "Mom asked me to bring you a gift. Do you like the bracelet inside?" he asked gently.

Lin Ying'er, however, misinterpreted his simple question as an accusation.

Considering the gift was from another man, and not just any gift but one fraught with romantic implications like 'the love of an emperor', especially since the boss of Golden Age Entertainment had once made a grand gesture of affection by inviting Lin Ying'er to dine at his restaurant!

Feeling her cheeks warm, Lin Ying'er replied with an awkward tinge, "You've got it all wrong. Maybe it was a mix-up at Golden Age Entertainment."

Before Du Chen could respond, Han Zhuang, who had been nearby, halted in his tracks and barked with a scowl, "Damn, you were so intimidating a moment ago, I was actually frightened. So you're the infamous Du Chen, the good-for-nothing. I was right all along. The boss of Golden Age Entertainment not only tries to woo your wife with a restaurant date but also sends her gifts, and here you are, delivering them yourself. This is just too funny!"

The words "Golden Age Entertainment" were indeed emblazoned on the gift box, leaving Du Chen at a loss for words, puzzled by Wang Xue's choice of packaging.

With a sneer, Han Zhuang turned to Lin Ying'er, "It's pitiful that you're stuck with such a loser. Better get rid of that plan fast, or don't blame me for firing you. Then you and your husband can go fend for yourselves!"

After delivering his piece, Han Zhuang stormed off.

Du Chen looked displeased, but Lin Ying'er was seething, "Could you please stop coming to my company? Isn't it humiliating enough?"

"I'm sorry," Du Chen said, genuinely not intending to cause Lin Ying'er any distress.

"Sorry is all you ever say. If you really understood your mistake, you'd be out there striving to make it right!" Lin Ying'er was fed up with Du Chen's attitude. She believed that a man might lack talent, but without the will to learn and strive, he was nothing but a waste.

Du Chen offered a wry smile. He wanted to express that he had been diligently studying all along, but he knew voicing it would be futile. With a sigh, he turned and exited the office.

He didn't actually leave; instead, he stationed himself at the doorway, standing guard for Lin Ying'er to ward off any potential return by Han Zhuang.

Initially, Lin Ying'er suspected Du Chen was merely trying to curry favor with her, so she kept her head down and focused on her work. But during moments when she felt overwhelmed and on the verge of dozing off, the sight of Du Chen's upright figure, seemingly engrossed in a book, stirred a sense of gratitude within her.

Dawn broke.

Lin Ying'er had wrapped up her work at last. She saved the proposal and glanced at Du Chen, who had just come back with breakfast, and then at the gift box next to her. With a hint of detachment, she remarked, "Today is the model selection for the jewelry conference catwalk. As a renowned designer, Master Xuan Jizi will be in attendance. I'll take the opportunity to personally return this gift."

The present was from Golden Age Entertainment, but Lin Ying'er thought it would be too awkward—and potentially face-losing—to give it back directly to the sender. It could lead to bad blood if the giver took offense.

It seemed more tactful to hand it over to Xuan Jizi, claiming it was a delivery error. This way, everyone's dignity remained intact.

Du Chen hesitated. "Are you sure? It was given to you, after all. Why not keep it? It seems to suit you well."

Lin Ying'er had been about to bite into a bun when Du Chen's suggestion to keep the gift caught her off guard. Then it dawned on her—he must be aware of the item's immense value and was reluctant to part with it.

Such a hopeless case!

"Forget it, I've lost my appetite!" Lin Ying'er's hunger vanished, and with a clatter of her chopsticks, she stormed off.

Du Chen was left bewildered, unsure of his misstep. However, he soon received a message from Wang Xue: Xuan Jizi had extended an invitation for Du Chen to attend the model selection at the jewelry exhibition.

Preferring not to reveal his identity in such a public manner, Du Chen declined without hesitation.

After leaving Lin Ying'er's company, Du Chen was met with the infuriating sight of his vandalized electric bike. His anger flared instantly.

He had borrowed that car!

Without a second thought, he knew Han Zhuang was behind it. That scoundrel had the audacity to harass Lin Ying'er with messages before, and Du Chen hadn't even had the chance to confront him about it. It was high time for a lesson.

Du Chen hailed a cab and headed back to Golden Age Entertainment. He promptly compensated an employee for a new electric scooter, then sought out Wang Xue. "Check the assets of Viza's owner for me," he instructed. "I want to acquire everything. Our company needs to expand into the modeling industry."

Wang Xue got right on it, while the old butler approached Du Chen with advice. "Young Master, the upcoming jewelry exhibition is pivotal for Boross City's luxury market. Even if you don't attend, I recommend watching the live stream."

"Fine, set it up for me," Du Chen agreed. "I want to gauge the models' professionalism. Any that don't measure up will be cut immediately."

The butler presented a pair of VR glasses. "Try these, the latest innovation from our tech subsidiary."

Slipping on the glasses, Du Chen was transported to the model auditions, the experience so vivid it was as if he were actually there. "Impressive," he commented, pleased. But as he looked around, he spotted Zhao Sheng, Liu Xiong, and Mr. Dragon, who had left Golden Age Entertainment, acting suspiciously in the audience.

Du Chen's brow furrowed. "Can I listen in on their conversation?"

"That's not possible," the butler replied, "but you can remotely command someone on-site to eavesdrop. All security personnel are aware you're watching and will comply with your orders without question." He spoke with utmost respect.

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